org 100 // ask the user their name askLoopStart, loadi questionCounter skipcond 800 jump askLoopEnd output load questionCounter add one store questionCounter jump askLoopStart askLoopEnd, clear // read in their response until newline readLoopStart, input storei responseCounter subt newline skipcond 800 jump readLoopEnd load responseCounter add one store responseCounter jump readLoopStart readLoopEnd, clear // greet the user greetLoopStart, loadi greetingCounter skipcond 800 jump greetLoopEnd output load greetingCounter add one store greetingCounter jump greetLoopStart greetLoopEnd, clear // play back response clear store responseCounter playbackLoopStart, loadi responseCounter skipcond 800 jump playbackLoopEnd output load responseCounter add one store responseCounter jump playbackLoopStart playbackLoopEnd, clear halt one, hex 1 newline, hex 0A exclamation, chr ! questionCounter, adr question question, chr W chr h chr a chr t hex 20 chr i chr s hex 20 chr y chr o chr u chr r hex 20 chr n chr a chr m chr e chr ? hex 0A hex 00 greetingCounter, adr greeting greeting, chr H chr e chr l chr l chr o chr , hex 20 hex 00 responseCounter, hex 0