# goMP ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/status-usable-blue) MPD client inspired by ncmpcpp written in GO https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/51816057/137694586-199e8c0c-aa5b-473f-9657-ea399bb582a8.mp4 # Roadmap - [ ] Add Functionality to Sort out most played songs - [ ] Add a config parser ( preferably ***YAML*** ) - [x] ~~Ueberzug Integration~~ - [ ] Fuzzy Searching - [ ] Visual Mode (like vim) for updating playlists # Prerequisites - Music Player Daemon must be setup - Go Should Be Installed ( for building ) - Set the Path to your mpd DATABASE in progressbar.go ```go var DBDIR string = "PATH TO YOUR MPD DATABASE HERE" ``` # Installing / Building ```bash git clone https://github.com/aditya-K2/goMP && cd goMP && go build ``` ## Most of the Key-bindings are same as ncmpcpp