
81 lines
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package stone
import "image"
import "errors"
// Backend represents a backend for stone. Backends can be registered for use
// with the RegisterBackend() function. All of the below methods MUST be thread
// safe!
type Backend interface {
// Run is the backend's event loop. It must cleanly exit when the user
// closes the window, but not before calling the OnQuit event. Run
// must call event handlers within its own event loop in a
// non-concurrent fashion.
// The OnStart event handler must run after the backend has been fully
// initialized, and right before updates are first pushed to the screen.
// Whatever the application draws from within this event handler must be
// the first thing that appears on-screen.
// The OnResize evnt handler must run whenever the window is resized.
// The backend must push updates to the screen after OnResize has been
// run.
// The backend must not push updates to the screen in any other case,
// except when its Draw() method is specifically called.
// The OnPress, OnRelease, OnMouseMove, and OnMouseScroll events are to
// be called when such events happen. It is reccommended to compress
// resize, mouse move, and mouse scroll events whenever possible to
// reduce the likelihood of event buildup.
Run ()
// SetTitle sets the application title. This will most often be the
// window title. This method may not always produce an effect, depending
// on the backend.
SetTitle (title string) (err error)
// SetIcon takes in a set of images of different sizes and sets the
// window's icon to them. This method may not always produce an effect,
// depending on the backend.
SetIcon (icons []image.Image) (err error)
// Draw pushes all updates made to the application's buffer to the
// screen.
Draw ()
// BackendFactory should completely initialize a backend, and return it. If
// anything goes wrong, it should stop, clean up any resources and return an
// error so another backend can be chosen.
type BackendFactory func (
application *Application,
callbackManager *CallbackManager,
) (
backend Backend,
err error,
var factories []BackendFactory
// RegisterBackend registers a backend factory.
func RegisterBackend (factory BackendFactory) {
factories = append(factories, factory)
func instantiateBackend (application *Application) (backend Backend, err error) {
// find a suitable backend
for _, factory := range factories {
backend, err = factory(application, &application.callbackManager)
if err == nil && backend != nil { return }
// if none were found, but there was no error produced, produce an
// error
if err == nil {
err = errors.New("no available backends")