package termui import ( "image" ) type Canvas struct { CellMap map[image.Point]Cell Block } func NewCanvas() *Canvas { return &Canvas{ Block: *NewBlock(), CellMap: make(map[image.Point]Cell), } } // points given as arguments correspond to dots within a braille character // and therefore have 2x4 times the resolution of a normal cell func (self *Canvas) Line(p0, p1 image.Point, color Color) { leftPoint, rightPoint := p0, p1 if leftPoint.X > rightPoint.X { leftPoint, rightPoint = rightPoint, leftPoint } xDistance := AbsInt(leftPoint.X - rightPoint.X) yDistance := AbsInt(leftPoint.Y - rightPoint.Y) slope := float64(yDistance) / float64(xDistance) slopeDirection := 1 if rightPoint.Y < leftPoint.Y { slopeDirection = -1 } targetYCoordinate := float64(leftPoint.Y) currentYCoordinate := leftPoint.Y for i := leftPoint.X; i < rightPoint.X; i++ { targetYCoordinate += (slope * float64(slopeDirection)) if currentYCoordinate == int(targetYCoordinate) { point := image.Pt(i/2, currentYCoordinate/4) self.CellMap[point] = Cell{ self.CellMap[point].Rune | BRAILLE[currentYCoordinate%4][i%2], NewStyle(color), } } for currentYCoordinate != int(targetYCoordinate) { point := image.Pt(i/2, currentYCoordinate/4) self.CellMap[point] = Cell{ self.CellMap[point].Rune | BRAILLE[currentYCoordinate%4][i%2], NewStyle(color), } currentYCoordinate += slopeDirection } } } func (self *Canvas) Draw(buf *Buffer) { for point, cell := range self.CellMap { if point.In(self.Rectangle) { buf.SetCell(Cell{cell.Rune + BRAILLE_OFFSET, cell.Style}, point) } } }