pub use canary_types::*; use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock}; use slab::Slab; pub mod text; /// Low-level script API callbacks. /// /// If you're a casual user of Canary the struct you're looking for is /// [ScriptAbiImpl]. This trait exists to help with making mocks for testing. pub trait ScriptAbi { fn start_draw(&self); fn draw_indexed(&self, vertices: &[MeshVertex], indices: &[MeshIndex]); fn draw_glyphs(&self, glyphs: &[GlyphPosition], offset: Vec2, scale: f32, color: Color); fn with_draw_commands(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&[DrawCommand])); fn text_layout_new(&self, text: &str) -> u32; fn text_layout_delete(&self, id: u32); fn text_layout_get_bounds(&self, id: u32, rect: &mut Rect); fn text_layout_get_glyphs_num(&self, id: u32) -> u32; fn text_layout_get_glyphs_data(&self, id: u32, glyphs: &mut [GlyphPosition]); } pub trait ScriptInstance { fn update(&mut self, dt: f32); fn draw(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&[DrawCommand])); fn on_cursor_event(&mut self, kind: CursorEventKind, at: Vec2); } #[non_exhaustive] pub enum DrawCommand { Mesh { vertices: Vec, indices: Vec, }, } pub struct WasmtimeRuntime { engine: wasmtime::Engine, } impl WasmtimeRuntime { pub fn new() -> anyhow::Result { let mut config = wasmtime::Config::new(); config.wasm_simd(true); config.wasm_bulk_memory(true); config.cranelift_opt_level(wasmtime::OptLevel::Speed); let engine = wasmtime::Engine::new(&config)?; Ok(Self { engine }) } pub fn load_module( &self, abi: T, module: &[u8], ) -> anyhow::Result> { let module = wasmtime::Module::new(&self.engine, module)?; let mut store = wasmtime::Store::new(&self.engine, abi); let mut linker = wasmtime::Linker::new(&self.engine); WasmtimeScript::link(&mut linker)?; let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &module)?; let update = instance.get_typed_func(&mut store, "update")?; let draw = instance.get_typed_func(&mut store, "draw")?; let on_cursor_event = instance.get_typed_func(&mut store, "on_cursor_event")?; let bind_panel = instance.get_typed_func::(&mut store, "bind_panel")?; store, 0u32)?; Ok(WasmtimeScript { store, update, draw, on_cursor_event, }) } } pub struct WasmtimeScript { store: wasmtime::Store, update: wasmtime::TypedFunc, draw: wasmtime::TypedFunc<(), ()>, on_cursor_event: wasmtime::TypedFunc<(u32, f32, f32), ()>, } impl WasmtimeScript { pub fn link(linker: &mut wasmtime::Linker) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let module = "env"; linker.func_wrap( module, "draw_indexed", |mut caller: wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, vertices_ptr: u32, vertices_num: u32, indices_ptr: u32, indices_num: u32| { let vertices = Self::get_memory_slice(&mut caller, vertices_ptr, vertices_num); let indices = Self::get_memory_slice(&mut caller, indices_ptr, indices_num);, indices); }, )?; linker.func_wrap( module, "draw_glyphs", |mut caller: wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, glyphs_ptr: u32, glyphs_num: u32, xoff: f32, yoff: f32, scale: f32, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32| { let glyphs = Self::get_memory_slice(&mut caller, glyphs_ptr, glyphs_num); let offset = Vec2 { x: xoff, y: yoff }; let color = Color { r, g, b, a };, offset, scale, color); }, )?; linker.func_wrap( module, "text_layout_new", |mut caller: wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, text_ptr: u32, text_len: u32| { let text = Self::get_memory_slice_str(&mut caller, text_ptr, text_len); }, )?; linker.func_wrap( module, "text_layout_delete", |mut caller: wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, id: u32|, )?; linker.func_wrap( module, "text_layout_get_bounds", |mut caller: wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, id: u32, rect_ptr: u32| { let rect: &mut Rect = Self::get_memory_ref(&mut caller, rect_ptr);, rect); }, )?; linker.func_wrap( module, "text_layout_get_glyphs_num", |mut caller: wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, id: u32| { }, )?; linker.func_wrap( module, "text_layout_get_glyphs_data", |mut caller: wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, id: u32, glyphs_ptr: u32, glyphs_num: u32| { let glyphs: &mut [GlyphPosition] = Self::get_memory_slice(&mut caller, glyphs_ptr, glyphs_num);, glyphs); }, )?; Ok(()) } fn get_memory_ref( caller: &mut wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, ptr: u32, ) -> &'static mut D { let len = std::mem::size_of::(); let bytes = Self::get_memory_slice_bytes(caller, ptr as usize, len); bytemuck::from_bytes_mut(bytes) } fn get_memory_slice( caller: &mut wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, ptr: u32, num: u32, ) -> &'static mut [D] { let len = num as usize * std::mem::size_of::(); let bytes = Self::get_memory_slice_bytes(caller, ptr as usize, len); bytemuck::cast_slice_mut(bytes) } fn get_memory_slice_str( caller: &mut wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, ptr: u32, len: u32, ) -> &'static mut str { let memory = Self::get_memory_slice_bytes(caller, ptr as usize, len as usize); std::str::from_utf8_mut(memory).unwrap() } fn get_memory_slice_bytes( caller: &mut wasmtime::Caller<'_, T>, ptr: usize, len: usize, ) -> &'static mut [u8] { let memory = caller.get_export("memory").unwrap().into_memory().unwrap(); if ptr + len > memory.data_size(&caller) { panic!("Attempted wasm memory read is out-of-bounds!"); } unsafe { let ptr = memory.data_ptr(caller).add(ptr); std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, len) } } } impl ScriptInstance for WasmtimeScript { fn update(&mut self, dt: f32) {, dt).unwrap(); } fn draw(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&[DrawCommand])) {;, ()).unwrap();; } fn on_cursor_event(&mut self, kind: CursorEventKind, at: Vec2) { self.on_cursor_event .call(&mut, (kind as u32, at.x, at.y)) .unwrap(); } } /// The standard [ScriptAbi] implementation to use. #[derive(Default)] pub struct ScriptAbiImpl { draw_cmds: Mutex>, font_store: text::FontStore, text_layouts: RwLock>, } impl ScriptAbi for ScriptAbiImpl { fn start_draw(&self) { let mut lock = self.draw_cmds.lock(); lock.clear(); } fn draw_indexed(&self, vertices: &[MeshVertex], indices: &[MeshIndex]) { self.draw_cmds.lock().push(DrawCommand::Mesh { vertices: vertices.to_vec(), indices: indices.to_vec(), }) } fn draw_glyphs(&self, glyphs: &[GlyphPosition], offset: Vec2, scale: f32, color: Color) { let font = self.font_store.load_font("Liberation Sans"); let cmds = font.draw(glyphs, offset, scale, color); self.draw_cmds.lock().extend(cmds.into_iter()); } fn with_draw_commands(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&[DrawCommand])) { f(self.draw_cmds.lock().as_slice()); } fn text_layout_new(&self, text: &str) -> u32 { let font = self.font_store.load_font("Liberation Sans"); let layout = font.shape(text); self.text_layouts.write().insert(layout) as u32 } fn text_layout_delete(&self, id: u32) { self.text_layouts.write().remove(id as usize); } fn text_layout_get_bounds(&self, id: u32, dst: &mut Rect) { let src = as usize).unwrap().bounds; let _ = std::mem::replace(dst, src); } fn text_layout_get_glyphs_num(&self, id: u32) -> u32 { self.text_layouts .read() .get(id as usize) .unwrap() .glyphs .len() as u32 } fn text_layout_get_glyphs_data(&self, id: u32, dst: &mut [GlyphPosition]) { let layouts =; let src = layouts.get(id as usize).unwrap().glyphs.as_slice(); dst.copy_from_slice(src); } }