#!/bin/sh -ef # Turn an installed package into a KISS tarball # Use the current directory as the package name if no package is given. [ "$1" ] || { set -- "${PWD##*/}" } # Ignore shellcheck as we want the warning's behavior. # shellcheck disable=2015 kiss l "${1:-null}" >/dev/null || { printf 'usage: kiss-export [pkg]\n' exit 1 } # Grab the package's version.. read -r ver rel 2>/dev/null < "$KISS_ROOT/var/db/kiss/installed/$1/version" # Reset the argument list. pkg=$1 pwd=$PWD set -- # Construct the argument list using each file. while read -r file; do [ -d "$KISS_ROOT/$file" ] || set -- "$@" ".$file" done < "$KISS_ROOT/var/db/kiss/installed/$pkg/manifest" cd "$KISS_ROOT/" # Turn the list of files back into a package. tar cf - "$@" | case ${KISS_COMPRESS:-gz} in bz2) bzip2 -z ;; gz) gzip -6 ;; lzma) lzma -z ;; lz) lzip -z ;; xz) xz -zT 0 ;; zst) zstd -z ;; esac > "$pwd/$pkg#$ver-$rel.tar.${KISS_COMPRESS:-gz}" printf 'tarball created in %s\n' "$pwd/$pkg#$ver-$rel.tar.${KISS_COMPRESS:-gz}"