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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ type Application struct {
backend Backend
config Config
callbackManager CallbackManager
imageManager ImageManager
// Run initializes the application, starts it, and then returns a channel that
@ -33,60 +34,42 @@ func (application *Application) Run () (
// OnQuit registers an event handler to be called just before the application
// quits. This can happen when the user closes the application, or the backend
// experiences an unrecoverable error.
func (application *Application) OnQuit (
onQuit func (),
) {
application.callbackManager.onQuit = onQuit
// OnPress registers an event handler to be called when a key or mouse button
// is pressed.
func (application *Application) OnPress (
onPress func (button Button, modifiers Modifiers),
onPress func (button Button),
) {
application.callbackManager.onPress = onPress
// OnPress registers an event handler to be called when a key or mouse button
// is released.
func (application *Application) OnRelease (
onRelease func (button Button),
) {
application.callbackManager.onRelease = onRelease
// OnResize registers an event handler to be called when the application window
// is resized. After the event handler is called, any updates it makes will
// automatically be pushed to the screen.
func (application *Application) OnResize (
onResize func (),
) {
application.callbackManager.onResize = onResize
// OnMouseMove registers an event handler to be called when mouse motion is
// detected. The coordinates of the cell that the mouse now hovers over are
// given as input.
func (application *Application) OnMouseMove (
onMouseMove func (x, y int),
) {
application.callbackManager.onMouseMove = onMouseMove
// OnScroll registers an event handler to be called when the user uses the mouse
// scroll wheel. Horizontal and vertical amounts are given as input.
func (application *Application) OnScroll (
onScroll func (x, y int),
) {
application.callbackManager.onScroll = onScroll
// OnStart registers an event handler to be called once when the application
// starts, right before the first time updates are pushed to the screen.
// Anything done in here will be the first thing to appear on screen.
func (application *Application) OnStart (
onStart func (),
) {
@ -138,3 +121,21 @@ func (application *Application) Config () (config *Config) {
config = &application.config
// AddImage adds a new image buffer and returns a pointer to it.
func (application *Application) NewImage () (im *ColorImage) {
cellWidth, cellHeight := application.backend.CellMetrics()
im = &ColorImage {
cellWidth: cellWidth,
cellHeight: cellHeight,
// Remove removes the specified image buffer, if the application has it. If the
// image was found and removed, removed will be true.
func (application *Application) RemoveImage (im *ColorImage) (removed bool) {
removed = application.imageManager.Remove(im)

View File

@ -3,54 +3,18 @@ package stone
import "image"
import "errors"
// Backend represents a backend for stone. Backends can be registered for use
// with the RegisterBackend() function. All of the below methods MUST be thread
// safe!
type Backend interface {
// Run is the backend's event loop. It must cleanly exit when the user
// closes the window, but not before calling the OnQuit event. Run
// must call event handlers within its own event loop in a
// non-concurrent fashion.
// The OnStart event handler must run after the backend has been fully
// initialized, and right before updates are first pushed to the screen.
// Whatever the application draws from within this event handler must be
// the first thing that appears on-screen.
// The OnResize event handler must run whenever the window is resized.
// The backend must push updates to the screen after OnResize has been
// run.
// The backend must not push updates to the screen in any other case,
// except when its Draw() method is specifically called.
// The OnPress, OnRelease, OnMouseMove, and OnMouseScroll events are to
// be called when such events happen. It is reccommended to compress
// resize, mouse move, and mouse scroll events whenever possible to
// reduce the likelihood of event buildup.
Run ()
// SetTitle sets the application title. This will most often be the
// window title. This method may not always produce an effect, depending
// on the backend.
Run ()
SetTitle (title string) (err error)
// SetIcon takes in a set of images of different sizes and sets the
// window's icon to them. This method may not always produce an effect,
// depending on the backend.
SetIcon (icons []image.Image) (err error)
// Draw pushes all updates made to the application's buffer to the
// screen.
Draw ()
SetIcon (icons []image.Image) (err error)
Draw ()
CellMetrics () (width, height int)
// BackendFactory must completely initialize a backend, and return it. If
// anything goes wrong, it must stop, clean up any resources and return an
// error so another backend can be chosen.
type BackendFactory func (
application *Application,
application *Application,
callbackManager *CallbackManager,
imageManager *ImageManager,
) (
backend Backend,
err error,
@ -58,7 +22,6 @@ type BackendFactory func (
var factories []BackendFactory
// RegisterBackend registers a backend factory.
func RegisterBackend (factory BackendFactory) {
factories = append(factories, factory)
@ -66,7 +29,10 @@ func RegisterBackend (factory BackendFactory) {
func instantiateBackend (application *Application) (backend Backend, err error) {
// find a suitable backend
for _, factory := range factories {
backend, err = factory(application, &application.callbackManager)
backend, err = factory (
if err == nil && backend != nil { return }

View File

@ -49,25 +49,11 @@ func (backend *Backend) drawCells (forceRedraw bool) (areas []image.Rectangle) {
cell := backend.application.GetForRendering(x, y)
content := cell.Rune()
style := cell.Style()
forceRedraw &&
content < 32 &&
style & (
stone.StyleHighlight |
stone.StyleUnderline) == 0 {
if forceRedraw && content < 32 { continue }
areas = append(areas, backend.boundsOfCell(x, y))
backend.drawRune (
x, y,
backend.drawRune(x, y, content, cell.Color(), !forceRedraw)
if backend.drawBufferBounds && forceRedraw {
@ -88,205 +74,62 @@ func (backend *Backend) drawRune (
x, y int,
character rune,
runeColor stone.Color,
runeStyle stone.Style,
drawBackground bool,
) {
// TODO: cache these draws as non-transparent buffers with the
// application background color as the background. that way, we won't
// need to redraw the characters *or* composite them.
face := backend.font.normal
highlight := runeStyle & stone.StyleHighlight > 0
bold := runeStyle & stone.StyleBold > 0
italic := runeStyle & stone.StyleItalic > 0
boldTransform := false
italicTransform := false
switch {
case bold && italic:
if backend.font.boldItalic == nil {
switch {
backend.font.bold == nil && backend.font.italic != nil,
backend.font.bold != nil && backend.font.italic != nil:
boldTransform = true
face = backend.font.italic
case backend.font.italic == nil && backend.font.bold != nil:
italicTransform = true
face = backend.font.bold
boldTransform = true
italicTransform = true
} else {
face = backend.font.boldItalic
case bold:
if backend.font.bold == nil {
boldTransform = true
} else {
face = backend.font.bold
case italic:
if backend.font.italic == nil {
italicTransform = true
} else {
face = backend.font.italic
var background xgraphics.BGRA
var foreground xgraphics.BGRA
if highlight {
background = backend.colors[runeColor]
foreground = backend.colors[stone.ColorBackground]
} else {
background = backend.colors[stone.ColorBackground]
foreground = backend.colors[runeColor]
if drawBackground || highlight {
if drawBackground {
fillRectangle (
&image.Uniform { C: background },
&image.Uniform {
C: backend.config.Color(stone.ColorBackground),
backend.boundsOfCell(x, y))
origin := backend.originOfCell(x, y + 1)
if character >= 32 {
destinationRectangle, mask, maskPoint, _, ok := face.Glyph (
fixed.Point26_6 {
X: fixed.I(origin.X),
Y: fixed.I(origin.Y),
if !ok {
strokeRectangle (
&image.Uniform { C: foreground },
backend.boundsOfCell(x, y))
if backend.drawCellBounds {
strokeRectangle (
&image.Uniform { C: foreground },
backend.boundsOfCell(x, y))
// alphaMask, isAlpha := mask.(*image.Alpha)
// if isAlpha {
// backend.sprayRuneMaskAlpha (
// alphaMask, destinationRectangle,
// maskPoint, foreground, background)
// } else {
backend.sprayRuneMask (
mask, destinationRectangle,
maskPoint, foreground, background,
italicTransform, boldTransform)
// }
// underline
if runeStyle & stone.StyleUnderline > 0 {
maxX := origin.X + backend.metrics.cellWidth
y :=
origin.Y -
for x := origin.X; x < maxX; x ++ {
backend.canvas.SetBGRA(x, y, foreground)
func (backend *Backend) sprayRuneMask (
mask image.Image,
bounds image.Rectangle,
maskPoint image.Point,
fill xgraphics.BGRA,
background xgraphics.BGRA,
italic bool,
bold bool,
) {
maxX := bounds.Max.X - bounds.Min.X
maxY := bounds.Max.Y - bounds.Min.Y
if character < 32 { return }
for y := 0; y < maxY; y ++ {
var previousAlpha uint32
offset := 0
if italic {
offset = (maxY - y) / 4
for x := 0; x < maxX; x ++ {
_, _, _,
alpha := mask.At(x + maskPoint.X, y + maskPoint.Y).RGBA()
currentAlpha := alpha
if bold && previousAlpha > alpha {
alpha = previousAlpha
backend.canvas.SetBGRA (
x + bounds.Min.X + offset,
y + bounds.Min.Y - backend.metrics.descent,
xgraphics.BlendBGRA (
xgraphics.BGRA {
R: fill.R,
G: fill.G,
B: fill.B,
A: uint8(alpha >> 8),
previousAlpha = currentAlpha
origin := backend.originOfCell(x, y + 1)
destinationRectangle, mask, maskPoint, _, ok := backend.font.face.Glyph (
fixed.Point26_6 {
X: fixed.I(origin.X),
Y: fixed.I(origin.Y - backend.metrics.descent),
if bold {
backend.canvas.SetBGRA (
bounds.Max.X + offset,
y + bounds.Min.Y - backend.metrics.descent,
xgraphics.BlendBGRA (
xgraphics.BGRA {
R: fill.R,
G: fill.G,
B: fill.B,
A: uint8(previousAlpha >> 8),
if !ok {
strokeRectangle (
&image.Uniform {
C: backend.config.Color(stone.ColorForeground),
backend.boundsOfCell(x, y))
// func (backend *Backend) sprayRuneMaskAlpha (
// mask *image.Alpha,
// bounds image.Rectangle,
// maskPoint image.Point,
// fill xgraphics.BGRA,
// background xgraphics.BGRA,
// ) {
// maxX := bounds.Max.X - bounds.Min.X
// maxY := bounds.Max.Y - bounds.Min.Y
// for y := 0; y < maxY; y ++ {
// for x := 0; x < maxX; x ++ {
// alpha := mask.AlphaAt(x + maskPoint.X, y + maskPoint.Y).A
// backend.canvas.SetBGRA (
// x + bounds.Min.X,
// y + bounds.Min.Y - backend.metrics.descent,
// xgraphics.BlendBGRA (
// background,
// xgraphics.BGRA {
// R: fill.R,
// G: fill.G,
// B: fill.B,
// A: alpha,
// }))
// }}
// }
if backend.drawCellBounds {
strokeRectangle (
&image.Uniform {
C: backend.config.Color(stone.ColorForeground),
backend.boundsOfCell(x, y))
draw.DrawMask (
&image.Uniform {
C: backend.config.Color(runeColor),
image.Point { },
func fillRectangle (
source image.Image,

View File

@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
package x
import "unicode"
import ""
import ""
import ""
// when making changes to this file, look at keysymdef.h and
var buttonCodeTable = map[xproto.Keysym] stone.Button {
0xFFFFFF: stone.ButtonUnknown,
0xFF63: stone.KeyInsert,
0xFF67: stone.KeyMenu,
0xFF61: stone.KeyPrintScreen,
0xFF6B: stone.KeyPause,
0xFFE5: stone.KeyCapsLock,
0xFF14: stone.KeyScrollLock,
0xFF7F: stone.KeyNumLock,
0xFF08: stone.KeyBackspace,
0xFF09: stone.KeyTab,
0xFF0D: stone.KeyEnter,
0xFF1B: stone.KeyEscape,
0xFF52: stone.KeyUp,
0xFF54: stone.KeyDown,
0xFF51: stone.KeyLeft,
0xFF53: stone.KeyRight,
0xFF55: stone.KeyPageUp,
0xFF56: stone.KeyPageDown,
0xFF50: stone.KeyHome,
0xFF57: stone.KeyEnd,
0xFFE1: stone.KeyLeftShift,
0xFFE2: stone.KeyRightShift,
0xFFE3: stone.KeyLeftControl,
0xFFE4: stone.KeyRightControl,
0xFFE7: stone.KeyLeftMeta,
0xFFE8: stone.KeyRightMeta,
0xFFE9: stone.KeyLeftAlt,
0xFFEA: stone.KeyRightAlt,
0xFFEB: stone.KeyLeftSuper,
0xFFEC: stone.KeyRightSuper,
0xFFED: stone.KeyLeftHyper,
0xFFEE: stone.KeyRightHyper,
0xFFFF: stone.KeyDelete,
0xFFBE: stone.KeyF1,
0xFFBF: stone.KeyF2,
0xFFC0: stone.KeyF3,
0xFFC1: stone.KeyF4,
0xFFC2: stone.KeyF5,
0xFFC3: stone.KeyF6,
0xFFC4: stone.KeyF7,
0xFFC5: stone.KeyF8,
0xFFC6: stone.KeyF9,
0xFFC7: stone.KeyF10,
0xFFC8: stone.KeyF11,
0xFFC9: stone.KeyF12,
// TODO: send this whenever a compose key, dead key, etc is pressed,
// and then send the resulting character while witholding the key
// presses that were used to compose it. As far as the program is
// concerned, a magical key with the final character was pressed and the
// KeyDead key is just so that the program might provide some visual
// feedback to the user while input is being waited for.
0xFF20: stone.KeyDead,
var keypadCodeTable = map[xproto.Keysym] stone.Button {
0xff80: stone.Button(' '),
0xff89: stone.KeyTab,
0xff8d: stone.KeyEnter,
0xff91: stone.KeyF1,
0xff92: stone.KeyF2,
0xff93: stone.KeyF3,
0xff94: stone.KeyF4,
0xff95: stone.KeyHome,
0xff96: stone.KeyLeft,
0xff97: stone.KeyUp,
0xff98: stone.KeyRight,
0xff99: stone.KeyDown,
0xff9a: stone.KeyPageUp,
0xff9b: stone.KeyPageDown,
0xff9c: stone.KeyEnd,
0xff9d: stone.KeyHome,
0xff9e: stone.KeyInsert,
0xff9f: stone.KeyDelete,
0xffbd: stone.Button('='),
0xffaa: stone.Button('*'),
0xffab: stone.Button('+'),
0xffac: stone.Button(','),
0xffad: stone.Button('-'),
0xffae: stone.Button('.'),
0xffaf: stone.Button('/'),
0xffb0: stone.Button('0'),
0xffb1: stone.Button('1'),
0xffb2: stone.Button('2'),
0xffb3: stone.Button('3'),
0xffb4: stone.Button('4'),
0xffb5: stone.Button('5'),
0xffb6: stone.Button('6'),
0xffb7: stone.Button('7'),
0xffb8: stone.Button('8'),
0xffb9: stone.Button('9'),
// keycodeToButton converts an X keycode to a stone button code. It implements
// a more fleshed out version of some of the logic found in
// xgbutil/keybind/encoding.go to get a full keycode to keysym conversion, but
// eliminates redundant work by going straight to a button code.
func (backend *Backend) keycodeToButton (
keycode xproto.Keycode,
state uint16,
) (
button stone.Button,
numberPad bool,
) {
// A list of KeySyms is associated with each KeyCode. The list is
// intended to convey the set of symbols on the corresponding key. If
// the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a single KeySym
// ``K'', then the list is treated as if it were the list ``K NoSymbol
// K NoSymbol''. If the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a
// pair of KeySyms ``K1 K2'', then the list is treated as if it were the
// list ``K1 K2 K1 K2''. If the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol
// entries) is a triple of KeySyms ``K1 K2 K3'', then the list is
// treated as if it were the list ``K1 K2 K3 NoSymbol''. When an
// explicit ``void'' element is desired in the list, the value
// VoidSymbol can be used.
symbol1 := keybind.KeysymGet(backend.connection, keycode, 0)
symbol2 := keybind.KeysymGet(backend.connection, keycode, 1)
symbol3 := keybind.KeysymGet(backend.connection, keycode, 2)
symbol4 := keybind.KeysymGet(backend.connection, keycode, 3)
switch {
case symbol2 == 0 && symbol3 == 0 && symbol4 == 0:
symbol3 = symbol1
case symbol3 == 0 && symbol4 == 0:
symbol3 = symbol1
symbol4 = symbol2
case symbol4 == 0:
symbol4 = 0
symbol1Rune := keysymToRune(symbol1)
symbol2Rune := keysymToRune(symbol2)
symbol3Rune := keysymToRune(symbol3)
symbol4Rune := keysymToRune(symbol4)
// The first four elements of the list are split into two groups of
// KeySyms. Group 1 contains the first and second KeySyms; Group 2
// contains the third and fourth KeySyms. Within each group, if the
// second element of the group is NoSymbol , then the group should be
// treated as if the second element were the same as the first element,
// except when the first element is an alphabetic KeySym ``K'' for which
// both lowercase and uppercase forms are defined. In that case, the
// group should be treated as if the first element were the lowercase
// form of ``K'' and the second element were the uppercase form of
// ``K.''
cased := false
if symbol2 == 0 {
upper := unicode.IsUpper(symbol1Rune)
lower := unicode.IsLower(symbol1Rune)
if upper || lower {
symbol1Rune = unicode.ToLower(symbol1Rune)
symbol2Rune = unicode.ToUpper(symbol1Rune)
cased = true
} else {
symbol2 = symbol1
symbol2Rune = symbol1Rune
if symbol4 == 0 {
upper := unicode.IsUpper(symbol3Rune)
lower := unicode.IsLower(symbol3Rune)
if upper || lower {
symbol3Rune = unicode.ToLower(symbol3Rune)
symbol4Rune = unicode.ToUpper(symbol3Rune)
cased = true
} else {
symbol4 = symbol3
symbol4Rune = symbol3Rune
// The standard rules for obtaining a KeySym from a KeyPress event make
// use of only the Group 1 and Group 2 KeySyms; no interpretation of/
// other KeySyms in the list is given. Which group to use is determined
// by the modifier state. Switching between groups is controlled by the
// KeySym named MODE SWITCH, by attaching that KeySym to some KeyCode
// and attaching that KeyCode to any one of the modifiers Mod1 through
// Mod5. This modifier is called the group modifier. For any KeyCode,
// Group 1 is used when the group modifier is off, and Group 2 is used
// when the group modifier is on.
modeSwitch := state & backend.modifierMasks.modeSwitch > 0
if modeSwitch {
symbol1 = symbol3
symbol1Rune = symbol3Rune
symbol2 = symbol4
symbol2Rune = symbol4Rune
// The Lock modifier is interpreted as CapsLock when the KeySym named
// XK_Caps_Lock is attached to some KeyCode and that KeyCode is attached
// to the Lock modifier. The Lock modifier is interpreted as ShiftLock
// when the KeySym named XK_Shift_Lock is attached to some KeyCode and
// that KeyCode is attached to the Lock modifier. If the Lock modifier
// could be interpreted as both CapsLock and ShiftLock, the CapsLock
// interpretation is used.
shift :=
state & xproto.ModMaskShift > 0 ||
state & backend.modifierMasks.shiftLock > 0
capsLock := state & backend.modifierMasks.capsLock > 0
// The operation of keypad keys is controlled by the KeySym named
// XK_Num_Lock, by attaching that KeySym to some KeyCode and attaching
// that KeyCode to any one of the modifiers Mod1 through Mod5 . This
// modifier is called the numlock modifier. The standard KeySyms with
// the prefix ``XK_KP_'' in their name are called keypad KeySyms; these
// are KeySyms with numeric value in the hexadecimal range 0xFF80 to
// 0xFFBD inclusive. In addition, vendor-specific KeySyms in the
// hexadecimal range 0x11000000 to 0x1100FFFF are also keypad KeySyms.
numLock := state & backend.modifierMasks.numLock > 0
// Within a group, the choice of KeySym is determined by applying the
// first rule that is satisfied from the following list:
var selectedKeysym xproto.Keysym
var selectedRune rune
_, symbol2IsNumPad := keypadCodeTable[symbol2]
switch {
case numLock && symbol2IsNumPad:
// The numlock modifier is on and the second KeySym is a keypad
// KeySym. In this case, if the Shift modifier is on, or if the
// Lock modifier is on and is interpreted as ShiftLock, then the
// first KeySym is used, otherwise the second KeySym is used.
if shift {
selectedKeysym = symbol1
selectedRune = symbol1Rune
} else {
selectedKeysym = symbol2
selectedRune = symbol2Rune
case !shift && !capsLock:
// The Shift and Lock modifiers are both off. In this case, the
// first KeySym is used.
selectedKeysym = symbol1
selectedRune = symbol1Rune
case !shift && capsLock:
// The Shift modifier is off, and the Lock modifier is on and is
// interpreted as CapsLock. In this case, the first KeySym is
// used, but if that KeySym is lowercase alphabetic, then the
// corresponding uppercase KeySym is used instead.
if cased && unicode.IsLower(symbol1Rune) {
selectedRune = symbol2Rune
} else {
selectedKeysym = symbol1
selectedRune = symbol1Rune
case shift && capsLock:
// The Shift modifier is on, and the Lock modifier is on and is
// interpreted as CapsLock. In this case, the second KeySym is
// used, but if that KeySym is lowercase alphabetic, then the
// corresponding uppercase KeySym is used instead.
if cased && unicode.IsLower(symbol2Rune) {
selectedRune = unicode.ToUpper(symbol2Rune)
} else {
selectedKeysym = symbol2
selectedRune = symbol2Rune
case shift:
// The Shift modifier is on, or the Lock modifier is on and is
// interpreted as ShiftLock, or both. In this case, the second
// KeySym is used.
selectedKeysym = symbol2
selectedRune = symbol2Rune
// all of the below stuff is specific to stone's button codes. //
// look up in control code table
var isControl bool
button, isControl = buttonCodeTable[selectedKeysym]
if isControl { return }
// look up in keypad table
button, numberPad = keypadCodeTable[selectedKeysym]
if numberPad { return }
// otherwise, use the rune
button = stone.Button(selectedRune)
// keysymToRune takes in an X keysym and outputs a utf32 code point. This
// function does not and should not handle keypad keys, as those are handled
// by Backend.keycodeToButton.
func keysymToRune (keysym xproto.Keysym) (character rune) {
// X keysyms like 0xFF.. or 0xFE.. are non-character keys. these cannot
// be converted so we return a zero.
if (keysym >> 8) == 0xFF || (keysym >> 8) == 0xFE {
character = 0
// some X keysyms have a single bit set to 1 here. i believe this is to
// prevent conflicts with existing codes. if we mask it off we will get
// a correct utf-32 code point.
if keysym & 0xF000000 == 0x1000000 {
character = rune(keysym & 0x0111111)
// if none of these things happened, we can safely (i think) assume that
// the keysym is an exact utf-32 code point.
character = rune(keysym)

View File

@ -91,9 +91,7 @@ func (backend *Backend) handleButtonPress (
backend.callbackManager.RunScroll(sum.x, sum.y)
} else {
backend.callbackManager.RunPress (
stone.Button(buttonEvent.Detail + 127),
stone.Modifiers { })
backend.callbackManager.RunPress(stone.Button(buttonEvent.Detail + 127))
@ -110,27 +108,17 @@ func (backend *Backend) handleKeyPress (
connection *xgbutil.XUtil,
event xevent.KeyPressEvent,
) {
keyEvent := *event.KeyPressEvent
button, num := backend.keycodeToButton(keyEvent.Detail, keyEvent.State)
backend.callbackManager.RunPress (button, stone.Modifiers {
(keyEvent.State & xproto.ModMaskShift) > 0 ||
(keyEvent.State & backend.modifierMasks.shiftLock) > 0,
Control: (keyEvent.State & xproto.ModMaskControl) > 0,
Alt: (keyEvent.State & backend.modifierMasks.alt) > 0,
Meta: (keyEvent.State & backend.modifierMasks.meta) > 0,
Super: (keyEvent.State & backend.modifierMasks.super) > 0,
Hyper: (keyEvent.State & backend.modifierMasks.hyper) > 0,
NumberPad: num,
keyEvent := *event.KeyPressEvent
button := backend.keycodeToButton(keyEvent.Detail, keyEvent.State)
func (backend *Backend) handleKeyRelease (
connection *xgbutil.XUtil,
event xevent.KeyReleaseEvent,
) {
keyEvent := *event.KeyReleaseEvent
button, _ := backend.keycodeToButton(keyEvent.Detail, keyEvent.State)
keyEvent := *event.KeyReleaseEvent
button := backend.keycodeToButton(keyEvent.Detail, keyEvent.State)

View File

@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ import ""
// factory instantiates an X backend.
func factory (
application *stone.Application,
application *stone.Application,
callbackManager *stone.CallbackManager,
imageManager *stone.ImageManager,
) (
output stone.Backend,
err error,
@ -29,23 +30,15 @@ func factory (
application: application,
config: application.Config(),
callbackManager: callbackManager,
imageManager: imageManager,
// load font
backend.font.normal = findAndLoadFont (
backend.font.face = findAndLoadFont (
backend.font.bold = findAndLoadFont (
backend.font.italic = findAndLoadFont (
backend.font.boldItalic = findAndLoadFont (
if backend.font.normal == nil {
backend.font.normal = basicfont.Face7x13
if backend.font.face == nil {
backend.font.face = basicfont.Face7x13
// pre-calculate colors
@ -65,8 +58,8 @@ func factory (
// calculate metrics
metrics := backend.font.normal.Metrics()
glyphAdvance, _ := backend.font.normal.GlyphAdvance('M')
metrics := backend.font.face.Metrics()
glyphAdvance, _ := backend.font.face.GlyphAdvance('M')
backend.metrics.cellWidth = glyphAdvance.Round()
backend.metrics.cellHeight = metrics.Height.Round()
backend.metrics.descent = metrics.Descent.Round()
@ -83,18 +76,7 @@ func factory (
if err != nil { return }
backend.window, err = xwindow.Generate(backend.connection)
if err != nil { return }
// get keyboard mapping information
backend.modifierMasks.capsLock = backend.keysymToMask(0xFFE5)
backend.modifierMasks.shiftLock = backend.keysymToMask(0xFFE6)
backend.modifierMasks.numLock = backend.keysymToMask(0xFF7F)
backend.modifierMasks.modeSwitch = backend.keysymToMask(0xFF7E)
backend.modifierMasks.hyper = backend.keysymToMask(0xffed)
backend.modifierMasks.super = backend.keysymToMask(0xffeb)
backend.modifierMasks.meta = backend.keysymToMask(0xffe7)
backend.modifierMasks.alt = backend.keysymToMask(0xffe9)
// create the window
backend.window.Create (
@ -153,7 +135,7 @@ func factory (
Connect(backend.connection, backend.window.Id)
// uncomment these to draw debug bounds
// backend.drawCellBounds = true
// backend.drawCellBounds = true
// backend.drawBufferBounds = true
output = backend
@ -178,38 +160,6 @@ func findAndLoadFont (name string, size float64) (face font.Face) {
func (backend *Backend) keysymToKeycode (
symbol xproto.Keysym,
) (
code xproto.Keycode,
) {
mapping := keybind.KeyMapGet(backend.connection)
for index, testSymbol := range mapping.Keysyms {
if testSymbol == symbol {
code = xproto.Keycode (
index /
int(mapping.KeysymsPerKeycode) +
func (backend *Backend) keysymToMask (
symbol xproto.Keysym,
) (
mask uint16,
) {
mask = keybind.ModGet (
// init registers this backend when the program starts.
func init () {

backends/x/unicode.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
package x
import "unicode"
import ""
import ""
import ""
// when making changes to this file, look at keysymdef.h and
var buttonCodeTable = map[xproto.Keysym] stone.Button {
0xFFFFFF: stone.ButtonUnknown,
0xFF63: stone.KeyInsert,
0xFF67: stone.KeyMenu,
0xFF61: stone.KeyPrintScreen,
0xFF6B: stone.KeyPause,
0xFFE5: stone.KeyCapsLock,
0xFF14: stone.KeyScrollLock,
0xFF7F: stone.KeyNumLock,
0xFF08: stone.KeyBackspace,
0xFF09: stone.KeyTab,
0xFF0D: stone.KeyEnter,
0xFF1B: stone.KeyEscape,
0xFF52: stone.KeyUp,
0xFF54: stone.KeyDown,
0xFF51: stone.KeyLeft,
0xFF53: stone.KeyRight,
0xFF55: stone.KeyPageUp,
0xFF56: stone.KeyPageDown,
0xFF50: stone.KeyHome,
0xFF57: stone.KeyEnd,
0xFFE1: stone.KeyLeftShift,
0xFFE2: stone.KeyRightShift,
0xFFE3: stone.KeyLeftControl,
0xFFE4: stone.KeyRightControl,
0xFFE9: stone.KeyLeftAlt,
0xFFEA: stone.KeyRightAlt,
0xFFEB: stone.KeyLeftSuper,
0xFFEC: stone.KeyRightSuper,
0xFFFF: stone.KeyDelete,
0xFFBE: stone.KeyF1,
0xFFBF: stone.KeyF2,
0xFFC0: stone.KeyF3,
0xFFC1: stone.KeyF4,
0xFFC2: stone.KeyF5,
0xFFC3: stone.KeyF6,
0xFFC4: stone.KeyF7,
0xFFC5: stone.KeyF8,
0xFFC6: stone.KeyF9,
0xFFC7: stone.KeyF10,
0xFFC8: stone.KeyF11,
0xFFC9: stone.KeyF12,
func (backend *Backend) keycodeToButton (
keycode xproto.Keycode,
state uint16,
) (
button stone.Button,
) {
// FIXME: also set shift to true if the lock modifier is on and the lock
// modifier is interpreted as shiftLock
shift := state & xproto.ModMaskShift > 0
// FIXME: only set this to true if the lock modifier is on and the lock
// modifier is interpreted as capsLock
capsLock := state & xproto.ModMaskLock > 0
symbol1 := keybind.KeysymGet(backend.connection, keycode, 0)
symbol2 := keybind.KeysymGet(backend.connection, keycode, 1)
symbol3 := keybind.KeysymGet(backend.connection, keycode, 2)
symbol4 := keybind.KeysymGet(backend.connection, keycode, 3)
cased := false
// third paragraph
switch {
case symbol2 == 0 && symbol3 == 0 && symbol4 == 0:
symbol3 = symbol1
case symbol3 == 0 && symbol4 == 0:
symbol3 = symbol1
symbol2 = symbol2
case symbol4 == 0:
symbol4 = 0
symbol1Rune := keysymToRune(symbol1)
symbol2Rune := keysymToRune(symbol2)
symbol3Rune := keysymToRune(symbol3)
symbol4Rune := keysymToRune(symbol4)
// FIXME: we ignore mode switch stuff
_ = symbol4Rune
// fourth paragraph
if symbol2 == 0 {
upper := unicode.IsUpper(symbol1Rune)
lower := unicode.IsLower(symbol1Rune)
if upper || lower {
symbol1Rune = unicode.ToLower(symbol1Rune)
symbol2Rune = unicode.ToUpper(symbol1Rune)
cased = true
} else {
symbol2 = symbol1
if symbol4 == 0 {
upper := unicode.IsUpper(symbol3Rune)
lower := unicode.IsLower(symbol3Rune)
if upper || lower {
symbol3Rune = unicode.ToLower(symbol3Rune)
symbol4Rune = unicode.ToUpper(symbol3Rune)
cased = true
} else {
symbol4 = symbol3
var selectedKeysym xproto.Keysym
var selectedRune rune
// big ol list in the middle
switch {
// FIXME: take into account numlock
case !shift && !capsLock:
selectedKeysym = symbol1
selectedRune = symbol1Rune
case !shift && capsLock:
if cased && unicode.IsLower(symbol1Rune) {
selectedRune = symbol2Rune
} else {
selectedKeysym = symbol1
selectedRune = symbol1Rune
case shift && capsLock:
if cased && unicode.IsLower(symbol2Rune) {
selectedRune = unicode.ToUpper(symbol2Rune)
} else {
selectedKeysym = symbol2
selectedRune = symbol2Rune
case shift:
selectedKeysym = symbol2
selectedRune = symbol2Rune
// look up in table
var isControl bool
button, isControl = buttonCodeTable[selectedKeysym]
// if it wasn't found,
if !isControl {
button = stone.Button(selectedRune)
func keysymToRune (keysym xproto.Keysym) (character rune) {
// X keysyms like 0xFF.. or 0xFE.. are non-character keys. these cannot
// be converted so we return a zero.
if (keysym >> 8) == 0xFF || (keysym >> 8) == 0xFE {
character = 0
// some X keysyms have a single bit set to 1 here. i believe this is to
// prevent conflicts with existing codes. if we mask it off we will get
// a correct utf-32 code point.
if keysym & 0xF000000 == 0x1000000 {
character = rune(keysym & 0x0111111)
// if none of these things happened, we can safely (i think) assume that
// the keysym is an exact utf-32 code point.
character = rune(keysym)

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ type Backend struct {
application *stone.Application
config *stone.Config
callbackManager *stone.CallbackManager
imageManager *stone.ImageManager
connection *xgbutil.XUtil
window *xwindow.Window
canvas *xgraphics.Image
@ -27,10 +28,7 @@ type Backend struct {
lock sync.Mutex
font struct {
normal font.Face
bold font.Face
italic font.Face
boldItalic font.Face
face font.Face
colors [8]xgraphics.BGRA
@ -46,18 +44,6 @@ type Backend struct {
descent int
modifierMasks struct {
capsLock uint16
shiftLock uint16
numLock uint16
modeSwitch uint16
alt uint16
meta uint16
super uint16
hyper uint16
windowBoundsClean bool
@ -103,6 +89,12 @@ func (backend *Backend) SetIcon (icons []image.Image) (err error) {
func (backend *Backend) CellMetrics () (width, height int) {
width = backend.metrics.cellWidth
height = backend.metrics.cellHeight
// calculateWindowSize calculates window bounds based on the internal buffer
// size.
func (backend *Backend) calculateWindowSize () (x, y int) {

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ type Color uint8
const (
ColorBackground Color = 0x0
ColorForeground Color = 0x1
ColorDim Color = 0x2
ColorRed Color = 0x3
ColorRed Color = 0x2
ColorOrange Color = 0x3
ColorYellow Color = 0x4
ColorGreen Color = 0x5
ColorBlue Color = 0x6
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ const (
type Style uint8
const (
StyleNormal Style = 0
StyleBold Style = 1
StyleItalic Style = 2
StyleUnderline Style = 4
StyleHighlight Style = 8
StyleNormal Style = iota
StyleBold Style = iota >> 1
StyleBoldItalic Style = StyleBold | StyleItalic
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (cell Cell) Color () (color Color) {
// Style returns the styling information associated with the cell
func (cell Cell) Style () (style Style) {
func (cell Cell) Style (style Style) {
style =
@ -192,13 +192,9 @@ func (buffer *DamageBuffer) Write (bytes []byte) (bytesWritten int, err error) {
bytesWritten = len(bytes)
for _, character := range text {
if character == '\n' { = 0 ++
} else {
buffer.setRune(,, character) ++
buffer.setRune(,, character) ++
if > buffer.width { break }

View File

@ -1,139 +1,171 @@
package stone
import "os"
import "bufio"
import "strings"
import "strconv"
import "image/color"
import "path/filepath"
import ""
// Config stores global, read-only configuration parameters that apply to all
// applications. Backends only should honor parameters that they can support.
// Config stores configuration parameters. Backends only should honor parameters
// that they can support.
type Config struct {
private config.Config
colors [8]color.Color
padding int
center bool
fontSize int
fontNameNormal string
fontNameBold string
fontNameItalic string
fontNameBoldItalic string
fontName string
// Color returns the color value at the specified index.
func (public *Config) Color (index Color) (value color.Color) {
value = public.colors[index]
func (config *Config) Color (index Color) (value color.Color) {
value = config.colors[index]
// Padding specifies how many cell's worth of padding should be on all sides of
// the buffer.
func (public *Config) Padding () (padding int) {
padding = public.padding
func (config *Config) Padding () (padding int) {
padding = config.padding
// Center returns whether the buffer should be displayed in the center of the
// window like in kitty, or aligned to one corner like in gnome-terminal.
func (public *Config) Center () (center bool) {
center =
func (config *Config) Center () (center bool) {
center =
// FontSize specifies how big the font should be.
func (public *Config) FontSize () (fontSize int) {
fontSize = public.fontSize
func (config *Config) FontSize () (fontSize int) {
fontSize = config.fontSize
// FontNameNormal specifies the name of the font to use for normal text.
func (public *Config) FontNameNormal () (fontName string) {
fontName = public.fontNameNormal
// FontName specifies the name of the font to use.
func (config *Config) FontName () (fontName string) {
fontName = config.fontName
// FontNameBold specifies the name of the font to use for bold text.
func (public *Config) FontNameBold () (fontName string) {
fontName = public.fontNameBold
// FontName specifies the name of the font to use for text.
func (public *Config) FontNameItalic () (fontName string) {
fontName = public.fontNameItalic
// FontName specifies the name of the font to use for text.
func (public *Config) FontNameBoldItalic () (fontName string) {
fontName = public.fontNameBoldItalic
func (public *Config) load () {
public.private = config.Config {
LegalParameters: map[string] config.Type {
"fontNormal": config.TypeString,
"fontBold": config.TypeString,
"fontItalic": config.TypeString,
"fontBoldItalic": config.TypeString,
"fontSize": config.TypeInteger,
"padding": config.TypeInteger,
"center": config.TypeBoolean,
"colorBackground": config.TypeColor,
"colorForeground": config.TypeColor,
"colorDim": config.TypeColor,
"colorRed": config.TypeColor,
"colorYellow": config.TypeColor,
"colorGreen": config.TypeColor,
"colorBlue": config.TypeColor,
"colorPurple": config.TypeColor,
Parameters: map[string] any {
"fontNormal": "",
"fontBold": "",
"fontItalic": "",
"fontBoldItalic": "",
"fontSize": 11,
"padding": 2,
"center": false,
color.RGBA { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 0 },
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0x80, G: 0x80, B: 0x80, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0x00, G: 0xFF, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0x00, G: 0x80, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0x80, G: 0x40, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
func (config *Config) load () {
config.colors = [8]color.Color {
// background
color.RGBA { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 0 },
// foreground
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
// red
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
// orange
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0x80, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
// yellow
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
// green
color.RGBA { R: 0x00, G: 0xFF, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
// blue
color.RGBA { R: 0x00, G: 0x80, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
// purple
color.RGBA { R: 0x80, G: 0x40, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
config.fontName = ""
config.fontSize = 11
config.padding = 2
params := public.private.Parameters
public.fontNameNormal = params["fontNormal"].(string)
public.fontNameBold = params["fontBold"].(string)
public.fontNameItalic = params["fontItalic"].(string)
public.fontNameBoldItalic = params["fontBoldItalic"].(string)
public.fontSize = params["fontSize"].(int)
public.padding = params["padding"].(int) = params["center"].(bool)
public.colors[ColorBackground] = params["colorBackground"].(color.RGBA)
public.colors[ColorForeground] = params["colorForeground"].(color.RGBA)
public.colors[ColorDim] = params["colorDim" ].(color.RGBA)
public.colors[ColorRed] = params["colorRed" ].(color.RGBA)
public.colors[ColorYellow] = params["colorYellow" ].(color.RGBA)
public.colors[ColorGreen] = params["colorGreen" ].(color.RGBA)
public.colors[ColorBlue] = params["colorBlue" ].(color.RGBA)
public.colors[ColorPurple] = params["colorPurple" ].(color.RGBA)
homeDirectory, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil { return }
config.loadFile(filepath.Join(homeDirectory, "/.config/stone/stone.conf"))
func (config *Config) loadFile (path string) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil { return }
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if len(line) == 0 {
if line[0] == '#' {
key, value, found := strings.Cut(scanner.Text(), ":")
if !found {
println (
"config: error in file", path +
": key-value separator missing")
key = strings.TrimSpace(key)
value = strings.TrimSpace(value)
var valueInt int
var valueColor color.Color
var valueBoolean bool
if value == "true" {
valueBoolean = true
if value[0] == '#' {
if len(value) != 7 {
println (
"config: error in file", path +
": malformed color literal")
colorInt, err := strconv.ParseUint(value[1:7], 16, 24)
if err != nil {
println (
"config: error in file", path +
": malformed color literal")
valueColor = color.RGBA {
R: uint8(colorInt >> 16),
G: uint8(colorInt >> 8),
B: uint8(colorInt),
A: 0xFF,
} else {
valueInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(value)
switch key {
case "fontNormal":
config.fontName = value
case "fontSize":
config.fontSize = valueInt
case "padding":
config.padding = valueInt
case "center": = valueBoolean
case "colorBackground":
config.colors[ColorBackground] = valueColor
case "colorForeground":
config.colors[ColorForeground] = valueColor
case "colorRed":
config.colors[ColorRed] = valueColor
case "colorOrange":
config.colors[ColorOrange] = valueColor
case "colorYellow":
config.colors[ColorYellow] = valueColor
case "colorGreen":
config.colors[ColorGreen] = valueColor
case "colorBlue":
config.colors[ColorBlue] = valueColor
case "colorPurple":
config.colors[ColorPurple] = valueColor

View File

@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
package config
import "io"
import "os"
import "fmt"
import "sort"
import "bufio"
import "strings"
import "strconv"
import "image/color"
import "path/filepath"
// when making changes to this file, look at
// Error represents an error that can be returned by functions or methods in
// this module.
type Error int
const (
// ErrorIllegalName is thrown when an application name contains illegal
// characters such as a slash.
ErrorIllegalName Error = iota
// ErrorNoSeparator is thrown when a configuration file has an
// incorrectly formatted key-value pair.
// ErrorUnknownParameter is thrown when an unknown key is encountered in
// a configuration file.
// ErrorWrongColorLength is thrown when a configuration file has a color
// literal with a total length unequal to 7.
// ErrorMalformedColorLiteral is thrown when a configuration file has an
// improperly formatted color literal, or a color literal was expected
// and something else was encountered.
// ErrorMalformedIntegerLiteral is thrown when a configuration file has
// an improperly formatted integer literal, or an integer literal was
// expected and something else was encountered.
// ErrorMalformedFloatLiteral is thrown when a configuration file has
// an improperly formatted float literal, or a float literal was
// expected and something else was encountered.
// Error returns a description of the error.
func (err Error) Error () (description string) {
switch err {
case ErrorIllegalName:
description = "name contains illegal characters"
case ErrorNoSeparator:
description = "key:value pair has no separator"
case ErrorUnknownParameter:
description = "unknown parameter"
case ErrorWrongColorLength:
description = "color literal has the wrong length"
case ErrorMalformedColorLiteral:
description = "malformed color literal"
case ErrorMalformedIntegerLiteral:
description = "malformed integer literal"
case ErrorMalformedFloatLiteral:
description = "malformed float literal"
// Type represents the data type of a configuration parameter.
type Type int
const (
// string
// It is just a basic string with inner whitespace preserved. No quotes
// should be used in the file.
TypeString Type = iota
// Type: image/color.RGBA
// Represented as a 24 bit hexadecimal number (case insensitive)
// preceded with a # sign where the first two digits represent the red
// channel, the middle two digits represent the green channel, and the
// last two digits represent the blue channel.
// Type: int
// An integer literal, like 123456789
// Type: float64
// A floating point literal, like 1234.56789
// Type: bool
// Values true, yes, on, and 1 are all truthy (case insensitive) and
// anything else is falsy.
// Config holds a list of configuration parameters.
type Config struct {
// LegalParameters holds the names and types of all parameters that can
// be parsed. If the parser runs into a parameter that is not listed
// here, it will print out an error message and keep on parsing.
LegalParameters map[string] Type
// Parameters holds the names and values of all parsed parameters. If a
// value is non-nil, it can be safely type asserted into whatever type
// was requested.
Parameters map[string] any
// Load loads and parses the files /etc/xdg/<name>/<name>.conf and
// <home>/.config/<name>/<name>.conf, unless the corresponding XDG environment
// variables are set - then it uses those.
func (config *Config) Load (name string) (err error) {
if nameIsIllegal(name) {
err = ErrorIllegalName
for _, directory := range configDirs {
path := filepath.Join(directory, name, name + ".conf")
file, fileErr := os.Open(path)
if fileErr != nil { continue }
parseErr := config.LoadFrom(file)
defer file.Close()
if parseErr != nil {
println (
"config: error in file", path +
":", parseErr.Error())
// LoadFrom parses a configuration file from an io.Reader. Configuration files
// are divided into lines where each line may be blank, a comment, or a
// key-value pair. If the line is blank or begins with a # character, it is
// ignored. Else, the line must have a key and a value separated by a colon.
// Before they are processed, leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed from
// the key and the value. Keys are case sensitive.
func (config *Config) LoadFrom (reader io.Reader) (err error) {
if config.LegalParameters == nil {
config.LegalParameters = make(map[string] Type)
if config.Parameters == nil {
config.Parameters = make(map[string] any)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if len(line) == 0 {
if line[0] == '#' {
key, value, found := strings.Cut(scanner.Text(), ":")
if !found {
err = ErrorNoSeparator
key = strings.TrimSpace(key)
value = strings.TrimSpace(value)
what, isKnown := config.LegalParameters[key]
if !isKnown {
err = ErrorUnknownParameter
switch what {
case TypeString:
config.Parameters[key] = value
case TypeColor:
var valueColor color.Color
valueColor, err = parseColor(value)
if err != nil { return }
config.Parameters[key] = valueColor
case TypeInteger:
var valueInt int
valueInt, err = strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
err = ErrorMalformedIntegerLiteral
config.Parameters[key] = valueInt
case TypeFloat:
var valueFloat float64
valueFloat, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
if err != nil {
err = ErrorMalformedFloatLiteral
config.Parameters[key] = valueFloat
case TypeBoolean:
value = strings.ToLower(value)
truthy :=
value == "true" ||
value == "yes" ||
value == "on" ||
value == "1"
config.Parameters[key] = truthy
// Save overwrites the main user configuration file, which is located at
// <home>/.config/<name>/<name>.conf unless $XDG_CONFIG_HOME has been set, in
// which case the value of that variable is used instead.
func (config *Config) Save (name string) (err error) {
if nameIsIllegal(name) {
err = ErrorIllegalName
err = os.MkdirAll(configHome, 0755)
if err != nil { return }
file, err := os.OpenFile (
filepath.Join(configHome, name, name + ".conf"),
os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC, 0744)
if err != nil { return }
defer file.Close()
err = config.SaveTo(file)
if err != nil { return }
// SaveTo writes the configuration data to the specified io.Writer. Keys are
// alphabetically sorted.
func (config *Config) SaveTo (writer io.Writer) (err error) {
keys := make([]string, len(config.Parameters))
index := 0
for key, _ := range config.Parameters {
keys[index] = key
index ++
for _, key := range keys {
value := config.Parameters[key]
switch value.(type) {
case string:
fmt.Fprintf(writer,"%s: %s\n", key, value.(string))
case color.RGBA:
colorValue := value.(color.RGBA)
colorInt :=
uint64(colorValue.R) << 16 |
uint64(colorValue.G) << 8 |
fmt.Fprintf(writer,"%s: #%06x\n", key, colorInt)
case int:
fmt.Fprintf(writer,"%s: %d\n", key, value.(int))
case float64:
fmt.Fprintf(writer,"%s: %f\n", key, value.(float64))
case bool:
fmt.Fprintf(writer,"%s: %t\n", key, value.(bool))
fmt.Fprintf(writer,"# %s: unknown type\n", key)
func parseColor (value string) (valueColor color.Color, err error) {
if value[0] == '#' {
if len(value) != 7 {
err = ErrorWrongColorLength
var colorInt uint64
colorInt, err = strconv.ParseUint(value[1:7], 16, 24)
if err != nil {
err = ErrorMalformedColorLiteral
valueColor = color.RGBA {
R: uint8(colorInt >> 16),
G: uint8(colorInt >> 8),
B: uint8(colorInt),
A: 0xFF,
} else {
err = ErrorMalformedColorLiteral
func nameIsIllegal (name string) (legal bool) {
legal = strings.ContainsAny(name, "/\\|:.%")

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
package config
import "os"
import "strings"
import "path/filepath"
var homeDirectory string
var configHome string
var configDirs []string
var dataHome string
var cacheHome string
func init () {
var err error
homeDirectory, err = os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
panic("could not get user home directory: " + err.Error())
configHome = os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
if configHome == "" {
configHome = filepath.Join(homeDirectory, "/.config/")
configDirsString := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")
if configDirsString == "" {
configDirsString = "/etc/xdg/"
configDirs = append(strings.Split(configDirsString, ":"), configHome)
dataHome = os.Getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")
if dataHome == "" {
dataHome = filepath.Join(homeDirectory, "/.local/share/")
cacheHome = os.Getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")
if cacheHome == "" {
cacheHome = filepath.Join(homeDirectory, "/.cache/")
// DataHome returns the path to the directory where user data should be stored.
func DataHome (name string) (home string) {
home = filepath.Join(dataHome, name)
// CacheHome returns the path to the directory where cache files should be
// stored.
func CacheHome (name string) (home string) {
home = filepath.Join(cacheHome, name)

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package stone
type CallbackManager struct {
onQuit func ()
onPress func (button Button, modifiers Modifiers)
onPress func (button Button)
onRelease func (button Button)
onResize func ()
onMouseMove func (x, y int)
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ func (manager *CallbackManager) RunQuit () {
func (manager *CallbackManager) RunPress (button Button, modifiers Modifiers) {
func (manager *CallbackManager) RunPress (button Button) {
if manager.onPress == nil { return }
manager.onPress(button, modifiers)
func (manager *CallbackManager) RunRelease (button Button) {

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func redraw () {
application.SetRune(0, height - 1, '+')
for x := 0; x < width; x ++ {
application.SetColor(x, height / 2, stone.Color(x % 5 + 3))
application.SetColor(x, height / 2, stone.Color(x % 6 + 2))
for x := 1; x < width - 1; x ++ {

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
package main
import "os"
import "image"
import "image/color"
import _ "image/png"
import ""
import ""
import _ ""
var application = &stone.Application { }
var inputState struct {
x int
y int
var globalConfig config.Config
func main () {
application.SetTitle("configuration viewer")
application.SetSize(32, 16)
iconFile16, err := os.Open("assets/scaffold16.png")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
icon16, _, err := image.Decode(iconFile16)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
iconFile32, err := os.Open("assets/scaffold32.png")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
icon32, _, err := image.Decode(iconFile32)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
application.SetIcon([]image.Image { icon16, icon32 })
err = application.Run()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
func onStart () {
// this is just copy pasted from config.go
globalConfig = config.Config {
LegalParameters: map[string] config.Type {
"fontNormal": config.TypeString,
"fontSize": config.TypeInteger,
"padding": config.TypeInteger,
"center": config.TypeBoolean,
"colorBackground": config.TypeColor,
"colorForeground": config.TypeColor,
"colorDim": config.TypeColor,
"colorRed": config.TypeColor,
"colorYellow": config.TypeColor,
"colorGreen": config.TypeColor,
"colorBlue": config.TypeColor,
"colorPurple": config.TypeColor,
Parameters: map[string] any {
"fontNormal": "",
"fontSize": 11,
"padding": 2,
"center": false,
color.RGBA { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 0 },
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0x80, G: 0x80, B: 0x80, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0x00, G: 0xFF, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0x00, G: 0x80, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
color.RGBA { R: 0x80, G: 0x40, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF },
func redraw () {
// i fucking love go interfaces
application.SetDot(0, 0)
func onPress (button stone.Button, modifiers stone.Modifiers) {
func onRelease (button stone.Button) {
func onMouseMove (x, y int) {
inputState.x = x
inputState.y = y

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func main () {
if err != nil { panic(err) }
func onPress (button stone.Button, modifiers stone.Modifiers) {
func onPress (button stone.Button) {
if button == stone.MouseButtonLeft {
mousePressed = true
application.SetRune(0, 0, '+')
@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ func onRelease (button stone.Button) {
func onMouseMove (x, y int) {
if mousePressed {
func onMouseMove (x, y int) { if mousePressed {
application.SetRune(x, y, '#')

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
package main
import "os"
import "fmt"
import "image"
import _ "image/png"
import ""
import _ ""
var application = &stone.Application { }
func main () {
application.SetTitle("press any key")
application.SetSize(8, 1)
iconFile16, err := os.Open("assets/scaffold16.png")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
icon16, _, err := image.Decode(iconFile16)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
iconFile32, err := os.Open("assets/scaffold32.png")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
icon32, _, err := image.Decode(iconFile32)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
application.SetIcon([]image.Image { icon16, icon32 })
err = application.Run()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
func onPress (button stone.Button, modifiers stone.Modifiers) {
fmt.Printf (
"=>>\t0x%X\tsh: %t\tctrl: %t\talt: %t\tm: %t\ts: %t \th: %t\tnumpad: %t\n",
func onRelease (button stone.Button) {
fmt.Printf("<--\t0x%X\n", button)

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
package main
import "os"
import "fmt"
import "image"
import "math/rand"
import _ "image/png"
import ""
import _ ""
var application = &stone.Application { }
func main () {
application.SetTitle("style demo")
application.SetSize(11, 8)
iconFile16, err := os.Open("assets/scaffold16.png")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
icon16, _, err := image.Decode(iconFile16)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
iconFile32, err := os.Open("assets/scaffold32.png")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
icon32, _, err := image.Decode(iconFile32)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
application.SetIcon([]image.Image { icon16, icon32 })
err = application.Run()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
func onPress (button stone.Button, modifiers stone.Modifiers) {
func redraw () {
width, _ := application.Size()
application.SetDot(0, 0)
fmt.Fprint (
"all 3\n",
"all 4\n",
fillStyle(0, width, stone.StyleNormal)
fillStyle(1, width, stone.StyleBold)
fillStyle(2, width, stone.StyleItalic)
fillStyle(3, width, stone.StyleUnderline)
fillStyle(4, width, stone.StyleBoldItalic | stone.StyleUnderline)
fillStyle(5, width, stone.StyleHighlight)
fillStyle(6, width, stone.StyleBoldItalic | stone.StyleUnderline |
if rand.Int() % 2 == 0 {
fillStyle(7, width, stone.StyleNormal)
} else {
fillStyle(7, width, stone.StyleHighlight)
func fillStyle (yOffset, width int, style stone.Style) {
for x := 0; x < width; x ++ {
application.SetStyle(x, yOffset, style)
application.SetColor(x, yOffset, stone.Color(x % 7 + 1))

View File

@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
package main
import "os"
import "fmt"
import "image"
import _ "image/png"
import ""
import _ ""
var application = &stone.Application { }
var caretX = 0
var caretY = 2
var page = 1
var caret = 0
func main () {
application.SetSize(32, 28)
application.SetSize(32, 16)
iconFile16, err := os.Open("assets/scaffold16.png")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
@ -28,57 +25,32 @@ func main () {
application.SetIcon([]image.Image { icon16, icon32 })
err = application.Run()
channel, err := application.Run()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
func redraw () {
_, height := application.Size()
application.SetDot(0, 0)
fmt.Fprint(application, "type some text below:")
caretX = 0
caretY = 2
application.SetDot(0, height - 1)
fmt.Fprintf(application, "page %d", page)
for {
event := <- channel
switch event.(type) {
case stone.EventQuit:
func drawCaret () {
application.SetRune(caretX, caretY, '+')
application.SetColor(caretX, caretY, stone.ColorDim)
case stone.EventPress:
button := event.(stone.EventPress).Button
if button.Printable() {
application.SetRune(caret, 0, rune(button))
caret ++
width, _ := application.Size()
if caret >= width {
caret = 0
func onPress (button stone.Button, modifiers stone.Modifiers) {
width, height := application.Size()
if button == stone.KeyEnter {
application.SetRune(caretX, caretY, 0)
caretX = 0
caretY ++
} else if button.Printable() {
application.SetRune(caretX, caretY, rune(button))
application.SetColor(caretX, caretY, stone.ColorForeground)
caretX ++
if caretX >= width {
caretX = 0
caretY ++
case stone.EventResize:
if caretY >= height - 2 {
page ++

image.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
package stone
import "sync"
import "image"
import "image/color"
type ImageManager struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
images []*ColorImage
func (manager *ImageManager) For (callback func (im *ColorImage)) {
defer manager.lock.RUnlock()
for _, im := range manager.images {
func (manager *ImageManager) Add (im *ColorImage) {
defer manager.lock.Unlock()
manager.images = append(manager.images, im)
func (manager *ImageManager) Size () (size int) {
defer manager.lock.RUnlock()
size = len(manager.images)
func (manager *ImageManager) At (index int) (im *ColorImage) {
defer manager.lock.RUnlock()
if index < 0 || index > len(manager.images) { return }
im = manager.images[index]
func (manager *ImageManager) Remove (im *ColorImage) (removed bool) {
defer manager.lock.Unlock()
index := 0
for manager.images[index] != im && index < len(manager.images) {
index ++
if index >= len(manager.images) { return }
manager.images = append (
manager.images[index + 1:]...)
removed = true
type ColorImage struct {
x, y int
width, height int
bufferWidth, bufferHeight int
cellWidth, cellHeight int
buffer []color.RGBA
clean bool
func (im *ColorImage) Model () (model color.Model) {
model = color.RGBAModel
func (im *ColorImage) Bounds () (bounds image.Rectangle) {
bounds.Max.X = im.width
bounds.Max.Y = im.height
func (im *ColorImage) Size () (width, height int) {
width = im.width
height = im.height
func (im *ColorImage) SetSize (width, height int) {
im.width = width
im.height = height
im.bufferWidth = im.cellWidth * im.width
im.bufferHeight = im.cellHeight * im.height
im.buffer = make([]color.RGBA, im.bufferWidth * im.bufferHeight)
im.clean = false
func (im *ColorImage) At (x, y int) (pixel color.Color) {
if im.outOfBounds(x, y) { return }
pixel = im.buffer[x + y * im.width]
func (im *ColorImage) AtRGBA (x, y int) (pixel color.RGBA) {
if im.outOfBounds(x, y) { return }
pixel = im.buffer[x + y * im.width]
func (im *ColorImage) Set (x, y int, pixel color.Color) {
if im.outOfBounds(x, y) { return }
r, g, b, a := pixel.RGBA()
im.buffer[x + y * im.width] = color.RGBA {
R: uint8(r >> 8),
G: uint8(g >> 8),
B: uint8(b >> 8),
A: uint8(a >> 8),
im.clean = false
func (im *ColorImage) SetRGBA (x, y int, pixel color.RGBA) {
if im.outOfBounds(x, y) { return }
im.buffer[x + y * im.width] = pixel
func (im *ColorImage) MarkClean () {
im.clean = true
func (im *ColorImage) outOfBounds (x, y int) (outOfBounds bool) {
outOfBounds =
x >= im.width ||
y >= im.height ||
x < 0 ||
y < 0

View File

@ -34,30 +34,26 @@ const (
KeyLeftControl Button = 22
KeyRightControl Button = 23
KeyLeftAlt Button = 24
KeyRightAlt Button = 25
KeyLeftMeta Button = 26
KeyRightMeta Button = 27
KeyLeftSuper Button = 28
KeyRightSuper Button = 29
KeyLeftHyper Button = 30
KeyRightHyper Button = 31
KeyRightAlt Button = 25
KeyLeftSuper Button = 26
KeyRightSuper Button = 27
KeyDelete Button = 127
MouseButton1 Button = 128
MouseButton2 Button = 129
MouseButton3 Button = 130
MouseButton4 Button = 131
MouseButton5 Button = 132
MouseButton6 Button = 133
MouseButton7 Button = 134
MouseButton8 Button = 135
MouseButton9 Button = 136
MouseButtonLeft Button = MouseButton1
MouseButtonMiddle Button = MouseButton2
MouseButtonRight Button = MouseButton3
MouseButtonBack Button = MouseButton8
MouseButtonForward Button = MouseButton9
MouseButton1 Button = 128
MouseButton2 Button = 129
MouseButton3 Button = 130
MouseButton4 Button = 131
MouseButton5 Button = 132
MouseButton6 Button = 133
MouseButton7 Button = 134
MouseButton8 Button = 135
MouseButton9 Button = 136
MouseButtonLeft Button = MouseButton1
MouseButtonMiddle Button = MouseButton2
MouseButtonRight Button = MouseButton3
MouseButtonBack Button = MouseButton8
MouseButtonForward Button = MouseButton9
KeyF1 Button = 144
KeyF2 Button = 145
@ -71,8 +67,6 @@ const (
KeyF10 Button = 153
KeyF11 Button = 154
KeyF12 Button = 155
KeyDead Button = 156
// Printable returns whether or not the character could show up on screen. If
@ -82,22 +76,3 @@ func (button Button) Printable () (printable bool) {
printable = unicode.IsPrint(rune(button))
// Modifiers lists what modifier keys are being pressed. This is used in
// conjunction with a button code in a button press event. These should be used
// instead of attempting to track the state of the modifier keys, because there
// is no guarantee that one press event will be coupled with one release event.
type Modifiers struct {
Shift bool
Control bool
Alt bool
Meta bool
Super bool
Hyper bool
// NumberPad does not represent a key, but it behaves like one. If it is
// set to true, the button was pressed on the number pad. It is treated
// as a modifier key because if you don't care whether a key was pressed
// on the number pad or not, you can just ignore this value.
NumberPad bool