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package lexer
import "io"
import ""
// LexingOperation holds information about an ongoing lexing operataion.
type LexingOperation struct {
file *file.File
char rune
// Tokenize converts a file into a slice of tokens (lexemes).
func Tokenize (file *file.File) (tokens []Token, err error) {
lexer := LexingOperation { file: file }
tokens, err = lexer.tokenize()
// if the lexing operation returned io.EOF, nothing went wrong so we
// return nil for err.
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
// tokenize converts a file into a slice of tokens (lexemes). It will always
// return a non-nil error, but if nothing went wrong it will return io.EOF.
func (lexer *LexingOperation) tokenize () (tokens []Token, err error) {
err = lexer.nextRune()
if err != nil { return }
for {
lowercase := lexer.char >= 'a' && lexer.char <= 'z'
uppercase := lexer.char >= 'A' && lexer.char <= 'Z'
number := lexer.char >= '0' && lexer.char <= '9'
if number {
// TODO: tokenize number
} else if lowercase || uppercase {
// TODO: tokenize multi
} else {
switch lexer.char {
case '"':
// TODO: tokenize string literal
case '\'':
// TODO: tokenize rune literal
case ':':
// TODO: colon token
case '.':
// TODO: dot token
case '[':
// TODO: left bracket token
case ']':
// TODO: right bracket token
case '{':
// TODO: left brace token
case '}':
// TODO: right brace token
// TODO: add more for things like math symbols, return
// direction operators, indentation, etc
err = file.NewError (
lexer.file.Location(), 1,
"unexpected character " +
// TODO: skip whitespace
// nextRune advances the lexer to the next rune in the file.
func (lexer *LexingOperation) nextRune () (err error) {
lexer.char, _, err = lexer.file.ReadRune()
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return file.NewError (
lexer.file.Location(), 1,
err.Error(), file.ErrorKindError)