[misc] # Don't ask for confirmations #assume_yes = true # Disable specific steps - same options as the command line flag #disable = ["system", "emacs"] # Ignore failures for these steps #ignore_failures = ["powershell"] # Run specific steps - same options as the command line flag #only = ["system", "emacs"] # Do not ask to retry failed steps (default: false) #no_retry = true # Run inside tmux #run_in_tmux = true # List of remote machines with Topgrade installed on them #remote_topgrades = ["toothless", "pi", "parnas"] # Arguments to pass SSH when upgrading remote systems #ssh_arguments = "-o ConnectTimeout=2" # Path to Topgrade executable on remote machines #remote_topgrade_path = ".cargo/bin/topgrade" # Arguments to pass tmux when pulling Repositories #tmux_arguments = "-S /var/tmux.sock" # Do not set the terminal title #set_title = false # Display the time in step titles # display_time = true # Cleanup temporary or old files #cleanup = true # Due to a design issue with notify-send it could be that topgrade hangs when # it's finished. If this is the case on your system add the --skip-notify flag # to the topgrade command or set skip_notify = true in the config file. If you # don't want this message to appear any longer set display_preamble = false in # the config file. For more information about this issue see # https://askubuntu.com/questions/110969/notify-send-ignores-timeout and # https://github.com/topgrade-rs/topgrade/issues/288. skip_notify = true [git] max_concurrency = 5 # Additional git repositories to pull repos = [ "~/.local/src/git/*/*/*", # "~/.mozilla/firefox/39qi4ol0.emma/" ] # Don't pull the predefined git repos #pull_predefined = false # Arguments to pass Git when pulling Repositories #arguments = "--rebase --autostash" [composer] #self_update = true # Commands to run before anything [pre_commands] #"Emacs Snapshot" = "rm -rf ~/.emacs.d/elpa.bak && cp -rl ~/.emacs.d/elpa ~/.emacs.d/elpa.bak" # Custom commands [commands] #"Python Environment" = "~/dev/.env/bin/pip install -i https://pypi.python.org/simple -U --upgrade-strategy eager jupyter" [brew] #greedy_cask = true [linux] # Arch Package Manager to use. Allowed values: autodetect, trizen, paru, yay, pikaur, pacman. #arch_package_manager = "pacman" # Arguments to pass yay (or paru) when updating packages #yay_arguments = "--nodevel" #show_arch_news = true #trizen_arguments = "--devel" #pikaur_arguments = "" #enable_tlmgr = true #emerge_sync_flags = "-q" #emerge_update_flags = "-uDNa --with-bdeps=y world" #redhat_distro_sync = false #rpm_ostree = false [windows] # Manually select Windows updates #accept_all_updates = false #open_remotes_in_new_terminal = true # Causes Topgrade to rename itself during the run to allow package managers # to upgrade it. Use this only if you installed Topgrade by using a package # manager such as Scoop to Cargo #self_rename = true [npm] # Use sudo if the NPM directory isn't owned by the current user #use_sudo = true [firmware] # Offer to update firmware; if false just check for and display available updates #upgrade = true [flatpak] # Use sudo for updating the system-wide installation #use_sudo = true