# go-gemini [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/git.sr.ht/~adnano/gmi?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/git.sr.ht/~adnano/gmi) `go-gemini` implements the [Gemini protocol](https://gemini.circumlunar.space) in Go. It aims to provide an API similar to that of `net/http` to make it easy to develop Gemini clients and servers. ## Examples There are a few examples provided in the `examples` directory. Some examples might require you to generate TLS certificates. To run the examples: go run -tags=example ./examples/server ## Overview A quick overview of the Gemini protocol: 1. Client opens connection 2. Server accepts connection 3. Client and server complete a TLS handshake 4. Client validates server certificate 5. Client sends request 6. Server sends response header 7. Server sends response body (only for successful responses) 8. Server closes connection 9. Client handles response The way this is implemented in this package is like so: 1. Client makes a request with `NewRequest`. The client then sends the request with `(*Client).Send(*Request) (*Response, error)`. The client then determines whether to trust the certificate (see [Trust On First Use](#trust-on-first-use)). 2. Server recieves the request and constructs a response. The server calls the `Serve(*ResponseWriter, *Request)` method on the `Handler` field. The handler writes the response. The server then closes the connection. 3. Client recieves the response as a `*Response`. The client then handles the response. ## Trust On First Use `go-gemini` makes it easy to implement Trust On First Use in your clients. The default client loads known hosts from `$XDG_DATA_HOME/gemini/known_hosts`. If that is all you need, you can simply use the top-level `Send` function: ```go // Send uses the default client, which will load the default list of known hosts. req := gmi.NewRequest("gemini://example.com") gmi.Send(req) ``` Clients can also load their own list of known hosts: ```go client := &gmi.Client{} if err := client.KnownHosts.LoadFrom("path/to/my/known_hosts"); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ``` Clients can then specify how to trust certificates in the `TrustCertificate` field: ```go client.TrustCertificate = func(hostname string, cert *x509.Certificate, knownHosts *gmi.KnownHosts) error { // If the certificate is in the known hosts list, allow the connection return knownHosts.Lookup(hostname, cert) } ``` Advanced clients can prompt the user for what to do when encountering an unknown certificate. See `examples/client` for an example. ## Client Authentication Gemini takes advantage of client certificates for authentication. If a server responds with `StatusCertificateRequired`, clients will generate a certificate for the site and resend the request with the provided certificate. The default client handles this for you. Other clients must specify the fields `CertificateStore` and `GetCertificate`: ```go // Initialize the certificate store. client.CertificateStore = gmi.CertificateStore{} // GetCertificate is called when a server requests a certificate. // The returned certificate, if not nil, will be used when resending the request. client.GetCertificate = func(hostname string, store gmi.CertificateStore) *tls.Certificate { // If the certificate is in the store, return it if cert, ok := store[hostname]; ok { return cert } // Otherwise, generate a certificate duration := time.Hour cert, err := gmi.NewCertificate(hostname, duration) if err != nil { return nil } // Store and return the certificate store[hostname] = &cert return &cert } ``` Servers can then authenticate their clients with the fingerprint of their certificates. See `examples/auth` for an example server which authenticates its users with username and password, and uses their client certificate to remember sessions.