package parser import "fmt" import "sort" import "" func doIndent (indent int, input ...string) (output string) { for index := 0; index < indent; index ++ { output += "\t" } for _, inputSection := range input { output += inputSection } return } func sortMapKeysAlphabetically[KEY_TYPE any] ( unsortedMap map[string] KEY_TYPE, ) ( sortedKeys []string, ) { sortedKeys = make([]string, len(unsortedMap)) index := 0 for key, _ := range unsortedMap { sortedKeys[index] = key index ++ } sort.Strings(sortedKeys) return } func (tree SyntaxTree) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent(indent, ":arf\n") if != "" { output += doIndent(indent, "author \"",, "\"\n") } if tree.license != "" { output += doIndent(indent, "license \"", tree.license, "\"\n") } for _, require := range tree.requires { output += doIndent(indent, "require \"", require, "\"\n") } output += doIndent(indent, "---\n") sectionKeys := sortMapKeysAlphabetically(tree.sections) for _, name := range sectionKeys { output += tree.sections[name].ToString(indent) } return } func (identifier Identifier) ToString () (output string) { for index, trailItem := range identifier.trail { if index > 0 { output += "." } output += trailItem } return } func (what Type) ToString () (output string) { if what.kind == TypeKindBasic { output += } else { output += "{" output += what.points.ToString() if what.kind == TypeKindVariableArray { output += " .." } output += "}" } if what.length > 1 { output += fmt.Sprint(":", what.length) } if what.mutable { output += ":mut" } return } func (declaration Declaration) ToString () (output string) { output += + ":" output += declaration.what.ToString() return } func (attributes ObjectDefaultValues) ToString ( indent int, ) ( output string, ) { for _, name := range sortMapKeysAlphabetically(attributes.attributes) { value := attributes.attributes[name] output += doIndent(indent, ".", name) if value.kind == ArgumentKindObjectDefaultValues { output += "\n" output += value.ToString(indent + 1, true) } else { output += " " + value.ToString(0, false) + "\n" } } return } func (values ArrayDefaultValues) ToString ( indent int, ) ( output string, ) { for _, value := range values.values { output += value.ToString(indent, true) } return } func (argument Argument) ToString (indent int, breakLine bool) (output string) { if !breakLine { indent = 0 } if argument.kind == ArgumentKindNil { output += "NIL-ARGUMENT" if breakLine { output += "\n" } return } switch argument.kind { case ArgumentKindPhrase: output += argument.value.(Phrase).ToString ( indent, breakLine) case ArgumentKindObjectDefaultValues: // this should only appear in contexts where breakLine is true output += argument.value.(ObjectDefaultValues). ToString(indent) case ArgumentKindArrayDefaultValues: // this should only appear in contexts where breakLine is true output += argument.value.(ArrayDefaultValues). ToString(indent) case ArgumentKindIdentifier: output += doIndent ( indent, argument.value.(Identifier).ToString()) if breakLine { output += "\n" } case ArgumentKindDeclaration: output += doIndent ( indent, argument.value.(Declaration).ToString()) if breakLine { output += "\n" } case ArgumentKindInt, ArgumentKindUInt, ArgumentKindFloat: output += doIndent(indent, fmt.Sprint(argument.value)) if breakLine { output += "\n" } case ArgumentKindString: output += doIndent ( indent, "\"" + argument.value.(string) + "\"") if breakLine { output += "\n" } case ArgumentKindRune: output += doIndent ( indent, "'" + string(argument.value.(rune)) + "'") if breakLine { output += "\n" } case ArgumentKindOperator: var stringValue string switch argument.value.(lexer.TokenKind) { case lexer.TokenKindColon: stringValue = ":" case lexer.TokenKindPlus: stringValue = "+" case lexer.TokenKindMinus: stringValue = "-" case lexer.TokenKindIncrement: stringValue = "++" case lexer.TokenKindDecrement: stringValue = "--" case lexer.TokenKindAsterisk: stringValue = "*" case lexer.TokenKindSlash: stringValue = "/" case lexer.TokenKindExclamation: stringValue = "!" case lexer.TokenKindPercent: stringValue = "%" case lexer.TokenKindPercentAssignment: stringValue = "%=" case lexer.TokenKindTilde: stringValue = "~" case lexer.TokenKindTildeAssignment: stringValue = "~=" case lexer.TokenKindAssignment: stringValue = "=" case lexer.TokenKindEqualTo: stringValue = "==" case lexer.TokenKindNotEqualTo: stringValue = "!=" case lexer.TokenKindLessThanEqualTo: stringValue = "<=" case lexer.TokenKindLessThan: stringValue = "<" case lexer.TokenKindLShift: stringValue = "<<" case lexer.TokenKindLShiftAssignment: stringValue = "<<=" case lexer.TokenKindGreaterThan: stringValue = ">" case lexer.TokenKindGreaterThanEqualTo: stringValue = ">=" case lexer.TokenKindRShift: stringValue = ">>" case lexer.TokenKindRShiftAssignment: stringValue = ">>=" case lexer.TokenKindBinaryOr: stringValue = "|" case lexer.TokenKindBinaryOrAssignment: stringValue = "|=" case lexer.TokenKindLogicalOr: stringValue = "||" case lexer.TokenKindBinaryAnd: stringValue = "&" case lexer.TokenKindBinaryAndAssignment: stringValue = "&=" case lexer.TokenKindLogicalAnd: stringValue = "&&" case lexer.TokenKindBinaryXor: stringValue = "^" case lexer.TokenKindBinaryXorAssignment: stringValue = "^=" } output += doIndent(indent, stringValue) if breakLine { output += "\n" } } return } func (section DataSection) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent ( indent, "type ", section.permission.ToString(), " ",, ":", section.what.ToString()) isComplexInitialization := section.value.kind == ArgumentKindObjectDefaultValues || section.value.kind == ArgumentKindArrayDefaultValues if !isComplexInitialization && section.value.value != nil { output += " " + section.value.ToString(0, false) } output += "\n" for _, member := range section.what.members { output += member.ToString(indent + 1) } if isComplexInitialization { output += section.value.ToString(indent + 1, true) } if section.external { output += "\n" output += doIndent(indent + 1, "external\n") } return } func (member TypeMember) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent(indent) output += member.permission.ToString() + " " output += + ":" output += member.what.ToString() if member.bitWidth > 0 { output += fmt.Sprint(" & ", member.bitWidth) } output += "\n" return } func (section TypeSection) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent ( indent, "type ", section.permission.ToString(), " ",, ":", section.what.ToString()) isComplexInitialization := section.value.kind == ArgumentKindObjectDefaultValues || section.value.kind == ArgumentKindArrayDefaultValues if !isComplexInitialization && section.value.value != nil { output += " " + section.value.ToString(0, false) } output += "\n" for _, member := range section.what.members { output += member.ToString(indent + 1) } if isComplexInitialization { output += section.value.ToString(indent + 1, true) } return } func (section EnumSection) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent ( indent, "enum ", section.permission.ToString(), " ",, ":", section.what.ToString(), "\n") for _, member := range section.members { output += doIndent(indent + 1, isComplexInitialization := member.value.kind == ArgumentKindObjectDefaultValues || member.value.kind == ArgumentKindArrayDefaultValues if member.value.value == nil { output += "\n" } else if isComplexInitialization { output += "\n" output += member.value.ToString(indent + 2, true) } else { output += " " + member.value.ToString(0, false) output += "\n" } } return } func (section FaceSection) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent ( indent, "face ", section.permission.ToString(), " ",, ":", section.inherits.ToString(), "\n") for _, name := range sortMapKeysAlphabetically(section.behaviors) { behavior := section.behaviors[name] output += behavior.ToString(indent + 1) } return } func (behavior FaceBehavior) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent(indent,, "\n") for _, inputItem := range behavior.inputs { output += doIndent(indent + 1, "> ", inputItem.ToString(), "\n") } for _, outputItem := range behavior.outputs { output += doIndent(indent + 1, "< ", outputItem.ToString(), "\n") } return } func (phrase Phrase) ToString (indent int, ownLine bool) (output string) { if ownLine { output += doIndent(indent) } var initializationValues Argument var declaration Argument output += "[" + phrase.command.ToString(0, false) for _, argument := range phrase.arguments { isInitializationValue := argument.kind == ArgumentKindObjectDefaultValues || argument.kind == ArgumentKindArrayDefaultValues if isInitializationValue { initializationValues = argument } else if argument.kind == ArgumentKindDeclaration { declaration = argument } else { output += " " + argument.ToString(0, false) } } output += "]" if len(phrase.returnees) > 0 { output += " ->" for _, returnItem := range phrase.returnees { output += " " + returnItem.ToString(0, false) } } if ownLine { output += "\n" // TODO: make = phrases special, have them carry a declaration // and argument and nothing else. somehow. for _, member := range declaration.value.(Declaration).what.members { output += member.ToString(indent + 1) } if initializationValues.kind != ArgumentKindNil { output += initializationValues.ToString(indent + 1, true) } output += phrase.block.ToString(indent + 1) } return } func (block Block) ToString (indent int) (output string) { for _, phrase := range block { output += phrase.ToString(indent, true) } return } func (funcOutput FuncOutput) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent(indent + 1, "< ", funcOutput.Declaration.ToString()) isComplexInitialization := funcOutput.value.kind == ArgumentKindObjectDefaultValues || funcOutput.value.kind == ArgumentKindArrayDefaultValues if !isComplexInitialization && funcOutput.value.value != nil { output += " " + funcOutput.value.ToString(0, false) } output += "\n" for _, member := range funcOutput.what.members { output += member.ToString(indent + 1) } if isComplexInitialization { output += funcOutput.value.ToString(indent + 1, true) } return } func (section FuncSection) ToString (indent int) (output string) { output += doIndent ( indent, "func ", section.permission.ToString(), " ",, "\n") if section.receiver != nil { output += doIndent ( indent + 1, "@ ", section.receiver.ToString(), "\n") } for _, inputItem := range section.inputs { output += doIndent(indent + 1, "> ", inputItem.ToString(), "\n") } for _, outputItem := range section.outputs { output += outputItem.ToString(indent + 1) } output += doIndent(indent + 1, "---\n") if section.external { output += doIndent(indent + 1, "external\n") } output += section.root.ToString(indent + 1) return }