aditya-K2 9c039a8681 Reading Mappings from config file
Following Changes have been made in addition to

    1. config.go :

	ReadMappings Reads Array for each function
	Basically we are going to define mappings like this :


	    Function :
		- first mapping
		- second mapping
		- third mapping


    2. kMap.go :

	GetAsciiValues will help us to get e.Rune() for the event for
	the handler function. So basically we will have a keymappings map
	generated which will help us to handle events.

	    for e.g

		if an user has defined following mappings


	    togglePlayBack :
		- P
		- p
		- B


		then the keymappings map will look like this

	    []keymappings = {
		GetAsciiValues("P") : togglePlayBack(),
		GetAsciiValues("p") : togglePlayBack(),
		GetAsciiValues("B") : togglePlayBack(),

	    so when the handler function will get an event e
	    we will just pass it to this keymappings map i.e

		keymappings[e] which will return the function
2021-11-11 22:03:35 +05:30

33 lines
817 B

package config
import (
func TestGetAsciiValue(t *testing.T) {
for k, v := range KMAP {
result, err := GetAsciiValue(k)
if result != v {
t.Errorf("Values From KMAP Failed")
} else if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error Received: %v", err)
for i := 65; i < (65 + 26); i++ {
result, err := GetAsciiValue(string(rune(i)))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error Received! %v", err)
} else if result != i {
t.Errorf("Invalid Value Received for small alphabets Result Received: %d expecting %d", result, i)
for i := 97; i < (97 + 26); i++ {
result, err := GetAsciiValue(string(rune(i)))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error Received: %v", err)
} else if result != i {
t.Errorf("Invalid Value Received for Big alphabets Result Received: %d expecting %d", result, i)