# History Canary was originally conceived in early 2021 as a WebAssembly-based, minimalistic UI framework during the development of [Mondradiko](https://mondradiko.github.io), where it was a dedicated subsystem of a larger game engine. When the new UI system turned out to be even more powerful than originally expected, it was decided that the UI code would be broken out into a separate project. The Mondradiko community voted to name it "Canary" (the other contenders were "Robin" and "Magpie"), and it was given [a new repository](https://github.com/mondradiko/canary). However, before Canary could be fully fleshed-out, development on Mondradiko was ceased and there was no reason to continue working on Canary. In mid-2022, development was started back up, as a member project of [Tebibyte Media](https://tebibyte.media). This new community of free software enthusiasts had new interest in Canary apart from its usage in a larger game engine, so development was restarted.