// Package cli provides utilities for writing command line utilities that // interact with services. package cli import "os" import "fmt" import "flag" import "strings" // Sayf is like Printf, but prints the program name before the message. This is // used for printing messages and errors. func Sayf (format string, values ...any) { Printf(os.Args[0] + ": " + format, values...) } // Printf prints to stderr. func Printf (format string, values ...any) { fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), format, values...) } // ServiceUser returns the system user that corresponds to the given service // name. This is not necissarily equivalent Hnakra user, although it is good // practice to have a 1:1 correspondance between them. func ServiceUser (service string) string { return "hn-" + strings.ToLower(service) }