package parser // LookupSection looks returns the section under the give name. If the section // does not exist, nil is returned. func (tree *SyntaxTree) LookupSection (name string) (section Section) { section = tree.sections[name] return } // Kind returns the section's kind (SectionKindType). func (section TypeSection) Kind () (kind SectionKind) { kind = SectionKindType return } // Kind returns the section's kind (SectionKindObjt). func (section ObjtSection) Kind () (kind SectionKind) { kind = SectionKindObjt return } // Kind returns the section's kind (SectionKindEnum). func (section EnumSection) Kind () (kind SectionKind) { kind = SectionKindEnum return } // Kind returns the section's kind (SectionKindFace). func (section FaceSection) Kind () (kind SectionKind) { kind = SectionKindFace return } // Kind returns the section's kind (SectionKindData). func (section DataSection) Kind () (kind SectionKind) { kind = SectionKindData return } // Kind returns the section's kind (SectionKindFunc). func (section FuncSection) Kind () (kind SectionKind) { kind = SectionKindFunc return } // Length returns the amount of names in the identifier. func (identifier Identifier) Length () (length int) { length = len(identifier.trail) return } // Item returns the name at the specified index. func (identifier Identifier) Item (index int) (item string) { item = identifier.trail[index] return } // Kind returns the type's kind. func (what Type) Kind () (kind TypeKind) { kind = what.kind return } // Mutable returns whether or not the type's data is mutable. func (what Type) Mutable () (mutable bool) { mutable = what.mutable return } // Length returns the length of the type if the type is a fixed length array. // Otherwise, it just returns zero. func (what Type) Length () (length uint64) { if what.kind == TypeKindArray { length = what.length } return } // Name returns the name of the type, if it is a basic type. Otherwise, it // returns a zero value identifier. func (what Type) Name () (name Identifier) { if what.kind == TypeKindBasic { name = } return } // Points returns the type that this type points to, or is an array of. If the // type is a basic type, this returns a zero value type. func (what Type) Points () (points Type) { if what.kind != TypeKindBasic { points = *what.points } return }