package parser import "testing" func TestType (test *testing.T) { checkTree ("../tests/parser/type", false, `:arf --- type ro aBasic:Obj ro that:Int ro this:Int type ro bBitFields:Obj ro that:Int & 1 ro this:Int & 24 298 type ro cInit:Obj ro that:String "hello world" ro this:Int 23 type ro dInitInherit:aBasic -- that 9384 -- this 389 type ro eInitAndDefine:aBasic ro these:aBasic ro born:Int 4 ro in:Int ro the:Int:3 9348 92384 92834 -- this 389 -- these -- this 98 -- that 9384 type ro fBasic:Int type ro gBasicInit:Int 6 type ro hIntArray:{Int ..} type ro iIntArrayInit:Int:3 3298 923 92 `, test) }