Add flycam docstrings

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Turtle1331 2022-03-17 22:15:36 -07:00
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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ pub trait Camera {
pub struct Flycam {
// input
// currently held keys
is_world_up_pressed: bool,
is_world_down_pressed: bool,
is_cam_up_pressed: bool,
@ -18,18 +19,26 @@ pub struct Flycam {
is_backward_pressed: bool,
is_left_pressed: bool,
is_right_pressed: bool,
// accumulated mouse movement yet to be processed
mouse_dx: f32,
mouse_dy: f32,
// state
// timestamp
last_update: Instant,
euler_y: f32,
// camera orientation
euler_x: f32,
euler_y: f32,
// camera movement state
velocity: Vec3,
position: Vec3,
// constants
turn_sensitivity: f32,
thrust_mag: f32,
damping_coeff: f32,
// camera movement
turn_sensitivity: f32, // coefficient for mouse_dx/dy -> euler_x/y
thrust_mag: f32, // coefficient for thrust acceleration vector
damping_coeff: f32, // coefficient for damping acceleration vector
// camera frustum
aspect: f32,
fovy: f32,
znear: f32,
@ -52,8 +61,8 @@ impl Flycam {
mouse_dx: 0.0,
mouse_dy: 0.0,
last_update: Instant::now(),
euler_y: 0.0,
euler_x: 0.0,
euler_y: 0.0,
velocity: Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
position: Vec3::new(0.0, 0.5, 1.0),
@ -68,6 +77,7 @@ impl Flycam {
impl Flycam {
/// update stored keyboard state for use in update()
pub fn process_keyboard(&mut self, key: VirtualKeyCode, state: ElementState) {
let is_pressed = state == ElementState::Pressed;
match key {
@ -99,6 +109,7 @@ impl Flycam {
/// update accumulated mouse movement for use in update()
pub fn process_mouse(&mut self, mouse_dx: f64, mouse_dy: f64) {
self.mouse_dx += mouse_dx as f32;
self.mouse_dy += mouse_dy as f32;
@ -108,6 +119,7 @@ impl Flycam {
self.aspect = (width as f32) / (height as f32);
/// apply input and update camera movement
pub fn update(&mut self) {
let dt = self.last_update.elapsed();
self.last_update = Instant::now();
@ -135,8 +147,8 @@ impl Flycam {
/// update velocity and position from acceleration using forward differences
fn update_kinematic(&mut self, dt: f32) {
/// update velocity and position from acceleration using forward differences
let net_acc = self.get_thrust_acc() + self.get_damping_acc();
let delta_vel = net_acc * dt;
@ -146,12 +158,15 @@ impl Flycam {
self.position += delta_pos;
/// use keyboard key pairs to trigger directional thrusters in camera and world coordinates
/// thrust_speed is the max speed (under drag) with a single thruster, but combinations can
/// produce higher speeds (e.g. forward and right, camera down and world down)
fn get_thrust_acc(&self) -> glam::Vec3 {
let axis = Self::key_axis;
let thruster_cam_x = axis(self.is_left_pressed, self.is_right_pressed);
let thruster_cam_y = axis(self.is_cam_down_pressed, self.is_cam_up_pressed);
let thruster_cam_z = -axis(self.is_backward_pressed, self.is_forward_pressed); // forward is -z
let thruster_cam_x = axis(self.is_left_pressed, self.is_right_pressed);
let thruster_cam_y = axis(self.is_cam_down_pressed, self.is_cam_up_pressed);
let thruster_cam_z = -axis(self.is_backward_pressed, self.is_forward_pressed); // forward is -z
let thruster_world_y = axis(self.is_world_down_pressed, self.is_world_up_pressed);
let thrusters_cam = Vec3::new(thruster_cam_x, thruster_cam_y, thruster_cam_z);
@ -163,10 +178,14 @@ impl Flycam {
self.thrust_mag * thrusters_total
/// calculate a damping force (proportional to velocity)
/// the damping coefficient is calculated in the constructor, which is parameterized in terms
/// of more physically meaningful values
fn get_damping_acc(&self) -> glam::Vec3 {
self.damping_coeff * -self.velocity
/// a helper function to turn a pair of key states into a sign for thruster direction
fn key_axis(negative: bool, positive: bool) -> f32 {
if negative {
if positive {
@ -183,8 +202,10 @@ impl Flycam {
/// the current camera orientation, which can be seen as a rotation (in quaternion form) from
/// camera axes to world axes
/// glam's YXZ ordering matches the standard roll-pitch-yaw Euler angles
fn get_orientation(&self) -> glam::Quat {
// returns rotation from camera axes to world axes
Quat::from_euler(glam::EulerRot::YXZ, self.euler_y, self.euler_x, 0.0)