# Copyright (c) 2023–2024 Emma Tebibyte # Copyright (c) 2023–2024 DTB # Copyright (c) 2023 Sasha Koshka # SPDX-License-Identifier: FSFAP # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are # permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this # notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. .POSIX: .PRAGMA: posix_202x # future POSIX standard support à la pdpmake(1) .PRAGMA: command_comment # breaks without this? PREFIX=/usr/local CC?=cc RUSTC?=rustc RUSTLIBS=--extern getopt=build/o/libgetopt.rlib \ --extern sysexits=build/o/libsysexits.rlib \ --extern strerror=build/o/libstrerror.rlib .PHONY: all all: dj false fop hru intcmp rpn scrut str strcmp true build: # keep build/include until bindgen(1) has stdin support # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen/issues/2703 mkdir -p build/bin build/include build/lib build/o build/test .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf build/ dist/ dist: all mkdir -p dist/bin dist/share/man/man1 cp build/bin/* dist/bin/ cp docs/*.1 dist/share/man/man1/ .PHONY: install install: dist mkdir -p $(PREFIX) cp -r dist/* $(PREFIX)/ .PHONY: test test: build tests/posix-compat.sh $(RUSTC) --test src/getopt-rs/lib.rs -o build/test/getopt .PHONY: rustlibs rustlibs: build/o/libsysexits.rlib build/o/libgetopt.rlib \ build/o/libstrerror.rlib build/o/libgetopt.rlib: build src/getopt-rs/lib.rs $(RUSTC) $(RUSTFLAGS) --crate-type=lib --crate-name=getopt \ -o $@ src/getopt-rs/lib.rs build/o/libstrerror.rlib: build src/strerror.rs $(RUSTC) $(RUSTFLAGS) --crate-type=lib -o $@ \ src/strerror.rs build/o/libsysexits.rlib: build include/sysexits.h # bandage solution until bindgen(1) gets stdin support printf '#define EXIT_FAILURE 1\n' | cat - include/sysexits.h \ > build/include/sysexits.h bindgen --default-macro-constant-type signed --use-core --formatter=none \ "$$(printf '#include \n' \ | cpp -M -idirafter "build/include" - \ | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep sysexits.h)" \ | $(RUSTC) $(RUSTFLAGS) --crate-type lib -o $@ - .PHONY: dj dj: build/bin/dj build/bin/dj: src/dj.c build $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ src/dj.c .PHONY: false false: build/bin/false build/bin/false: src/false.c build $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ src/false.c .PHONY: fop fop: build/bin/fop build/bin/fop: src/fop.rs build rustlibs $(RUSTC) $(RUSTFLAGS) $(RUSTLIBS) -o $@ src/fop.rs .PHONY: hru hru: build/bin/hru build/bin/hru: src/hru.rs build rustlibs $(RUSTC) $(RUSTFLAGS) $(RUSTLIBS) -o $@ src/hru.rs .PHONY: intcmp intcmp: build/bin/intcmp build/bin/intcmp: src/intcmp.c build $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ src/intcmp.c .PHONY: rpn rpn: build/bin/rpn build/bin/rpn: src/rpn.rs build rustlibs $(RUSTC) $(RUSTFLAGS) $(RUSTLIBS) -o $@ src/rpn.rs .PHONY: scrut scrut: build/bin/scrut build/bin/scrut: src/scrut.c build $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ src/scrut.c .PHONY: str str: build/bin/str build/bin/str: src/str.c build $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ src/str.c .PHONY: strcmp strcmp: build/bin/strcmp build/bin/strcmp: src/strcmp.c build $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ src/strcmp.c .PHONY: true true: build/bin/true build/bin/true: src/true.c build $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ src/true.c