Sasha Koshka
By type attributes I mean things like :mut :N :<defaultValue>. After the colon and before the attribute, whitespace is now permitted. This makes syntax like data ro nIntegerArrayInitialized:Int:16:mut: <3948 293 293049 948 912 340 0 2304 0 4785 92> possible.
47 lines
829 B
47 lines
829 B
data ro aInteger:Int:<3202>
data ro bMutInteger:Int:mut:<3202>
data ro cIntegerPointer:{Int}
data ro dMutIntegerPointer:{Int}:mut
data ro eIntegerArray16:Int:16
data ro fIntegerArrayVariable:{Int ..}
data ro gIntegerArrayInitialized:Int:16:<
3948 293 293049 948 912
340 0 2304 0 4785 92
# TODO: reinstate these two
# data wr hIntegerPointerInit:{Int}:<[& integer]>
# data wr iMutIntegerPointerInit:{Int}:mut:<[& integer]>
data ro jObject:Obj:(
data ro kNestedObject:Obj:(
.bird1:<"hello world">)
.ro newMember:Int:<9023>
data ro lMutIntegerArray16:Int:16:mut
data ro mExternalData:Int:8
data ro nIntegerArrayInitialized:Int:16:mut:
<3948 293 293049 948 912
340 0 2304 0 4785 92>