kiss-new: Polish

This commit is contained in:
Dylan Araps 2019-07-03 16:43:46 +03:00
parent 83b206f05a
commit d7ca9adc75

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@ -41,9 +41,10 @@ pkg_lint() {
cd "$pkg_location" || die "'$pkg_location' not accessible"
[ -f sources ] || die "Sources file not found."
[ -x build ] || die "Build file not found or not executable."
[ -s version ] || die "Version file not found or empty."
[ -f sources ] || die "[$1]: Sources file not found."
[ -x build ] || die "[$1]: Build file not found or not executable."
[ -s version ] || die "[$1]: Version file not found or empty."
[ -f checksums ] || die "[$1]: Checksums file not found."
# Ensure that the release field in the version file is set
# to something.
@ -410,27 +411,6 @@ pkg_build() {
for pkg; do pkg_lint "$pkg"; done
for pkg; do
# Find the package's repository files. This needs to keep
# happening as we can't store this data in any kind of data
# structure.
repo_dir=$(pkg_search "$pkg")
# Ensure that checksums exist prior to building the package.
[ -f "$repo_dir/checksums" ] || {
log "[$pkg]: Checksums are missing."
# Instead of dying above, log it to the terminal. Also define a
# variable so we *can* die after all checksum files have been
# checked.
no_checkums="$no_checkums$pkg "
# Die here as packages without checksums were found above.
[ "$no_checkums" ] &&
die "Run '$kiss checksum ${no_checkums% }' to generate checksums."
for pkg; do pkg_sources "$pkg"; done
for pkg; do pkg_verify "$pkg"; done