package parser import "testing" func TestData (test *testing.T) { checkTree ("../tests/parser/data", false, `:arf --- data ro aInteger:Int 3202 data ro bMutInteger:Int:mut 3202 data ro cIntegerPointer:{Int} data ro dMutIntegerPointer:{Int}:mut data ro eIntegerArray16:Int:16 data ro fIntegerArrayVariable:{Int ..} data ro gIntegerArrayInitialized:Int:16 3948 293 293049 948 912 340 0 2304 0 4785 92 data ro jObject:thing.Thing.thing.thing -- that 2139 -- this 324 data ro kNestedObject:Obj -- that -- bird2 123.8439 -- bird3 9328.21348239 -- this -- bird0 324 -- bird1 "hello world" data ro lMutIntegerArray16:Int:16:mut data ro mExternalData:Int:8 external data ro nIntegerArrayInitialized:Int:16:mut 3948 293 293049 948 912 340 0 2304 0 4785 92 `, test) }