OpenRGB v0.6 Commit: from Launched: 20210703_014202 ==================================================================================================== Notice: Detection started Notice: Initializing HID interfaces: Success Notice: Detecting I2C interfaces Notice: Detecting I2C devices Notice: Detecting HID devices Notice: Unable to open all device report endpoints, unable to add device Notice: Unable to open all device report endpoints, unable to add device Notice: Detecting other devices Notice: Detection completed Notice: Loading plugins Notice: Detection started Notice: Initializing HID interfaces: Success Notice: Detecting I2C interfaces Notice: Detecting I2C devices Notice: Detecting HID devices Notice: Unable to open all device report endpoints, unable to add device Notice: Unable to open all device report endpoints, unable to add device Notice: Detecting other devices Notice: Detection completed Notice: Detection started Notice: Initializing HID interfaces: Success Notice: Detecting I2C interfaces Notice: Detecting I2C devices Notice: Detecting HID devices Notice: Unable to open all device report endpoints, unable to add device Notice: Unable to open all device report endpoints, unable to add device Notice: Detecting other devices Notice: Detection completed Notice: Detection started Notice: Initializing HID interfaces: Success Notice: Detecting I2C interfaces Notice: Detecting I2C devices Notice: Detecting HID devices Notice: Unable to open all device report endpoints, unable to add device Notice: Unable to open all device report endpoints, unable to add device Notice: Detecting other devices Notice: Detection completed