// Copyright 2017 Zack Guo . All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can // be found in the LICENSE file. // +build ignore package main import ui "github.com/gizak/termui" func main() { err := ui.Init() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer ui.Close() p0 := ui.NewParagraph("Borderless Text") p0.Height = 1 p0.Width = 20 p0.Y = 1 p0.Border = false p1 := ui.NewParagraph("你好,世界。") p1.Height = 3 p1.Width = 17 p1.X = 20 p1.BorderLabel = "标签" p2 := ui.NewParagraph("Simple colored text\nwith label. It [can be](fg-red) multilined with \\n or [break automatically](fg-red,fg-bold)") p2.Height = 5 p2.Width = 37 p2.Y = 4 p2.BorderLabel = "Multiline" p2.BorderFg = ui.ColorYellow p3 := ui.NewParagraph("Long text with label and it is auto trimmed.") p3.Height = 3 p3.Width = 37 p3.Y = 9 p3.BorderLabel = "Auto Trim" ui.Render(p0, p1, p2, p3) for { e := <-ui.PollEvent() switch e.ID { case "q", "": return } } }