The progressBar now has title which displays the Current Status.
53 lines
1013 B
53 lines
1013 B
package main
func strTime(e float64) string{
a := int(e)
var min, seconds string
if (a/60 < 10){
min = "0"
min += strconv.Itoa(a/60)
} else {
min = strconv.Itoa(a/60)
if (a%60 < 10){
seconds = "0"
seconds += strconv.Itoa(a%60)
} else{
seconds = strconv.Itoa(a%60)
return min + ":" + seconds
func insertAt(inputString, stringTobeInserted string, index int) string{
s := inputString[:index] + stringTobeInserted + inputString[index:]
return s
func getText(width , percentage float64, eta string) string{
q := "[#000000:#ffffff:bl]"
var a string
a += strings.Repeat(" ", int(width) - len(eta))
a = insertAt(a, eta, int(width/2) - 10)
a = insertAt(a, "[-:-:-]", int(width * percentage / 100))
q += a
return q
func formatString(a interface{}) string {
if a == "play" {
return "Playing"
} else if a == "1" {
return "On"
} else if a == "0" {
return "Off"
} else if a == "stop" {
return "Stopped"
} else {
return "Paused"