# termui [demo cast under osx 10.10; Terminal.app; Menlo Regular 12pt.)](./_examples/demo.go) termui is a cross-platform and fully-customizable terminal dashboard and widget library built on top of [termbox-go](https://github.com/nsf/termbox-go). It is inspired by [blessed-contrib](https://github.com/yaronn/blessed-contrib) and [tui-rs](https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs) and written purely in Go. ## Features - Built in widget implementations for common use cases - Utilities to create custom widgets - A grid layout for relative widget positioning - Mouse support - Event handling for keyboard, mouse and resizing events - Colors and styling ## Hello World ```go package main import ( "log" ui "github.com/gizak/termui" "github.com/gizak/termui/widgets" ) func main() { if err := ui.Init(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to initialize termui: %v", err) } defer ui.Close() p := widgets.NewParagraph() p.Text = "Hello World!" p.SetRect(0, 0, 25, 5) ui.Render(p) for e := range ui.PollEvents() { if e.Type == ui.KeyboardEvent { break } } } ``` ## Installation Installing from the master branch is recommended. termui has been completely reworked since the latest release, and the latest release also doesn't support Go modules. ```bash go get -u github.com/gizak/termui@master ``` **Note**: termui is currently undergoing API changes so make sure to check the changelog when upgrading. If you upgrade and notice something is missing or don't like a change, revert the upgrade and open an issue. ## Widgets - [BarChart](./_examples/barchart.go) - [Canvas](./_examples/canvas.go) (for drawing braille dots) - [Gauge](./_examples/gauge.go) - [Image](./_examples/image.go) - [List](./_examples/list.go) - [Paragraph](./_examples/paragraph.go) - [PieChart](./_examples/piechart.go) - [Plot](./_examples/plot.go) (for scatterplots and linecharts) - [Sparkline](./_examples/sparkline.go) - [StackedBarChart](./_examples/stacked_barchart.go) - [Table](./_examples/table.go) - [Tabs](./_examples/tabs.go) Run an example with `go run _examples/{example}.go` or run all of them consecutively with `make run-examples`. ## Documentation - [wiki](https://github.com/gizak/termui/wiki) ## Uses - [go-ethereum/monitorcmd](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/master/cmd/geth/monitorcmd.go) - [go-jira-ui](https://github.com/mikepea/go-jira-ui) - [gotop](https://github.com/cjbassi/gotop) - [termeter](https://github.com/atsaki/termeter) ## Related Works - [blessed-contrib](https://github.com/yaronn/blessed-contrib) - [gocui](https://github.com/jroimartin/gocui) - [tui-rs](https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs) ## License [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)