# High-level Goals - modrinth mod searching - modrinth mod installation - curseforge api too? - per-instance mod management - mod updating - fish autocomplete - bash autocomplete - zsh autocomplete - nushell autocomplete - manpage Long-term/host-dependent: - conflict resolution - dependency resolution - shaderpack and resource pack management - integrate into multimc or theseus - graphical frontend (w/ notifications?) [Modrinth REST API docs](https://github.com/modrinth/labrinth/wiki/API-Documentation) # File Architecture ```bash - .config/hopper/config.toml # Main config file - .local/share/multimc/instances/*/.minecraft/Hopfile.toml # Multimc - .minecraft/Hopfile.toml # Official launcher - .var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/.minecraft/Hopfile.toml # Flatpak version - .cache/hopper/ # Mod cache | - hopper.lock # Lock file | - mod1.jar # Mods | - mod2.jar +------------- - ... ``` # Usage (Planned) Create `Hopfile.toml` in your instance directory: ``` hopper init ``` Add mods: ``` hopper add iris hopper add sodium hopper add phosphor ``` Check for mod updates: ``` hopper update ``` # Docs (Planned) ## `hopper init` ``` hopper init < --dir=./path/to/instance > ``` Inits in current directory if `dir` is left out, otherwise inits in given dir. ## `hopper update` ``` hopper update < --mc-version=1.17 > ``` Updates all installed mods of a specific version, or a version set in the config. ## `hopper add` ``` $ hopper add sodium --mc-version 1.17 4 Indium 1.0.0+mc1.17.1 [1.17.1] (21557 downloads) Sodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API, based on Indigo 3 Reese's Sodium Options 1.2.1 [1.16.5] (548 downloads) Alternative Options Menu for Sodium 2 Sodium Extra mc1.17.1-0.3.6 [1.17.1] (16387 downloads) Features that shouldn't be in Sodium. 1 Sodium mc1.17.1-0.3.2 [1.17.1] (962361 downloads) Modern rendering engine and client-side optimization mod for Minecraft :: Select a mod :: ... ``` - configurable mod search results like [Starship](https://starship.rs) - pad mod indices based on largest number - option in config to reverse sorting order - add parameter to restrict target Minecraft version - manually pick out Minecraft version - square colored creeper face progress indicator (from top-left clockwise spiral in) ## `hopper get` Just like `hopper add` but simply downloads a mod jar to the current directory.