
524 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2022 Marceline Cramer
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::time::Duration;
use alacritty_terminal::ansi::{Color, NamedColor};
use alacritty_terminal::term::cell::{Cell, Flags as CellFlags};
use alacritty_terminal::term::color::{Colors, Rgb};
use alacritty_terminal::Term;
use fnv::FnvHashMap as HashMap;
use softbuffer::GraphicsContext;
use winit::window::Window;
use crate::config::{ColorConfig, Config, FontConfig};
use super::TermListener;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Point(pub usize, pub usize);
impl Point {
pub const ZERO: Self = Self(0, 0);
pub const ONE: Self = Self(1, 1);
impl std::ops::Add for Point {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
Self(self.0 + rhs.0, self.1 + rhs.1)
impl std::ops::Sub for Point {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
Self(self.0 - rhs.0, self.1 - rhs.1)
impl std::ops::Mul for Point {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
Self(self.0 * rhs.0, self.1 * rhs.1)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Canvas {
pub width: usize,
pub height: usize,
pub buffer: Box<[u32]>,
impl Canvas {
pub fn new(color: u32, width: usize, height: usize) -> Self {
Self {
buffer: vec![color; width * height].into_boxed_slice(),
pub fn clip(&self, xy: Point) -> Point {
Point(xy.0.min(self.width - 1), xy.1.min(self.height - 1))
pub fn draw_rect(&mut self, color: u32, tl: Point, br: Point) {
if tl.0 >= self.width || tl.1 >= self.height {
let br = self.clip(br);
unsafe {
self.draw_rect_unchecked(color, tl, br);
pub unsafe fn draw_rect_unchecked(&mut self, color: u32, tl: Point, br: Point) {
let row = tl.1 * self.width;
let mut dst_start = row + tl.0;
let mut dst_end = row + br.0;
for _ in tl.1..br.1 {
let dst = dst_start..dst_end;
dst_start += self.width;
dst_end += self.width;
pub fn blit(&mut self, xy: Point, src: &Canvas) {
let size = Point(src.width, src.height);
self.blit_from_slice(xy, &src.buffer, size);
pub fn blit_from_slice(&mut self, xy: Point, src_buffer: &[u32], src_size: Point) {
if xy.0 < self.width && xy.1 < self.height {
let cw = (self.width - xy.0 - 1).min(src_size.0);
let ch = (self.height - xy.1 - 1).min(src_size.1);
let dst_row = xy.1 * self.width;
let mut dst_start = dst_row + xy.0;
let mut dst_end = dst_start + cw;
let mut src_start = 0;
let mut src_end = cw;
for _ in 0..ch {
unsafe {
let dst_buf = self.buffer.get_unchecked_mut(dst_start..dst_end);
let src_buf = src_buffer.get_unchecked(src_start..src_end);
dst_start += self.width;
dst_end += self.width;
src_start += src_size.0;
src_end += src_size.0;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct GlyphInfo {
c: char,
fg: u32,
bg: u32,
flags: CellFlags,
pub struct GlyphCache {
renderer: BitmapGlyphRenderer,
glyphs: HashMap<GlyphInfo, Box<[u32]>>,
impl GlyphCache {
pub fn new(font_config: &FontConfig) -> Self {
Self {
renderer: BitmapGlyphRenderer::new(font_config),
glyphs: Default::default(),
pub fn cell_info(&self, graphics: &Graphics, cell: &Cell) -> GlyphInfo {
GlyphInfo {
c: cell.c,
fg: graphics.color_to_u32(&cell.fg),
bg: graphics.color_to_u32(&cell.bg),
flags: cell.flags,
pub fn lookup(&mut self, glyph: &GlyphInfo) -> &[u32] {
.or_insert_with(|| self.renderer.draw(glyph).into_boxed_slice())
pub struct BitmapGlyphRenderer {
normal_font: bdf::Font,
bold_font: bdf::Font,
cell_width: usize,
cell_height: usize,
impl BitmapGlyphRenderer {
pub fn new(font_config: &FontConfig) -> Self {
let normal_font = bdf::open(&font_config.normal).unwrap();
let bold_font = bdf::open(&font_config.bold).unwrap();
if normal_font.bounds() != bold_font.bounds() {
panic!("Normal and bold font bounds do not match!");
let cell_width = normal_font.bounds().width as usize;
let cell_height = normal_font.bounds().height as usize;
Self {
pub fn draw(&self, glyph: &GlyphInfo) -> Vec<u32> {
// eprintln!("rendering glyph: {:?}", glyph);
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(self.cell_width * self.cell_height);
let font = if glyph.flags.contains(CellFlags::BOLD) {
} else {
if let Some(bitmap) = font.glyphs().get(&glyph.c) {
let (bg, fg) = if glyph.flags.contains(CellFlags::INVERSE) {
(glyph.fg, glyph.bg)
} else {
(glyph.bg, glyph.fg)
for y in 0..self.cell_height {
if y == self.cell_height >> 1 && glyph.flags.contains(CellFlags::STRIKEOUT)
|| y == self.cell_height - 1 && glyph.flags.contains(CellFlags::UNDERLINE)
buf.resize(buf.len() + self.cell_width, fg);
} else {
for x in 0..self.cell_width {
let color = if bitmap.get(x as u32, y as u32) {
} else {
} else {
eprintln!("character bitmap miss: {:?}", glyph.c);
buf.resize(buf.capacity(), 0x00ff00ff);
pub struct Graphics {
pub canvas: Canvas,
pub cell_width: usize,
pub cell_height: usize,
pub pad_x: usize,
pub pad_y: usize,
pub colors: Colors,
glyph_cache: GlyphCache,
cell_cache: HashMap<Point, GlyphInfo>,
redraw_profiler: Profiler,
present_profiler: Profiler,
impl Graphics {
pub fn new(config: &Config) -> Self {
let mut colors = Colors::default();
Self::load_colors(&config.colors, &mut colors);
let bg = &config.colors.background;
let bg = ((bg.r as u32) << 16) | ((bg.g as u32) << 8) | (bg.b as u32);
let canvas = Canvas::new(bg, 2000, 2000);
let glyph_cache = GlyphCache::new(&config.fonts);
let cell_cache = Default::default();
Self {
cell_width: glyph_cache.renderer.cell_width,
cell_height: glyph_cache.renderer.cell_height,
pad_x: config.draw.pad_x as usize,
pad_y: config.draw.pad_y as usize,
redraw_profiler: Profiler::new("redraw", 300),
present_profiler: Profiler::new("present", 300),
pub fn load_colors(config: &ColorConfig, colors: &mut Colors) {
use NamedColor::*;
let rgb = |value: hex_color::HexColor| {
Some(Rgb {
r: value.r,
g: value.g,
b: value.b,
let mut set = |color: NamedColor, value: hex_color::HexColor| {
colors[color] = rgb(value);
set(Background, config.background);
set(Foreground, config.foreground);
set(Black, config.black);
set(Red, config.red);
set(Green, config.green);
set(Yellow, config.yellow);
set(Blue, config.blue);
set(Magenta, config.magenta);
set(Cyan, config.cyan);
set(White, config.white);
set(BrightBlack, config.bright_black);
set(BrightRed, config.bright_red);
set(BrightGreen, config.bright_green);
set(BrightYellow, config.bright_yellow);
set(BrightBlue, config.bright_blue);
set(BrightMagenta, config.bright_magenta);
set(BrightCyan, config.bright_cyan);
set(BrightWhite, config.bright_white);
colors[256] = rgb(config.foreground);
colors[257] = rgb(config.background);
pub fn get_color_idx(&self, index: usize) -> Rgb {
if let Some(color) = self.colors[index] {
} else if index > 255 {
eprintln!("color miss and out-of-bounds at {index}");
Rgb {
r: 0xff,
g: 0x00,
b: 0xff,
} else if let Some(gray) = index.checked_sub(232) {
let value = gray as u8 * 10 + 8;
Rgb {
r: value,
g: value,
b: value,
} else if let Some(cube_idx) = index.checked_sub(16) {
let cube_idx = cube_idx as u8;
let r = cube_idx / 36;
let g = (cube_idx / 6) % 6;
let b = cube_idx % 6;
let c = |c| {
if c == 0 {
} else {
c * 40 + 55
Rgb {
r: c(r),
g: c(g),
b: c(b),
} else {
eprintln!("color index miss at {index}");
Rgb {
r: 0xff,
g: 0x00,
b: 0xff,
pub fn get_color(&self, color: &Color) -> Rgb {
match color {
Color::Named(name) => self.colors[*name].unwrap(),
Color::Spec(rgb) => *rgb,
Color::Indexed(index) => self.get_color_idx(*index as usize),
pub fn color_to_u32(&self, color: &Color) -> u32 {
let rgb = self.get_color(color);
((rgb.r as u32) << 16) | ((rgb.g as u32) << 8) | (rgb.b as u32)
pub fn resize(&mut self, width: usize, height: usize) {
let bg = self.color_to_u32(&Color::Named(NamedColor::Background));
self.canvas = Canvas::new(bg, width, height);
pub fn redraw(&mut self, term: &Term<TermListener>, context: &mut GraphicsContext<Window>) {
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
let (width, height) = {
let size = context.window().inner_size();
(size.width as usize, size.height as usize)
if width != self.canvas.width || height != self.canvas.height {
self.resize(width, height);
let cursor_color = Color::Named(NamedColor::Foreground);
let cursor_color = self.color_to_u32(&cursor_color);
let cell_size = Point(self.cell_width, self.cell_height);
let content = term.renderable_content();
let pad_offset = Point(self.pad_x, self.pad_y);
let inner_bounds = Point(width, height) - pad_offset - pad_offset;
for cell in content.display_iter.into_iter() {
let term_col = cell.point.column.0 as usize;
let term_row = cell.point.line.0 as usize;
let term_coords = Point(term_col, term_row);
if (term_row + 1) * self.cell_height >= inner_bounds.1
|| (term_col + 1) * self.cell_width >= inner_bounds.0
if cell.flags.contains(CellFlags::HIDDEN) {
let glyph_info = self.glyph_cache.cell_info(self, &cell);
if self.cell_cache.get(&term_coords) == Some(&glyph_info) {
} else {
self.cell_cache.insert(term_coords, glyph_info.clone());
let xy = term_coords * cell_size + pad_offset;
let glyph = self.glyph_cache.lookup(&glyph_info);
self.canvas.blit_from_slice(xy, glyph, cell_size);
let term_col = content.cursor.point.column.0 as usize;
let term_row = content.cursor.point.line.0 as usize;
let term_coords = Point(term_col, term_row);
if (term_row + 1) * self.cell_height < inner_bounds.1
&& (term_col + 1) * self.cell_width < inner_bounds.0
let mut px_row = term_row * width * self.cell_height + term_col * self.cell_width;
use alacritty_terminal::ansi::CursorShape;
match content.cursor.shape {
CursorShape::Block => {
let tl = term_coords * cell_size + pad_offset;
let br = tl + cell_size;
self.canvas.draw_rect(cursor_color, tl, br);
CursorShape::Beam => {
let tl = term_coords * cell_size + pad_offset;
let br = tl + Point(2, cell_size.1);
self.canvas.draw_rect(cursor_color, tl, br);
CursorShape::Underline => {
let mut tl = term_coords * cell_size + pad_offset;
let br = tl + cell_size;
tl.1 = br.1 - 2;
self.canvas.draw_rect(cursor_color, tl, br);
CursorShape::HollowBlock => {
// TODO Canvas::draw_hollow_rect()
let buffer = &mut self.canvas.buffer;
for x in 0..self.cell_width {
buffer[px_row + x as usize] = cursor_color;
for _y in 0..(self.cell_height - 1) {
buffer[px_row] = cursor_color;
buffer[px_row + self.cell_width - 1] = cursor_color;
px_row += width;
for x in 0..self.cell_width {
buffer[px_row + x as usize] = cursor_color;
CursorShape::Hidden => {}
if content.cursor.shape != CursorShape::Hidden {
let present_start = std::time::Instant::now();
context.set_buffer(&self.canvas.buffer, width as u16, height as u16);
pub struct Profiler {
name: String,
limit: usize,
sum: Duration,
ring: VecDeque<Duration>,
impl Profiler {
pub fn new(name: &str, limit: usize) -> Self {
Self {
name: name.to_string(),
sum: Duration::ZERO,
ring: VecDeque::with_capacity(limit),
pub fn push(&mut self, time: Duration) {
if self.ring.len() == self.limit {
self.sum -= self.ring.pop_front().unwrap();
self.sum += time;
let average = self.sum.div_f32(self.ring.len() as f32);
log::debug!("{} time: {:?}", self.name, average);