
528 lines
16 KiB

package llvm
import "fmt"
import "log"
import "math"
import "strings"
import "math/big"
import "github.com/mewmew/float"
import "github.com/mewmew/float/binary128"
import "github.com/mewmew/float/binary16"
import "github.com/mewmew/float/float128ppc"
import "github.com/mewmew/float/float80x86"
type Const interface {
IsConstant ()
type ConstArray struct {
Ty *TypeArray
Elements []Const
func (*ConstArray) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstArray) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstArray) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstArray) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstArray) Identifier () string {
buf := &strings.Builder{}
for i, elem := range this.Elements {
if i != 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
return buf.String()
type ConstBlockAddress struct {
Function Const
Block Value
func (*ConstBlockAddress) IsConstant ( ) { }
func (this *ConstBlockAddress) Type () Type { return &TypePointer { } }
func (this *ConstBlockAddress) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", &TypePointer { }, this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstBlockAddress) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstBlockAddress) Identifier () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("blockaddress(%s, %s)", this.Function.Name(), this.Block.Name())
type ConstCharArray struct {
Ty *TypeArray
Elements []byte
func (*ConstCharArray) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstCharArray) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstCharArray) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstCharArray) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstCharArray) Identifier () string {
return "c" + EscapeQuoteString(this.Elements)
type ConstDSOLocalEquivalent struct {
Function Const
func (*ConstDSOLocalEquivalent) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstDSOLocalEquivalent) Type () Type { return this.Function.Type() }
func (this *ConstDSOLocalEquivalent) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstDSOLocalEquivalent) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstDSOLocalEquivalent) Identifier () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("dso_local_equivalent %s", this.Function.Name())
type ConstFloat struct {
Ty *TypeFloat
Value *big.Float
NaN bool
func NewConstFloat (ty *TypeFloat, value float64) *ConstFloat {
if math.IsNaN(value) {
f := &ConstFloat { Ty: ty, Value: &big.Float { }, NaN: true }
// Store sign of NaN.
if math.Signbit(value) {
return f
return &ConstFloat {
Ty: ty,
Value: big.NewFloat(value),
func (*ConstFloat) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstFloat) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstFloat) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstFloat) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstFloat) Identifier () string {
// FloatLit
// Print hexadecimal representation of floating-point literal if NaN, Inf,
// inexact or extended precision (x86_fp80, fp128 or ppc_fp128).
switch this.Ty.Kind {
// half (IEEE 754 half precision)
case FloatKindHalf:
const hexPrefix = 'H'
if this.NaN {
bits := binary16.NaN.Bits()
if this.Value != nil && this.Value.Signbit() {
bits = binary16.NegNaN.Bits()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%c%04X", hexPrefix, bits)
if this.Value.IsInf() || !float.IsExact16(this.Value) {
f, acc := binary16.NewFromBig(this.Value)
if acc != big.Exact {
log.Printf("unable to represent floating-point constant %v of type %v exactly; please submit a bug report to fspl with this error message", this.Value, this.Type())
bits := f.Bits()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%c%04X", hexPrefix, bits)
// c is representable without loss as floating-point literal, this case is
// handled for half, float and double below the switch statement.
// float (IEEE 754 single precision)
case FloatKindFloat:
// ref: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/llvm-dev/IlqV3TbSk6M/27dAggZOMb0J
// The exact bit representation of the float is laid out with the
// corresponding bitwise representation of a double: the sign bit is
// copied over, the exponent is encoded in the larger width, and the 23
// bits of significand fills in the top 23 bits of significand in the
// double. A double has 52 bits of significand, so this means that the
// last 29 bits of significand will always be ignored. As an error
// detection measure, the IR parser requires them to be zero.
if this.NaN {
f := math.NaN()
if this.Value != nil && this.Value.Signbit() {
f = math.Copysign(f, -1)
bits := math.Float64bits(f)
// zero out last 29 bits.
bits &^= 0x1FFFFFFF
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%X", bits)
if this.Value.IsInf() || !float.IsExact32(this.Value) {
f, _ := this.Value.Float64()
bits := math.Float64bits(f)
// Note, to match Clang output we do not zero-pad the hexadecimal
// output.
// zero out last 29 bits.
bits &^= 0x1FFFFFFF
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%X", bits)
// c is representable without loss as floating-point literal, this case is
// handled for half, float and double below the switch statement.
// double (IEEE 754 double precision)
case FloatKindDouble:
if this.NaN {
// To use the same cannonical representation as LLVM IR for NaN values, we
// explicitly a qNaN value (quiet NaN) with the leading bit in the mantissa
// set, rather than the trailing bit as used for the cannonical
// representation in Go (see math.NaN).
// For further background, see https://github.com/llir/llvm/issues/133
// exponent mantissa
// s 11111111111 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = quiet (qNaN)
// s 11111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = signaling (sNaN) **
// ^ quiet bit
// Where ** denote that at least one of the 'x' bits has to be set, since the
// mantissa must be non-zero to denote NaN.
// quiet NaN:
// 0x7FF8000000000000 = 0b0_11111111111_100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
f := math.Float64frombits(0x7FF8000000000000) // quiet NaN
if this.Value != nil && this.Value.Signbit() {
f = math.Copysign(f, -1)
bits := math.Float64bits(f)
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%X", bits)
if this.Value.IsInf() || !float.IsExact64(this.Value) {
f, _ := this.Value.Float64()
bits := math.Float64bits(f)
// Note, to match Clang output we do not zero-pad the hexadecimal
// output.
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%X", bits)
// c is representable without loss as floating-point literal, this case is
// handled for half, float and double below the switch statement.
// x86_fp80 (x86 extended precision)
case FloatKindX86_FP80:
// always represent x86_fp80 in hexadecimal floating-point notation.
const hexPrefix = 'K'
if this.NaN {
se, m := float80x86.NaN.Bits()
if this.Value != nil && this.Value.Signbit() {
se, m = float80x86.NegNaN.Bits()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%c%04X%016X", hexPrefix, se, m)
f, acc := float80x86.NewFromBig(this.Value)
if acc != big.Exact {
log.Printf("unable to represent floating-point constant %v of type %v exactly; please submit a bug report to fspl with this error message", this.Value, this.Type())
se, m := f.Bits()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%c%04X%016X", hexPrefix, se, m)
// fp128 (IEEE 754 quadruple precision)
case FloatKindFP128:
// always represent fp128 in hexadecimal floating-point notation.
const hexPrefix = 'L'
if this.NaN {
a, b := binary128.NaN.Bits()
if this.Value != nil && this.Value.Signbit() {
a, b = binary128.NegNaN.Bits()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%c%016X%016X", hexPrefix, a, b)
f, acc := binary128.NewFromBig(this.Value)
if acc != big.Exact {
log.Printf("unable to represent floating-point constant %v of type %v exactly; please submit a bug report to fspl with this error message", this.Value, this.Type())
a, b := f.Bits()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%c%016X%016X", hexPrefix, a, b)
// ppc_fp128 (PowerPC double-double arithmetic)
case FloatKindPPC_FP128:
// always represent ppc_fp128 in hexadecimal floating-point notation.
const hexPrefix = 'M'
if this.NaN {
a, b := float128ppc.NaN.Bits()
if this.Value != nil && this.Value.Signbit() {
a, b = float128ppc.NegNaN.Bits()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%c%016X%016X", hexPrefix, a, b)
f, acc := float128ppc.NewFromBig(this.Value)
if acc != big.Exact {
log.Printf("unable to represent floating-point constant %v of type %v exactly; please submit a bug report to fspl with this error message", this.Value, this.Type())
a, b := f.Bits()
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%c%016X%016X", hexPrefix, a, b)
panic(fmt.Errorf("support for floating-point kind %v not yet implemented", this.Ty.Kind))
// Insert decimal point if not present.
// 3e4 -> 3.0e4
// 42 -> 42.0
s := this.Value.Text('g', -1)
if !strings.ContainsRune(s, '.') {
if pos := strings.IndexByte(s, 'e'); pos != -1 {
s = s[:pos] + ".0" + s[pos:]
} else {
s += ".0"
return s
type ConstIndex struct {
InRange bool
func (this *ConstIndex) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstIndex) Identifier () string {
// OptInrange Type Constant
if this.InRange {
return fmt.Sprintf("inrange %s", this.Const)
return this.Const.String()
type ConstInt struct {
Ty *TypeInt
Value *big.Int
func NewConstInt (ty *TypeInt, value int64) *ConstInt {
return &ConstInt {
Ty: ty,
Value: big.NewInt(value),
func NewConstBool (value bool) *ConstInt {
var intVal int64
if value { intVal = 1 }
return NewConstInt(I1, intVal)
func (*ConstInt) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstInt) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstInt) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstInt) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstInt) Identifier () string {
// IntLit
if this.Ty.BitSize == 1 {
// "true"
// "false"
switch x := this.Value.Int64(); x {
case 0:
return "false"
case 1:
return "true"
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid integer value of boolean type; expected 0 or 1, got %d", x))
// Output x in hexadecimal notation if x is positive, greater than or equal
// to 0x1000 and has a significantly lower entropy than decimal notation.
// Minimum difference between entropy of decimal and hexadecimal notation to
// output x in hexadecimal notation.
const minEntropyDiff = 0.2
// Maximum allowed entropy of hexadecimal notation to output x in hexadecimal
// notation.
// This is useful as some hex values, while lower entropy than their decimal
// counter-part do not improve readability.
// For instance, the decimal entropy of 7240739780546808700 is 9/10 = 0.9 and
// the hexadecimal entropy of 0x647C4677A2884B7C is 8/16 = 0.5. As such the
// entropy difference is 0.9-0.5 = 0.4, but the hexadecimal notation does not
// improve readability. Thus we add an upper bound on the hexadecimal entropy,
// and if the entropy is above this bound, output in decimal notation
// instead.
hexLength := len(this.Value.Text(16))
maxHexEntropy := calcMaxHexEntropy(hexLength)
threshold := big.NewInt(0x1000) // 4096
// Check entropy if x >= 0x1000.
if this.Value.Cmp(threshold) >= 0 {
hexentropy := hexEntropy(this.Value)
decentropy := decimalEntropy(this.Value)
if hexentropy <= maxHexEntropy+0.01 && decentropy >= hexentropy+minEntropyDiff {
return "u0x" + strings.ToUpper(this.Value.Text(16))
return this.Value.String()
func calcMaxHexEntropy (length int) float64 {
if length > 16 {
length = 16
switch {
case length < 4:
return 0
case 4 <= length && length <= 6:
return 2.0 / float64(length)
case 7 <= length && length <= 10:
return 3.0 / float64(length)
// length >= 11
return 4.0 / float64(length)
func hexEntropy(x *big.Int) float64 {
const base = 16
return intEntropy(x, base)
func decimalEntropy(x *big.Int) float64 {
const base = 10
return intEntropy(x, base)
func intEntropy(x *big.Int, base int) float64 {
if base < 2 || base > 62 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid base; expected 2 <= base <= 62, got %d", base))
const maxBase = 62
var digits [maxBase]bool
s := x.Text(base)
// Locate unique digits.
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
b := s[i]
if b == '-' {
// skip sign.
d := digitValue(b)
digits[d] = true
// Count unique digits.
uniqueDigits := 0
for i := 0; i < base; i++ {
if digits[i] {
length := len(s)
if length > base {
length = base
return float64(uniqueDigits) / float64(length)
func digitValue(b byte) int {
switch {
case '0' <= b && b <= '9':
return 0 + int(b-'0')
case 'a' <= b && b <= 'z':
return 10 + int(b-'a')
case 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z':
return 36 + int(b-'A')
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid digit byte; expected [0-9a-zA-Z], got %#U", b))
type ConstNoCFI struct {
Function Const
func (*ConstNoCFI) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstNoCFI) Type () Type { return this.Function.Type() }
func (this *ConstNoCFI) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstNoCFI) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstNoCFI) Identifier () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("no_cfi %s", this.Function.Identifier())
type ConstNull struct { }
func (*ConstNull) IsConstant () { }
func (*ConstNull) Type () Type { return &TypePointer { } }
func (this *ConstNull) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstNull) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstNull) Identifier () string { return "null" }
type ConstPoison struct {
Ty Type
func (*ConstPoison) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstPoison) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstPoison) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstPoison) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstPoison) Identifier () string { return "poison" }
type ConstStruct struct {
Ty *TypeStruct
Fields []Const
func (*ConstStruct) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstStruct) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstStruct) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstStruct) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstStruct) Identifier () string {
buf := &strings.Builder{}
if this.Ty.Packed {
buf.WriteString("{ ")
for i, field := range this.Fields {
if i != 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
buf.WriteString(" }")
if this.Ty.Packed {
return buf.String()
type ConstUndef struct {
Ty Type
func (*ConstUndef) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstUndef) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstUndef) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstUndef) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstUndef) Identifier () string { return "undef" }
type ConstVector struct {
Ty *TypeVector
Elements []Const
func (*ConstVector) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstVector) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstVector) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstVector) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstVector) Identifier () string {
buf := &strings.Builder{}
for i, elem := range this.Elements {
if i != 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
return buf.String()
type ConstZeroInitializer struct {
Ty Type
func NewConstZeroInitializer (ty Type) *ConstZeroInitializer {
return &ConstZeroInitializer {
Ty: ty,
func (*ConstZeroInitializer) IsConstant () { }
func (this *ConstZeroInitializer) Type () Type { return this.Ty }
func (this *ConstZeroInitializer) String () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", this.Type(), this.Identifier())
func (this *ConstZeroInitializer) Name () string { return this.Identifier() }
func (this *ConstZeroInitializer) Identifier () string { return "zeroinitializer" }