# TODO add feature to include original filename in file, use filename to reconstruct original file without user input # TODO make this work in RGB colorspace, reduce number of pixels needed # we need to encode ASCII data as an image! # each ASCII character takes up a 0-127 space, meaning we can fit at least 1 ASCII character into each channel of a given pixel in an image! # we need to assign the numeric value of a series of ASCII characters to each of the channels of each pixel of an image! # make list from string fileName = raw_input("Give me a file to pixelize:\n") #fileName = "" data = open(fileName,"r") dataString = data.read() #dataString = raw_input("Please give me text:") dataList = list(dataString) listLength = len(dataList) #print "list length: " + str(listLength) import math width = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(listLength/3))) #print "width: " + str(width) # make the image from PIL import Image image = Image.new('RGB',(width,width),color=0) # load the temp image and store the ASCII value in one of its pixels px = image.load() # px[1,1] = (ascValue) #image.show() # we have to loop through the coordinates 1,1 2,1 3,1 1,2 2,2 3,2 with 3 being the width of the image - maybe we raise the x coordinate until it hits the width count, then raise the y coordinate until it hits the secnd width count, then do the same operation - can we use modulo to determine if a scanline width count has been reached? # then we need to assign the ASCII numeric value to the pixel at each of those locations index = 0 for q in range(0,width): for i in range(0,width): if index < listLength: #prevents an error when trying to access data at indices higher than what's in the list # evaluate RGB values rVal = ord(dataList[index]) if (index+1) < listLength: gVal = ord(dataList[index+1]) else: gVal = 0 if (index+2) < listLength: bVal = ord(dataList[index+2]) else: bVal = 0 px[i,q] = (rVal,gVal,bVal) #print rVal #print gVal #print bVal print str(index) + "/" + str(listLength) + " done" index += 3 image.show() image.save("asciiConverted_RGB.png")