added in BuildWrap func to textbuilder.go; implementation is ugly but works

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James Ryland Miller 2015-10-29 21:31:06 -05:00
parent a302a528a8
commit 16d4dfecd0
1 changed files with 78 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package termui
import (
"fmt" // for debugging; REMOVE ME BEFORE PULL REQUEST
@ -182,6 +184,82 @@ func (mtb *MarkdownTxBuilder) parse(str string) {
mtb.plainTx = normTx
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: printing mtb.plainTx during parse func: %+v\n", string(mtb.plainTx)) // TODO delete me
// BuildWrap implements TextBuilder interface and will naively wrap the plain
// text string to length specified by wl while preserving the fg and bg
// attributes
func (mtb MarkdownTxBuilder) BuildWrap(s string, fg, bg Attribute, wl uint) []Cell {
// get the []Cell from plain Build
tmpCell := mtb.Build(s, fg, bg)
// get the plaintext
plain := string(mtb.plainTx)
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: %v\n", plain) // TODO delete me when working
// wrap
plainWrapped := wordwrap.WrapString(plain, wl)
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: wrapped plain string\n %s\n", plainWrapped) // TODO delete me when working
// find differences and insert
finalCell := tmpCell // finalcell will get the inserts and is what is returned
plainRune := []rune(plain)
plainWrappedRune := []rune(plainWrapped)
trigger := "go"
plainRuneNew := plainRune
for trigger != "stop" {
plainRune = plainRuneNew
for i, _ := range plainRune {
if plainRune[i] == plainWrappedRune[i] {
fmt.Println("DEBUG: compy ", plainRune[i], plainWrappedRune[i]) // TODO delete me when working
trigger = "stop"
} else if plainRune[i] != plainWrappedRune[i] && plainWrappedRune[i] == 10 {
trigger = "go"
cell := Cell{10, 0, 0}
// insert a cell into the []Cell in correct position
tmpCell = append(tmpCell, Cell{0, 0, 0})
copy(tmpCell[i+1:], tmpCell[i:])
tmpCell[i] = cell
// insert the newline into plain so we avoid indexing errors
plainRuneNew = append(plainRune, 10)
copy(plainRuneNew[i+1:], plainRuneNew[i:])
plainRuneNew[i] = plainWrappedRune[i]
// restart the inner for loop until plain and plain wrapped are
// the same; yeah, it's inefficient, but the text amounts
// should be small
fmt.Println("Inserted a new line character")
} else if plainRune[i] != plainWrappedRune[i] &&
plainWrappedRune[i-1] == 10 && // if the prior rune is a newline
plainRune[i] == 32 { // and this rune is a space
trigger = "go"
// need to delete plainRune[i] because it gets rid of an extra
// space
plainRuneNew = append(plainRune[:i], plainRune[i+1:]...)
fmt.Println("Deleting extra space")
} else {
trigger = "stop" // stops the outer for loop
fmt.Println("Stopping: ", plainRune[i], plainWrappedRune[i])
finalCell = tmpCell
return finalCell
// Build implements TextBuilder interface.