Things that I needed are not included in rivo's tview version and waiting for them to be merged will take time. So using My Fork.
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package main
import (
var CurrentSong string
// The progressBar is just a string which is separated by the color formatting String
// for e.g
// "[:#fbff00:]******************`innerText`[-:-:-] "
// the above string shows represents the progress until [-:-:-]
// [-:-:-] this string represents resetting colors so the substring before it would be with a
// colored background. this is done by calculating the innerRect of the table and taking that length as
// 100% and then representing the rest of the information in relation to it
type progressBar struct {
t *tview.Table
// This Function returns a progressBar with a table of two rows
// the First row will contain information about the current Song
// and the Second one will contain the progressBar
func newProgressBar(r *Renderer) *progressBar {
p := progressBar{}
a := tview.NewTable().
SetCell(0, 0, tview.NewTableCell("")).
SetCell(1, 0, tview.NewTableCell("")).
SetCell(2, 0, tview.NewTableCell(""))
a.SetDrawFunc(func(s tcell.Screen, x, y, width, height int) (int, int, int, int) {
return p.t.GetInnerRect()
CurrentSong = ""
p = progressBar{a}
return &p
func (s *progressBar) updateTitle(r *Renderer) {
_currentAttributes, err := CONN.CurrentSong()
if err == nil {
song := "[green::bi]" + _currentAttributes["Title"] + "[-:-:-] - " + "[blue::b]" + _currentAttributes["Artist"] + "\n"
s.t.GetCell(0, 0).Text = song
if len(_currentAttributes) == 0 && CurrentSong != "" {
CurrentSong = ""
} else if song != CurrentSong && len(_currentAttributes) != 0 {
CurrentSong = song
func (s *progressBar) updateProgress() {
_status, err := CONN.Status()
_, _, _width, _ := s.t.GetInnerRect()
el, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(_status["elapsed"], 8)
du, err := strconv.ParseFloat(_status["duration"], 8)
percentage := el / du * 100
if err == nil && err1 == nil {
s.t.SetTitle(fmt.Sprintf("[[::i] %s [-:-:-]Shuffle: %s Repeat: %s Volume: %s ]", formatString(_status["state"]), formatString(_status["random"]), formatString(_status["repeat"]), _status["volume"])).SetTitleAlign(tview.AlignRight)
s.t.GetCell(2, 0).Text = getText(float64(_width), percentage, strTime(el)+"/"+strTime(du)+"("+strconv.FormatFloat(percentage, 'f', 2, 32)+"%"+")")
} else {
s.t.SetTitle(fmt.Sprintf("[[::i] %s [-:-:-]Shuffle: %s Repeat: %s]", formatString(_status["state"]), formatString(_status["random"]), formatString(_status["repeat"]))).SetTitleAlign(tview.AlignRight)
s.t.GetCell(2, 0).Text = ""