.\" generated by cd2nroff 0.1 from CURLOPT_PREREQDATA.md .TH CURLOPT_PREREQDATA 3 "2024-08-02" libcurl .SH NAME CURLOPT_PREREQDATA \- pointer passed to the pre\-request callback .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLOPT_PREREQDATA, void *pointer); .fi .SH DESCRIPTION Pass a \fIpointer\fP that is untouched by libcurl and passed as the first argument in the pre\-request callback set with \fICURLOPT_PREREQFUNCTION(3)\fP. .SH DEFAULT NULL .SH PROTOCOLS This functionality affects all supported protocols .SH EXAMPLE .nf struct priv { void *custom; }; static int prereq_callback(void *clientp, char *conn_primary_ip, char *conn_local_ip, int conn_primary_port, int conn_local_port) { printf("Connection made to %s:%d\\n", conn_primary_ip, conn_primary_port); return CURL_PREREQFUNC_OK; } int main(void) { struct priv prereq_data; CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PREREQFUNCTION, prereq_callback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PREREQDATA, &prereq_data); curl_easy_perform(curl); } } .fi .SH AVAILABILITY Added in curl 7.80.0 .SH RETURN VALUE Returns CURLE_OK if the option is supported, and CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION if not. .SH SEE ALSO .BR CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP (3), .BR CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT (3), .BR CURLOPT_PREREQFUNCTION (3)