gizak b0a574c387 Fix https://github.com/gizak/termui/issues/18
Add Block.chopOverflow and apply it to all widgets
2015-04-09 16:40:49 -04:00

84 lines
1.6 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Zack Guo <gizak@icloud.com>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
package termui
import "strconv"
// Gauge is a progress bar like widget.
// A simple example:
g := termui.NewGauge()
g.Percent = 40
g.Width = 50
g.Height = 3
g.Border.Label = "Slim Gauge"
g.BarColor = termui.ColorRed
g.PercentColor = termui.ColorBlue
type Gauge struct {
Percent int
BarColor Attribute
PercentColor Attribute
// NewGauge return a new gauge with current theme.
func NewGauge() *Gauge {
g := &Gauge{
Block: *NewBlock(),
PercentColor: theme.GaugePercent,
BarColor: theme.GaugeBar}
g.Width = 12
g.Height = 5
return g
// Buffer implements Bufferer interface.
func (g *Gauge) Buffer() []Point {
ps := g.Block.Buffer()
w := g.Percent * g.innerWidth / 100
s := strconv.Itoa(g.Percent) + "%"
rs := str2runes(s)
prx := g.innerX + g.innerWidth/2 - 1
pry := g.innerY + g.innerHeight/2
// plot bar
for i := 0; i < g.innerHeight; i++ {
for j := 0; j < w; j++ {
p := Point{}
p.X = g.innerX + j
p.Y = g.innerY + i
p.Ch = ' '
p.Bg = g.BarColor
if p.Bg == ColorDefault {
p.Bg |= AttrReverse
ps = append(ps, p)
// plot percentage
for i, v := range rs {
p := Point{}
p.X = prx + i
p.Y = pry
p.Ch = v
p.Fg = g.PercentColor
if w > g.innerWidth/2-1+i {
p.Bg = g.BarColor
if p.Bg == ColorDefault {
p.Bg |= AttrReverse
} else {
p.Bg = g.Block.BgColor
ps = append(ps, p)
return g.Block.chopOverflow(ps)