Sasha Koshka 498d1b5620 Replaced h1 tags in about with h2 tags
> Using more than one <h1> is allowed by the HTML specification, but is not
> considered a best practice. Using only one <h1> is beneficial for screen
> reader users.
2022-09-19 19:03:15 -04:00

243 lines
11 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TiB. | About</title>
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<a href="/">Home</a> |
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<a href="/network">Network</a> |
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<a href="/blog">Weblog</a> |
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<a href="">Git</a> |
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<a href="/about">About</a>
<div class="content">
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<h2 id=history>
<a href="history">History</a>
Tebibyte Media was started in 2020 by <a href="/~emma">Emma
Tebibyte</a> to create a community of technology-savvy
individuals who shared faer values. The original goal was to
propagate free software values, and that goal heavily
influenced the development of the itss new today.
Today, Tebibyte Media is an aspiring group of free software
and open-access enthusiasts who believe that all information
should be free and publicly accessible. To that end, we
promote, share, connect, and support like-minded developers,
artists, writers, and creators whose work progresses toward
this goal. Read more at our
<a href="/blog">blog</a>.
<div class="section">
<h2 id="structure">
<a href="#structure">Structure</a>
Tebibyte Media is composed of two distinct parts: the
Network and the Project. The latter is made up of its
<a href="/about#staff">staff</a> and the infrastructure that
supports it. The constituent projects and networks
associated with the Project make up our Network. This
distinction exists in order to maintain an appropriate
separation between the Project's and members' interests and
to preserve some of the heterogeneity of these communities.
<h2 id="staff">
<a href="#staff">Staff</a>
Emma Tebibyte is the leader of the Project and the
<a href="">
benevolent dictator for life</a> of Tebibyte Media. The
Network <a href="/network#responsibilities">is designed with
autonomy in mind</a> so that the Project staff cannot abuse
the power given to them.
<h3 id="devs">
<a href="#devs">Developers</a>
Our developer team is responsible for hacking on and
building the tooling the Project needs to facilitate the
Project's continued functioning. Our lead developer is
<a href="/~lilith">Lilith</a>, and her team includes
<a href="/~turtle1331">Turtle1331</a>.
<h3 id="editors">
<a href="#editors">Editors</a>
<a href=""></a>
Our editors are responsible for maintaining the
<a href="/blog">weblog</a>, editing submissions made by and
coordinating with staff, Network representatives, and guest
writers. as well as reading and approving Network
applications. Our lead editor is <a href="/~trinity">Trinity
</a> and her team includes <a href="/~vista">vista</a> and
<a href="~thegoose">thegoose</a>.
<h3 id="platform-managers">
<a href="#platform-managers">Platform Managers</a>
Our platform managers are responsible for the maintenance of
the services hosted on Tebibyte Media's server
(<a href="/blog">TebiBlog</a>,
<a href="">Tebitea</a>,
and <a href="">Matrix</a>), as well as maintaining
Network members' infrastructure when necessary. The
standards by which the Project operates are managed by them
as well. Our lead platform manager is
<a href="/~mars">mars</a> and its team includes
<a href="/~sashakoshka">sasha</a> and Emma.
<h2 id="network">
<a href=#network>Network</a>
For aspiring Network Members, please see our
<a href="/network#application">
application information</a>.
Tebibyte Media's <i>raison d'&#234;tre</i> is its
Network. Our goal as a Project is to foster the growth of
that Network by extending connections of solidarity between
individuals, projects, and other networks who share the
values we believe are important in the digital age.
For more information regarding the specification of the
Network as well as the current list of members, the benefits
they enjoy, and their responsibilities, see our
<a href="/network">Network</a> page.
<div class="column">
<h2 class="h-right" id="technical">
<a href="#technical">Technical Information</a>
<div class="section">
<h2 class="h-right" id="wtf-is-a-tib">
<i><a href="#wtf-is-tib">
WTF is a Tebibyte?
A tebibyte is a unit of digital storage equal to
1099511627776 bytes. The confusion ensuing due to Microsoft
Windows' usage of the SI prefixes instead of the proper IEC ones
is documented on
<a href="">
<div class="section">
<h2 class="h-right" id="license">
<a href="#license">How is your site licensed?</a>
The Tebibyte Media website is free software: you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
The Tebibyte Media website is distributed in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General
Public License along with the Tebibyte Media website. See
<a href="/LICENSE">
here</a> for that copy. The source code is available
<a href="">here</a>.
<div class="section">
<h2 class="h-right" id="hosting">
<a href="#hosting">Who is your hosting provider?</a>
The server hosting this site and its services is hosted on a
<a href="">Linode</a> running
<a href="">Debian 11</a> with the
<a href="">
Linux-libre</a> kernel.
<div class="section">
<h2 class="h-right" id="thanks">
<a href="#thanks">Special Thanks</a>
Thank you to robotcritter for having been a wonderful member
of the staff and for the support with the server. We
couldn't have existed without your contributions. We wish
you well at your job and look forward to seeing what
<a href="">
Cyborg</a> can become! &#8249;3
Thanks to
<a href="">
classic5000</a> at <a href="">
Ortus Journal</a> for giving me the reason I needed to
create the Network!
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<a href="">Copyleft</a> &#x1f12f; 2022
Tebibyte Media.