2023-11-12 11:53:08 -07:00
#include <Xmd/Map.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
typedef struct _XmdMapElement {
XmdMapKey key;
void *value;
struct _XmdMapElement *sister;
} XmdMapElement;
struct _XmdMap {
Cardinal length;
Cardinal capacity;
XmdMapElement **data;
static void XmdMapResizeIfNeeded (XmdMap *map);
static Cardinal XmdMapHash (XmdMap *map, XmdMapKey key);
XmdMap *XmdMapNew () {
XmdMap *map = XtNew(XmdMap);
if (map == NULL) goto fail;
map->length = 0;
map->capacity = XmdMAP_INITIAL_CAPACITY;
map->data = (XmdMapElement **) (
XtCalloc(map->capacity, sizeof(XmdMapElement *)));
if (map->data == NULL) goto fail;
return map;
return NULL;
void *XmdMapGet (XmdMap *map, XmdMapKey key) {
XmdMapElement *element = map->data[XmdMapHash(map, key)];
while (element != NULL) {
if (element->key == key) return element->value;
element = element->sister;
return NULL;
void *XmdMapSetInternal (XmdMap *map, XmdMapKey key, void *value) {
/* find bucket */
XmdMapElement **destination = &map->data[XmdMapHash(map, key)];
/* find position in bucket */
while (*destination != NULL) {
if ((*destination)->key == key) {
/* element exists already */
void *previous = (*destination)->value;
if (value == NULL) {
/* if setting to NULL, free old element */
XmdMapElement *element = *destination;
*destination = element->sister;
XtFree((char *)(element));
} else {
/* otherwise, replace value */
(*destination)->value = value;
return previous;
destination = &((*destination)->sister);
/* element does not exist already */
if (value != NULL) {
/* allocate new element and append */
*destination = XtNew(XmdMapElement);
(*destination)->key = key;
(*destination)->value = value;
(*destination)->sister = NULL;
return NULL;
void *XmdMapSet (XmdMap *map, XmdMapKey key, void *value) {
void *previous = XmdMapSetInternal(map, key, value);
if (value == NULL) {
if (previous != NULL) map->length --;
} else {
if (previous == NULL) map->length ++;
return previous;
void XmdMapIterate (XmdMap *map, XmdMapIterator iterator) {
for (Cardinal index = 0; index < map->capacity; index ++) {
XmdMapElement *element = map->data[index];
while (element != NULL) {
if(!iterator(map, element->key, element->value)) break;
element = element->sister;
Cardinal XmdMaplength (XmdMap *map) {
return map->length;
void XmdMapFree (XmdMap *map) {
if (map == NULL) return;
XtFree((char *)(map->data));
XtFree((char *)(map));
void XmdMapResizeIfNeeded (XmdMap *map) {
Cardinal oldCapacity = map->capacity;
XmdMapElement **oldData = map->data;
/* figure out what the new capacity should be. if the map length is
very small compared to the map capacity, shrink the map to save
memory. if the map length is getting large compared to the map
capacity, grow the map to reduce collisions. if the map length is
neither too big nor too small, do nothing because rehashing is an
expensive operation. */
if (map->length + XmdMAP_INITIAL_CAPACITY < map->capacity / 4) {
map->capacity /= XmdMAP_GROWTH_FACTOR;
} else if (map->length > (map->capacity * 2) / 3) {
map->capacity *= XmdMAP_GROWTH_FACTOR;
} else {
/* rehash */
map->data = (XmdMapElement **) (
XtCalloc(map->capacity, sizeof(XmdMapElement)));
for (Cardinal index = 0; index < oldCapacity; index ++) {
XmdMapElement *element = oldData[index];
while (element != NULL) {
XmdMapSetInternal(map, element->key, element->value);
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XmdMapElement *sister = element->sister;
XtFree((char *)(element));
element = sister;
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XtFree((char *)(oldData));
static Cardinal XmdMapHash (XmdMap *map, XmdMapKey key) {
/* https://web.archive.org/web/20160329102146/http://elliottback.com/wp/
hashmap-implementation-in-c/ */
/* Robert Jenkins' 32 bit Mix Function */
key += (key << 12);
key ^= (key >> 22);
key += (key << 4);
key ^= (key >> 9);
key += (key << 10);
key ^= (key >> 2);
key += (key << 7);
key ^= (key >> 12);
/* Knuth's Multiplicative Method */
key = (key >> 3) * 2654435761;
return key % map->capacity;