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# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Everforest Dark Hard
## author: Sainnhe Park
## license: MIT
## upstream: https://github.com/ewal/kitty-everforest/blob/master/themes/everforest_dark_hard.conf
## blurb: A green based color scheme designed to be warm and soft
foreground #d3c6aa
background #272e33
selection_foreground #9da9a0
selection_background #4c3743
cursor #d3c6aa
cursor_text_color #2e383c
url_color #7fbbb3
active_border_color #a7c080
inactive_border_color #4f5b58
bell_border_color #e69875
visual_bell_color none
wayland_titlebar_color system
macos_titlebar_color system
active_tab_background #272e33
active_tab_foreground #d3c6aa
inactive_tab_background #374145
inactive_tab_foreground #9da9a0
tab_bar_background #2e383c
tab_bar_margin_color none
mark1_foreground #272e33
mark1_background #7fbbb3
mark2_foreground #272e33
mark2_background #d3c6aa
mark3_foreground #272e33
mark3_background #d699b6
#: black
color0 #343f44
color8 #3d484d
#: red
color1 #e67e80
color9 #e67e80
#: green
color2 #a7c080
color10 #a7c080
#: yellow
color3 #dbbc7f
color11 #dbbc7f
#: blue
color4 #7fbbb3
color12 #7fbbb3
#: magenta
color5 #d699b6
color13 #d699b6
#: cyan
color6 #83c092
color14 #83c092
#: white
color7 #859289
color15 #9da9a0