package lexer import "fmt" import "" import "" // TokenKind is an enum represzenting what role a token has. type TokenKind int const ( TokenKindNewline TokenKind = iota TokenKindIndent TokenKindSeparator TokenKindPermission TokenKindReturnDirection TokenKindInt TokenKindUInt TokenKindFloat TokenKindString TokenKindRune TokenKindName TokenKindColon TokenKindDot TokenKindElipsis TokenKindComma TokenKindLBracket TokenKindRBracket TokenKindLBrace TokenKindRBrace TokenKindPlus TokenKindMinus TokenKindIncrement TokenKindDecrement TokenKindAsterisk TokenKindSlash TokenKindAt TokenKindExclamation TokenKindPercent TokenKindTilde // TODO: add equal to, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, // not equal to TokenKindEqualTo TokenKindNotEqualTo TokenKindLessThanEqualTo TokenKindLessThan TokenKindLShift TokenKindGreaterThan TokenKindGreaterThanEqualTo TokenKindRShift TokenKindBinaryOr TokenKindLogicalOr TokenKindBinaryAnd TokenKindLogicalAnd ) // Token represents a single token. It holds its location in the file, as well // as a value and some semantic information defining the token's role. type Token struct { kind TokenKind location file.Location value any } // Kind returns the semantic role of the token. func (token Token) Kind () (kind TokenKind) { return token.kind } // Is returns whether or not the token is of kind kind. func (token Token) Is (kind TokenKind) (match bool) { return token.kind == kind } // Value returns the value of the token. Depending on what kind of token it is, // this value may be nil. func (token Token) Value () (value any) { return token.value } // Equals returns whether this token is equal to another token func (token Token) Equals (testToken Token) (match bool) { return token.value == testToken.value && token.Is(testToken.kind) } // Location returns the location of the token in its file. func (token Token) Location () (location file.Location) { return token.location } // NewError creates a new error at this token's location. func (token Token) NewError ( message string, kind infoerr.ErrorKind, ) ( err infoerr.Error, ) { return infoerr.NewError(token.location, message, kind) } // Describe generates a textual description of the token to be used in debug // logs. func (token Token) Describe () (description string) { description = token.kind.Describe() if token.value != nil { description += fmt.Sprint(": ", token.value) } return } // Describe generates a textual description of the token kind to be used in // debug logs. func (tokenKind TokenKind) Describe () (description string) { switch tokenKind { case TokenKindNewline: description = "Newline" case TokenKindIndent: description = "Indent" case TokenKindSeparator: description = "Separator" case TokenKindPermission: description = "Permission" case TokenKindReturnDirection: description = "ReturnDirection" case TokenKindInt: description = "Int" case TokenKindUInt: description = "UInt" case TokenKindFloat: description = "Float" case TokenKindString: description = "String" case TokenKindRune: description = "Rune" case TokenKindName: description = "Name" case TokenKindColon: description = "Colon" case TokenKindDot: description = "Dot" case TokenKindElipsis: description = "Elipsis" case TokenKindComma: description = "Comma" case TokenKindLBracket: description = "LBracket" case TokenKindRBracket: description = "RBracket" case TokenKindLBrace: description = "LBrace" case TokenKindRBrace: description = "RBrace" case TokenKindPlus: description = "Plus" case TokenKindMinus: description = "Minus" case TokenKindIncrement: description = "Increment" case TokenKindDecrement: description = "Decrement" case TokenKindAsterisk: description = "Asterisk" case TokenKindSlash: description = "Slash" case TokenKindAt: description = "At" case TokenKindExclamation: description = "Exclamation" case TokenKindPercent: description = "Percent" case TokenKindTilde: description = "Tilde" case TokenKindLessThan: description = "LessThan" case TokenKindLShift: description = "LShift" case TokenKindGreaterThan: description = "GreaterThan" case TokenKindRShift: description = "RShift" case TokenKindBinaryOr: description = "BinaryOr" case TokenKindLogicalOr: description = "LogicalOr" case TokenKindBinaryAnd: description = "BinaryAnd" case TokenKindLogicalAnd: description = "LogicalAnd" } return }