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// Copyright (c) 2022 Marceline Cramer
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
//! This module defines backends for WebAssembly execution.
//! Canary is designed to support multiple WebAssembly runtimes for different
//! purposes. Currently, [wasmtime]( is the only one
//! implemented, but in the future, [wasm3](
//! will also be provided.
use super::*;
pub mod wasmtime;
/// Creates the default WebAssembly backend.
/// Currently, only ever creates [wasmtime::WasmtimeBackend].
pub fn make_default_backend() -> anyhow::Result<Box<dyn Backend>> {
let backend = wasmtime::WasmtimeBackend::new()?;
/// A WebAssembly runtime backend.
pub trait Backend {
fn load_module(&self, abi: ScriptAbi, module: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result<Arc<dyn Instance>>;
/// An instance of a WebAssembly module.
/// All self parameters to this trait's functions are immutable, so the
/// implementation must provide interior mutability. This allows instances
/// to intelligently optimize the execution of their scripts, for example, by
/// allowing the execution of multiple ABI calls from multiple threads when
/// a script supports the WebAssembly multithreading extension.
pub trait Instance {
/// Binds script data to a Canary panel.
/// To "bind" a Canary panel to a Canary script, this function must be
/// called. It passes the ID of a panel to the script, plus an
/// initialization message, and the script returns an integer as
/// userdata. All panel events will be identified to the script with this
/// userdata as the first argument.
/// The intended usecase for this userdata is to contain a pointer. A
/// Canary script can allocate some high-level object in memory, and when
/// a panel is bound, the script will return a pointer to that object as the
/// userdata. Then, when the runtime calls back into the script, the
/// userdata will be reinterpreted as a pointer and a method can be called
/// on that object in memory.
fn bind_panel(&self, panel: PanelId, msg: Vec<u8>) -> u32;
fn update(&self, panel_ud: u32, dt: f32);
fn draw(&self, panel_ud: u32) -> Vec<DrawCommand>;
fn on_resize(&self, panel_ud: u32, new_size: Vec2);
fn on_cursor_event(&self, panel_ud: u32, kind: CursorEventKind, at: Vec2);
fn on_message(&self, panel_ud: u32, msg: Vec<u8>);
pub struct ScriptAbi {
draw_cmds: Mutex<Vec<DrawCommand>>,
font_store: Arc<text::FontStore>,
font_families: Mutex<HashMap<String, u32>>,
loaded_fonts: RwLock<Vec<Arc<text::Font>>>,
text_layouts: RwLock<Slab<text::TextLayout>>,
message_store: RwLock<Slab<Vec<u8>>>,
impl ScriptAbi {
pub fn new(font_store: Arc<text::FontStore>) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn start_draw(&self) {
let mut lock = self.draw_cmds.lock();
pub fn draw_indexed(&self, vertices: &[MeshVertex], indices: &[MeshIndex]) {
self.draw_cmds.lock().push(DrawCommand::Mesh {
vertices: vertices.to_vec(),
indices: indices.to_vec(),
pub fn draw_text_layout(&self, id: u32, offset: Vec2, scale: f32, color: Color) {
// TODO multiple fonts per layout
let layouts =;
let layout = layouts.get(id as usize).unwrap();
let glyphs = layout.glyphs.as_slice();
let loaded =;
let font = loaded.get(layout.font_id as usize).unwrap();
let cmds = font.draw(glyphs, offset, scale, color);
pub fn with_draw_commands(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&[DrawCommand])) {
pub fn font_load(&self, family: &str) -> u32 {
let mut family_cache = self.font_families.lock();
if let Some(cached) = family_cache.get(family) {
return *cached;
let font = self.font_store.load_font(family);
let mut loaded = self.loaded_fonts.write();
let id = loaded.len() as u32;
family_cache.insert(family.to_string(), id);
pub fn text_layout_new(&self, font_id: u32, text: &str) -> u32 {
let loaded =;
let font = loaded.get(font_id as usize).unwrap();
let layout = font.shape(text);
self.text_layouts.write().insert(layout) as u32
pub fn text_layout_delete(&self, id: u32) {
self.text_layouts.write().remove(id as usize);
pub fn text_layout_get_bounds(&self, id: u32, dst: &mut Rect) {
let src = as usize).unwrap().bounds;
let _ = std::mem::replace(dst, src);
pub fn message_new(&self, data: Vec<u8>) -> u32 {
let mut store = self.message_store.write();
let id = store.insert(data) as u32;
pub fn message_free(&self, id: u32) {
let mut store = self.message_store.write();
store.remove(id as usize);
pub fn message_get_len(&self, id: u32) -> u32 { as usize).unwrap().len() as u32
pub fn message_get_data(&self, id: u32, dst: &mut [u8]) {
let store =;
let src = store.get(id as usize).unwrap();