package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "strings" "" ) var ( WHITE_AND_BOLD string = "[#ffffff::b]" ) func getFormattedString(s string, width int) string { if len(s) < width { s += strings.Repeat(" ", (width - len(s))) } else { s = s[:(width - 2)] s += " " } return s } func togglePlayBack() error { status, err := CONN.Status() if status["state"] == "play" && err == nil { CONN.Pause(true) } else if status["state"] == "pause" && err == nil { CONN.Play(-1) } return err } func UpdatePlaylist(inputTable *tview.Table) { _playlistAttr, _ := CONN.PlaylistInfo(-1, -1) inputTable.Clear() for i, j := range _playlistAttr { _, _, w, _ := inputTable.GetInnerRect() if j["Title"] == "" || j["Artist"] == "" || j["Album"] == "" { inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell(getFormattedString(j["file"], w/3))) } else { inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell(getFormattedString("[green]"+j["Title"], w/3))) inputTable.SetCell(i, 1, tview.NewTableCell(getFormattedString("[magenta]"+j["Artist"], w/3))) inputTable.SetCell(i, 2, tview.NewTableCell("[yellow]"+j["Album"])) } } } /* The GenerateContentSlice returns a slice of the content to be displayed on the Search View. The Slice is generated because the random nature of maps as they return values randomly hence the draw function keeps changing the order in which the results. */ func GenerateContentSlice(selectedSuggestion string) ([]interface{}, error) { var ContentSlice []interface{} if strings.TrimRight(selectedSuggestion, " ") == "" { NOTIFICATION_SERVER.Send("Empty Search!") return nil, errors.New("empty Search String Provided") } if _, ok := ARTIST_TREE[selectedSuggestion]; ok { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Artists :") ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, selectedSuggestion) ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Artist Albums :") for albumName := range ARTIST_TREE[selectedSuggestion] { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, [2]string{albumName, selectedSuggestion}) } ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Artist Tracks :") for albumName, trackList := range ARTIST_TREE[selectedSuggestion] { for track := range trackList { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, [3]string{track, selectedSuggestion, albumName}) } } } if aMap := QueryArtistTreeForAlbums(ARTIST_TREE, selectedSuggestion); len(aMap) != 0 { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Albums :") for mSlice := range aMap { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, mSlice) } ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Album Tracks :") for a, pathSlice := range aMap { for _, path := range pathSlice { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, [3]string{path[0], a[1], a[0]}) } } } if tMap := QueryArtistTreeForTracks(ARTIST_TREE, selectedSuggestion); len(tMap) != 0 { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, WHITE_AND_BOLD+"Tracks :") for mSlice := range tMap { ContentSlice = append(ContentSlice, mSlice) } } return ContentSlice, nil } /* UpdateSearchView as the name suggests Updates the Search View the idea is to basically keep a fourth option called Search in the Navigation bar which will render things from a global ContentSlice at least in the context of the main function this will also help in persisting the Search Results. */ func UpdateSearchView(inputTable *tview.Table, c []interface{}) { inputTable.Clear() _, _, width, _ := inputTable.GetInnerRect() for i, content := range c { switch content.(type) { case [3]string: { inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell(getFormattedString("[green]"+content.([3]string)[0], width/3))) inputTable.SetCell(i, 1, tview.NewTableCell(getFormattedString("[magenta]"+content.([3]string)[1], width/3))) inputTable.SetCell(i, 2, tview.NewTableCell(getFormattedString("[yellow]"+content.([3]string)[2], width/3))) } case [2]string: { inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell(getFormattedString("[green]"+content.([2]string)[0], width/3))) inputTable.SetCell(i, 1, tview.NewTableCell(getFormattedString("[magenta]"+content.([2]string)[1], width/3))) } case string: { b := content.(string) if !strings.HasPrefix(b, WHITE_AND_BOLD) { inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell("[green]"+content.(string))) } else { inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell(content.(string)).SetSelectable(false)) } } } } } func join(stringSlice []string) string { var _s string = stringSlice[0] for i := 1; i < len(stringSlice); i++ { if _s != "" { _s += ("/" + stringSlice[i]) } } return _s } func Update(f []FileNode, inputTable *tview.Table) { inputTable.Clear() for i, j := range f { if len(j.children) == 0 { _songAttributes, err := CONN.ListAllInfo(j.absolutePath) if err == nil && _songAttributes[0]["Title"] != "" { _, _, w, _ := inputTable.GetInnerRect() inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell("[green]"+getFormattedString(_songAttributes[0]["Title"], w/3)). SetAlign(tview.AlignLeft)) inputTable.SetCell(i, 1, tview.NewTableCell("[magenta]"+getFormattedString(_songAttributes[0]["Artist"], w/3)). SetAlign(tview.AlignLeft)) inputTable.SetCell(i, 2, tview.NewTableCell("[yellow]"+_songAttributes[0]["Album"]). SetAlign(tview.AlignLeft)) } else if _songAttributes[0]["Title"] == "" { inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell("[blue]"+j.path). SetAlign(tview.AlignLeft)) } } else { inputTable.SetCell(i, 0, tview.NewTableCell("[yellow::b]"+j.path). SetAlign(tview.AlignLeft)) } } } func GenerateArtistTree() (map[string]map[string]map[string]string, error) { ArtistTree := make(map[string]map[string]map[string]string) AllInfo, err := CONN.ListAllInfo("/") if err == nil { for _, i := range AllInfo { if _, ArtistExists := ArtistTree[i["Artist"]]; !ArtistExists { ArtistTree[i["Artist"]] = make(map[string]map[string]string) } if _, AlbumExists := ArtistTree[i["Artist"]][i["Album"]]; !AlbumExists { ArtistTree[i["Artist"]][i["Album"]] = make(map[string]string) } if _, TitleExists := ArtistTree[i["Artist"]][i["Album"]][i["Title"]]; !TitleExists { ArtistTree[i["Artist"]][i["Album"]][i["Title"]] = i["file"] } } return ArtistTree, nil } else { return nil, errors.New("Could Not Generate Artist Tree") } } func PrintArtistTree(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string) { for k, v := range a { fmt.Println(k, " : ") for k1, v1 := range v { fmt.Println("\t|---", k1, " : ") for k2 := range v1 { fmt.Println("\t\t|---", k2) } } } } /* Adds All tracks from a specified album to a playlist */ func AddAlbum(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, alb string, artist string) { for _, v := range a[artist][alb] { err := CONN.Add(v) if err != nil { NOTIFICATION_SERVER.Send("Could Not Add Song : " + v) } } NOTIFICATION_SERVER.Send("Album Added : " + alb) } /* Adds All tracks from a specified artist to a playlist */ func AddArtist(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, artist string) { if val, ok := a[artist]; ok { for _, v := range val { for _, path := range v { err := CONN.Add(path) if err != nil { NOTIFICATION_SERVER.Send("Could Not Add Song : " + path) } } } NOTIFICATION_SERVER.Send("Artist Added : " + artist) } } /* Adds Specified Track to the Playlist */ func AddTitle(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, artist, alb, track string, addAndPlay bool) { if addAndPlay { id, err := CONN.AddId(a[artist][alb][track], -1) CONN.PlayId(id) if err != nil { NOTIFICATION_SERVER.Send("Could Not Add Track : " + track) } } else { err := CONN.Add(a[artist][alb][track]) if err != nil { NOTIFICATION_SERVER.Send("Could Not Add Track : " + track) } } NOTIFICATION_SERVER.Send("Track Added : " + track) } /* Querys the Artist Tree for a track and returns a TrackMap (i.e [3]string{artist, album, track} -> path) which will help us to add tracks to the playlist */ func QueryArtistTreeForTracks(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, track string) map[[3]string]string { TrackMap := make(map[[3]string]string) for artistName, albumMap := range a { for albumName, trackList := range albumMap { for trackName, path := range trackList { if trackName == track { TrackMap[[3]string{trackName, artistName, albumName}] = path } } } } return TrackMap } /* Querys the Artist Tree for an album and returns a AlbumMap (i.e [3]string{artist, album } ->[]path of songs in the album) which will help us to add all album tracks to the playlist */ func QueryArtistTreeForAlbums(a map[string]map[string]map[string]string, album string) map[[2]string][][2]string { AlbumMap := make(map[[2]string][][2]string) for artistName, albumMap := range a { for albumName, trackList := range albumMap { if albumName == album { var pathSlice [][2]string for trackName, path := range trackList { pathSlice = append(pathSlice, [2]string{trackName, path}) } AlbumMap[[2]string{albumName, artistName}] = pathSlice } } } return AlbumMap } func AddToPlaylist(a interface{}, addAndPlay bool) { switch a.(type) { case [3]string: { b := a.([3]string) AddTitle(ARTIST_TREE, b[1], b[2], b[0], addAndPlay) } case [2]string: { b := a.([2]string) AddAlbum(ARTIST_TREE, b[0], b[1]) } case string: { b := a.(string) AddArtist(ARTIST_TREE, b) } } }