package client import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "strings" ) var ( CONN *mpd.Client ArtistTree map[string]map[string]map[string]string NotificationServer interface { Send(string) } WHITE_AND_BOLD string = "[#ffffff::b]" ) func SetConnection(c *mpd.Client) { CONN = c } func SetNotificationServer(n interface{ Send(string) }) { NotificationServer = n } func TogglePlayBack() error { status, err := CONN.Status() if status["state"] == "play" && err == nil { CONN.Pause(true) } else if status["state"] == "pause" && err == nil { CONN.Play(-1) } return err } // The GenerateContentSlice returns a slice of the content to be displayed on the Search View. The Slice is generated // because the random nature of maps as they return values randomly hence the draw function keeps changing the order // in which the results appear. func GenerateContentSlice(selectedSuggestion string) ([]interface{}, error) { var ContentSlice []interface{} if strings.TrimRight(selectedSuggestion, " ") == "" { NotificationServer.Send("Empty Search!") return nil, errors.New("empty Search String Provided") } if _, ok := ArtistTree[selectedSuggestion]; ok { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Artists :") ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, selectedSuggestion) ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Artist Albums :") for albumName := range ArtistTree[selectedSuggestion] { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, [2]string{albumName, selectedSuggestion}) } ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Artist Tracks :") for albumName, trackList := range ArtistTree[selectedSuggestion] { for track := range trackList { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, [3]string{track, selectedSuggestion, albumName}) } } } if aMap := QueryArtistTreeForAlbums(ArtistTree, selectedSuggestion); len(aMap) != 0 { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Albums :") for mSlice := range aMap { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, mSlice) } ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Album Tracks :") for a, pathSlice := range aMap { for _, path := range pathSlice { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, [3]string{path[0], a[1], a[0]}) } } } if tMap := QueryArtistTreeForTracks(ArtistTree, selectedSuggestion); len(tMap) != 0 { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Tracks :") for mSlice := range tMap { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, mSlice) } } return ContentSlice, nil } // GenerateArtistTree Artist Tree is a map of Artist to their Album Map // Album Tree is a map of the tracks in that particular album. func GenerateArtistTree() (map[string]map[string]map[string]string, error) { ArtistTree = make(map[string]map[string]map[string]string) AllInfo, err := CONN.ListAllInfo("/") if err == nil { for _, i := range AllInfo { if _, ArtistExists := ArtistTree[i["Artist"]]; !ArtistExists { ArtistTree[i["Artist"]] = make(map[string]map[string]string) } if _, AlbumExists := ArtistTree[i["Artist"]][i["Album"]]; !AlbumExists { ArtistTree[i["Artist"]][i["Album"]] = make(map[string]string) } if _, TitleExists := ArtistTree[i["Artist"]][i["Album"]][i["Title"]]; !TitleExists { ArtistTree[i["Artist"]][i["Album"]][i["Title"]] = i["file"] } } return ArtistTree, nil } else { return nil, errors.New("Could Not Generate Artist Tree") } } func PrintArtistTree(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string) { for k, v := range a { fmt.Println(k, " : ") for k1, v1 := range v { fmt.Println("\t|---", k1, " : ") for k2 := range v1 { fmt.Println("\t\t|---", k2) } } } } // Adds All tracks from a specified album to a playlist func AddAlbum(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, alb string, artist string) { for _, v := range a[artist][alb] { err := CONN.Add(v) if err != nil { NotificationServer.Send("Could Not Add Song : " + v) } } NotificationServer.Send("Album Added : " + alb) } // Adds All tracks from a specified artist to a playlist func AddArtist(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, artist string) { if val, ok := a[artist]; ok { for _, v := range val { for _, path := range v { err := CONN.Add(path) if err != nil { NotificationServer.Send("Could Not Add Song : " + path) } } } NotificationServer.Send("Artist Added : " + artist) } } // Adds Specified Track to the Playlist func AddTitle(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, artist, alb, track string, addAndPlay bool) { if addAndPlay { id, err := CONN.AddId(a[artist][alb][track], -1) CONN.PlayId(id) if err != nil { NotificationServer.Send("Could Not Add Track : " + track) } } else { err := CONN.Add(a[artist][alb][track]) if err != nil { NotificationServer.Send("Could Not Add Track : " + track) } } NotificationServer.Send("Track Added : " + track) } /* Querys the Artist Tree for a track and returns a TrackMap (i.e [3]string{artist, album, track} -> Path) which will help us to add tracks to the playlist */ func QueryArtistTreeForTracks(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, track string) map[[3]string]string { TrackMap := make(map[[3]string]string) for artistName, albumMap := range a { for albumName, trackList := range albumMap { for trackName, path := range trackList { if trackName == track { TrackMap[[3]string{trackName, artistName, albumName}] = path } } } } return TrackMap } /* Querys the Artist Tree for an album and returns a AlbumMap (i.e [3]string{artist, album } ->[]Path of songs in the album) which will help us to add all album tracks to the playlist */ func QueryArtistTreeForAlbums(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, album string) map[[2]string][][2]string { AlbumMap := make(map[[2]string][][2]string) for artistName, albumMap := range a { for albumName, trackList := range albumMap { if albumName == album { var pathSlice [][2]string for trackName, path := range trackList { pathSlice = append(pathSlice, [2]string{trackName, path}) } AlbumMap[[2]string{albumName, artistName}] = pathSlice } } } return AlbumMap } func AddToPlaylist(a interface{}, addAndPlay bool) { switch a.(type) { case [3]string: { b := a.([3]string) AddTitle(ArtistTree, b[1], b[2], b[0], addAndPlay) } case [2]string: { b := a.([2]string) AddAlbum(ArtistTree, b[0], b[1]) } case string: { b := a.(string) AddArtist(ArtistTree, b) } } }