MUSIC_DIRECTORY: "/D/Downloads/AllSongs/" # Your Music Directory (i.e music_directory in mpd.conf) ADDITIONAL_PADDING_X : 9 ADDITIONAL_PADDING_Y : 17 # Extra padding for the placement of the image # |---------------------------------------------------------| # | ADDITIONAL_PADDING_Y | # | | | # | v | # | |---------------| | # |ADDITIONAL_PADDING_X->| | | # | | IMAGE | | # | | | | # | |---------------| | # | | # | | # |---------------------------------------------------------| # ^ # | # Image Preview Box # Note: Padding can be negative or positive # PADDING_X on decrementing will move the image to right and PADDING_Y on incrementing will move the image to left # similarly PADDING_Y on decrementing will move the image UP and on incrementing will move the image DOWN IMAGE_WIDTH_EXTRA_X : -1.1 IMAGE_WIDTH_EXTRA_Y : -3.75 # Add extra IMAGE_WIDTH to the image so that it fits perfectly in the image preview box # # |-----------------------------------------------------------| # | - IMAGE_WIDTH_EXTRA_Y | # | - | | # | - v | # |-----------------------------------------------------------| # | - | # | - | # | IMAGE_WIDTH_EXTRA_X - | # | -> - | # | - IMAGE | # | - | # | - | # | - | # | - | # |-----------------------------------------------------------| # Note: IMAGE_WIDTH_EXTRA_X and IMAGE_WIDTH_EXTRA_Y can be positive or negative MPD_PORT : "6600" # Port on which music player daemon is running DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATH: "default.jpg" GET_COVER_ART_FROM_LAST_FM : "TRUE" # Turn On Getting Album art from lastfm api LASTFM_API_KEY: "YOUR API KEY HERE" LASTFM_API_SECRET: "YOUR API SECRET HERE" LASTFM_AUTO_CORRECT: 1 # 0 means it is turned off # according to lastfm documentation # autocorrect[0|1] (Optional) : Transform misspelled artist names into correct artist names, returning the correct version instead. # Mappings # # Mapping works in the following way: # Function: [ firstMapping, secondMapping, thirdMapping, ...... ] # for e.g togglePlayBack : [ "p", "SPACE", "]" ] # using the quotes is neccessary. # all the three keys now have the same function. # To see Availabe Keys and Functions : # Caching # # The Covert arts that are extracted from the file or downloaded from lastfm are cached. # It Is neccessary to define a cache directory to store all the cover arts. # The Caching works as follows # 1. Check if there is an embedded cover art if not then 2 # 2. Check if lastfm has album art if not then 3 # 3. Fallback to the default image. # # CACHE_DIR : "/path/to/the/cache/Directory" # for e.g "~/.config/goMP/cache" # You will have to manually create this directory. CACHE_FILE : "/path/to/the/cache/file" # Cache file stores the path to all the images ( think of it like a database. ) # Soon will be deprecated.