
An experimental programming language with a focus on modularization and clarity of code.
A Minecraft package manager, which is capable of globally downloading and updating mods, modpacks, plugins, and resource packs.


The members of the Network are split into two separate categories: a project in this context is an entity whose constituents are individuals; a network is one whose members are projects themselves or a mix of projects and other networks.

A Tebibyte Media project does not necessarily have to be a free software project; it can be anything involving strong public engagement and iterative development. For example, a postmodernist fiction blog could count as a Tebibyte Media project as long as the work is ongoing and the blog is shared at no cost to its readers.

A network might be a webring, an online social hub for the advancement of an idea or collective agenda, or an organization which has multiple discrete components or internal projects with distinct individuals heading them up. A group of sites whose constituents are all blogs that focus on physics could be an example of a Tebibyte Media network.

Responsibilites & Assurances

Tebibyte Media's Network is designed in a way that is meant to prevent the Project from wielding power over members. All data and servers relating to any given member's infrastructure and the administrative privileges that come with it are theirs.

Every project in the Network will be represented by a single person who will be appropriately selected by the members of that project. For example, in the case of a free software project run by a BDFL, the leader of that project would be tasked with selecting the representative.

Note that we only want one representative from each project because it will simplify communication; to have a specific individual we know we can reach out to in discussions is important for quick resolutions.

Member networks are given the opportunity to provide as many representatives as there are distinct viewpoints in the community that network represents.

Every month, on the first day of the month, the Project will publish a blog post detailing the month in review of the Network. Representatives of each member will be responsible for working with the Project editors to write a short decription of the state of the member, including what has been accomplished in the past month and what is on the horizon. These sections will be submitted to the blog repository using the git version-tracking system. Knowledge of this system is not required but is preferred. Our editors will be able to guide representatives through the submission process and help with any problems presented by this setup.

Member Benefits

The Project takes upon itself responsibilities for each member of the Network. We will provide infrastructure that your project needs to succeed. Infrastructure currently available includes:

Planned infrastructure includes: In addition to benefits, we also offer community coordination and the existing Tebibyte Media Network as a baseline level of exposure.


In order to apply to be a member of the Tebibyte Media Network, please reference the below guidelines. All applications should be sent to

Please write the application in plaintext as an essay without organizational headings.

  1. Include the name of the applicant and describe its organizational makeup; specify constituents and appoint representative(s). [?]

  2. Define the type of work it is (i.e. software, educational resource, publisher, art project).

  3. Describe the programming languages, writing styles, target platforms, or technical information regarding the creation of its contents.

  4. Link technical resources which contextualize its creation, including reference materials, any work that is similar, or anything upon which it is based. This may include any issues encountered by similar works that the applicant plans to solve.

  5. Is this an experimental undertaking, which innovates in its field; a refined reimplementation of a tried-and-true solution; or something in between?

  6. Create a description of the vision of the applicant's minimum viable product. Minimum viable products are not complete or fully functional; they must simply demonstrate promising work. It is important to the success of any work that it releases early and releases often.

  7. Explain who the target users or audience are and what kinds of contributors the applicant would appeal to are.

  8. Describe the long-term goals of the applicant:

    • Estimated timespans: what will it look like in a month? In a year? Write a road map.

    • How will it contribute to the ecosystem it inhabits?

    • Is it trying to solve a problem, occupy an unfilled niche, or something else?

    • Does anything exist that is also attempting solve these problems? If so, how is this endeavor different?

  9. Answer the following questions:

    • What does it gain from joining the Network?

    • What does it bring to the table for other Network members? For example, if the applicant were a writing collective, it could provide valuable editorial knowledge. If it were an art project, it could create mixed-media projects with other members or design graphics for their projects.

      It should be noted that the applicant need not provide services to other Network members. For the guidelines on what is required from members, see the Responsibilities section of this page.

    • Does the applicant's work follow the Unix Philosophy (if applicable)? Explain why or why not and how, if at all, it departs from it.

  10. Include licensing details—Tebibyte Media will not accept applicants whose licensing conflicts with our goal of furthering free software and open-access ideology. See the Free Software Foundation's recommendations as well as their list of free software licenses for guidance on software licensing; for others, see the Creative Commons license chooser. Applicants whose works are covered in part by a No-Derivatives variant of these licenses are accepted only in circumstances when that part was created by a third party.