`tomcat` – a minimal [TOML](https://toml.io) parser for the command line. ## Installation ### From Source 1. Run `cargo --install --git https://git.tebibyte.media/emma/tomcat.git` 2. ??? 3. Profit Also make sure that your cargo `bin` directory (by default in `"$CARGO_HOME"/bin`) is in your `$PATH`; I recommend symlinking the folder to `"$HOME/.local/bin` and adding that to your user `$PATH`. ## Usage Assuming the TOML file being parsed is `file.toml`: To get the value of top-level key `notable`: `tomcat notable file.toml` To get the value of `key` from the `main` table: `tomcat main.key file.toml` To get the value of `key` from the subtable `subtab` in table `main`: `tomcat main.subtab.key file.toml` To get the value of index `3` in array `arr` in table `main`: `tomcat main.arr[3] file.toml`