gizak 08a5d3f67b Fix https://github.com/gizak/termui/issues/75
Negative numbers are suppressed as zeros. The height of each data point
is based off zero, so it will be confusing when it comes to negative
numbers. Simply treat negative values data points as zeroes.
2016-01-27 14:12:43 -05:00

168 lines
3.7 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Zack Guo <gizak@icloud.com>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
package termui
// Sparkline is like: ▅▆▂▂▅▇▂▂▃▆▆▆▅▃. The data points should be non-negative integers.
data := []int{4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 9, 1, 4, 2, 15, 14, 9, 8, 6, 10, 13, 15, 12, 10, 5, 3, 6, 1}
spl := termui.NewSparkline()
spl.Data = data
spl.Title = "Sparkline 0"
spl.LineColor = termui.ColorGreen
type Sparkline struct {
Data []int
Height int
Title string
TitleColor Attribute
LineColor Attribute
displayHeight int
scale float32
max int
// Sparklines is a renderable widget which groups together the given sparklines.
spls := termui.NewSparklines(spl0,spl1,spl2) //...
spls.Height = 2
spls.Width = 20
type Sparklines struct {
Lines []Sparkline
displayLines int
displayWidth int
var sparks = []rune{'▁', '▂', '▃', '▄', '▅', '▆', '▇', '█'}
// Add appends a given Sparkline to s *Sparklines.
func (s *Sparklines) Add(sl Sparkline) {
s.Lines = append(s.Lines, sl)
// NewSparkline returns a unrenderable single sparkline that intended to be added into Sparklines.
func NewSparkline() Sparkline {
return Sparkline{
Height: 1,
TitleColor: ThemeAttr("sparkline.title.fg"),
LineColor: ThemeAttr("sparkline.line.fg")}
// NewSparklines return a new *Spaklines with given Sparkline(s), you can always add a new Sparkline later.
func NewSparklines(ss ...Sparkline) *Sparklines {
s := &Sparklines{Block: *NewBlock(), Lines: ss}
return s
func (sl *Sparklines) update() {
for i, v := range sl.Lines {
if v.Title == "" {
sl.Lines[i].displayHeight = v.Height
} else {
sl.Lines[i].displayHeight = v.Height + 1
sl.displayWidth = sl.innerArea.Dx()
// get how many lines gotta display
h := 0
sl.displayLines = 0
for _, v := range sl.Lines {
if h+v.displayHeight <= sl.innerArea.Dy() {
} else {
h += v.displayHeight
for i := 0; i < sl.displayLines; i++ {
data := sl.Lines[i].Data
max := 0
for _, v := range data {
if max < v {
max = v
sl.Lines[i].max = max
if max != 0 {
sl.Lines[i].scale = float32(8*sl.Lines[i].Height) / float32(max)
} else { // when all negative
sl.Lines[i].scale = 0
// Buffer implements Bufferer interface.
func (sl *Sparklines) Buffer() Buffer {
buf := sl.Block.Buffer()
oftY := 0
for i := 0; i < sl.displayLines; i++ {
l := sl.Lines[i]
data := l.Data
if len(data) > sl.innerArea.Dx() {
data = data[len(data)-sl.innerArea.Dx():]
if l.Title != "" {
rs := trimStr2Runes(l.Title, sl.innerArea.Dx())
oftX := 0
for _, v := range rs {
w := charWidth(v)
c := Cell{
Ch: v,
Fg: l.TitleColor,
Bg: sl.Bg,
x := sl.innerArea.Min.X + oftX
y := sl.innerArea.Min.Y + oftY
buf.Set(x, y, c)
oftX += w
for j, v := range data {
// display height of the data point, zero when data is negative
h := int(float32(v)*l.scale + 0.5)
if v < 0 {
h = 0
barCnt := h / 8
barMod := h % 8
for jj := 0; jj < barCnt; jj++ {
c := Cell{
Ch: ' ', // => sparks[7]
Bg: l.LineColor,
x := sl.innerArea.Min.X + j
y := sl.innerArea.Min.Y + oftY + l.Height - jj
//p.Bg = sl.BgColor
buf.Set(x, y, c)
if barMod != 0 {
c := Cell{
Ch: sparks[barMod-1],
Fg: l.LineColor,
Bg: sl.Bg,
x := sl.innerArea.Min.X + j
y := sl.innerArea.Min.Y + oftY + l.Height - barCnt
buf.Set(x, y, c)
oftY += l.displayHeight
return buf