2021-12-09 18:22:52 -07:00
instruction_opcodes = {
"IDK": 0x00,
"LIT": 0x01,
"SWAP": 0x02,
"DEL": 0x03,
"COPY": 0x04,
"DEF": 0x05,
"END": 0x06,
"ADD": 0x10,
"SUB": 0x11,
"MUL": 0x12,
"DIV": 0x13,
"POW": 0x14,
"SQRT": 0x15,
"ONEMIN": 0x16,
"ROUND": 0x17,
"CEIL": 0x18,
"FLOOR": 0x19,
"MOD": 0x1a,
"FRACT": 0x1b,
"COMP": 0x1c,
"LERP": 0x1d,
"MIN": 0x1e,
"MAX": 0x1f
type_opcodes = {
"BOOL": {"code": 0x00, "length": 1},
"INT": {"code": 0x01, "length": 4},
"FLT": {"code": 0x02, "length": 4},
"VEC": {"code": 0x03, "length": 12}
source_file = open("Test.slc")
source_code = source_file.read()
source_code = source_code.replace(" ", "\n")
source_code = source_code.split("\n")
import struct
byte_code = bytearray()
code_type = ""
lit_type = ""
for word in source_code:
print(f"\nIn: \"{word}\"")
# Handle literal types
2021-12-09 18:34:49 -07:00
if code_type == "type":
2021-12-09 18:22:52 -07:00
print("Consuming literal type...")
print("Expecting next input to be a literal value.")
# Consume a literal of this word's type next
2021-12-09 18:34:49 -07:00
code_type = "value"
2021-12-09 18:22:52 -07:00
lit_type = word
# Push the type opcode onto the instruction stack
opcode = type_opcodes[word]["code"]
print(f"Out: {hex(opcode)}")
# Handle literal values
2021-12-09 18:34:49 -07:00
if code_type == "value":
2021-12-09 18:22:52 -07:00
print("Consuming literal value...")
# Consume a generic command next
code_type = ""
# Handle float literals
if lit_type == "FLT":
lit_bytes = bytearray(struct.pack(">f", float(word)))
print(f"Out: 0x{bytes(lit_bytes).hex()}")
# Handle vector literals
if lit_type == "VEC":
# Creates an array of floats from a string like "-1.0,7.3,10.5"
vector_components = word.split(",")
lit_bytes = bytearray()
for component in vector_components:
component_bytes = bytearray(struct.pack(">f", float(component)))
print(f"Out: 0x{bytes(lit_bytes).hex()}")
# Handle generic commands
print("Consuming generic command...")
if word == "LIT":
print("Expecting next input to be a literal type.")
2021-12-09 18:34:49 -07:00
code_type = "type"
2021-12-09 18:22:52 -07:00
opcode = instruction_opcodes[word]
print(f"Out: {hex(opcode)}")
pure_bytes = bytes(byte_code)
2021-12-09 18:25:51 -07:00
with open("Test.vcr", "wb") as binary_file:
2021-12-09 18:22:52 -07:00
print("\nWrote binary file to disk!")