2015-04-10 16:57:42 +02:00

269 lines
8.5 KiB

package termui
import (
func TestTextRender_TestInterface(t *testing.T) {
var inter *TextRender
assert.Implements(t, inter, new(MarkdownTextRenderer))
assert.Implements(t, inter, new(NoopRenderer))
func TestTextRendererFactory_TestInterface(t *testing.T) {
var inter *TextRendererFactory
assert.Implements(t, inter, new(MarkdownTextRendererFactory))
assert.Implements(t, inter, new(NoopRendererFactory))
func TestMarkdownTextRenderer_normalizeText(t *testing.T) {
renderer := MarkdownTextRenderer{}
got := renderer.normalizeText("[ERROR](red,bold) Something went wrong")
assert.Equal(t, got, "ERROR Something went wrong")
got = renderer.normalizeText("[foo](red) hello [bar](green) world")
assert.Equal(t, got, "foo hello bar world")
got = renderer.normalizeText("[foo](g) hello [bar]green (world)")
assert.Equal(t, got, "foo hello [bar]green (world)")
got = "笀耔 [澉 灊灅甗](RED) 郔镺 笀耔 澉 [灊灅甗](yellow) 郔镺"
expected := "笀耔 澉 灊灅甗 郔镺 笀耔 澉 灊灅甗 郔镺"
assert.Equal(t, renderer.normalizeText(got), expected)
got = renderer.normalizeText("[(foo)](red,white) bar")
assert.Equal(t, renderer.normalizeText(got), "(foo) bar")
got = renderer.normalizeText("[[foo]](red,white) bar")
assert.Equal(t, renderer.normalizeText(got), "[foo] bar")
func TestMarkdownTextRenderer_NormalizedText(t *testing.T) {
renderer := MarkdownTextRenderer{"[ERROR](red,bold) Something went wrong"}
assert.Equal(t, renderer.NormalizedText(), "ERROR Something went wrong")
func assertRenderSequence(t *testing.T, sequence RenderedSequence, last, background Attribute, text string, lenSequences int) bool {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("seq: %v", spew.Sdump(sequence))
assert.Equal(t, last, sequence.LastColor, msg)
assert.Equal(t, background, sequence.BackgroundColor, msg)
assert.Equal(t, text, sequence.NormalizedText, msg)
return assert.Equal(t, lenSequences, len(sequence.Sequences), msg)
func assertColorSubsequence(t *testing.T, s ColorSubsequence, color string, start, end int) {
assert.Equal(t, ColorSubsequence{StringToAttribute(color), start, end}, s)
func TestMarkdownTextRenderer_RenderSequence(t *testing.T) {
// Simple test.
renderer := MarkdownTextRenderer{"[ERROR](red,bold) something went wrong"}
got := renderer.RenderSequence(0, -1, 3, 5)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 3, 5, "ERROR something went wrong", 1) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED,BOLD", 0, 5)
got = renderer.RenderSequence(3, 8, 3, 5)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 3, 5, "OR so", 1) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED,BOLD", 0, 2)
// Test for mutiple colors.
renderer = MarkdownTextRenderer{"[foo](red) hello [bar](blue) world"}
got = renderer.RenderSequence(0, -1, 7, 2)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 7, 2, "foo hello bar world", 2) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED", 0, 3)
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[1], "BLUE", 10, 13)
// Test that out-of-bound color sequences are not added.
got = renderer.RenderSequence(4, 6, 8, 1)
assertRenderSequence(t, got, 8, 1, "he", 0)
// Test Half-rendered text
got = renderer.RenderSequence(1, 12, 0, 0)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 0, 0, "oo hello ba", 2) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED", 0, 2)
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[1], "BLUE", 9, 11)
// Test Half-rendered text (edges)
got = renderer.RenderSequence(2, 11, 0, 0)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 0, 0, "o hello b", 2) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED", 0, 1)
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[1], "BLUE", 8, 9)
// TODO: test barkets
// Test with unicodes
text := "笀耔 [澉 灊灅甗](RED) 郔镺 笀耔 澉 [灊灅甗](yellow) 郔镺"
normalized := "笀耔 澉 灊灅甗 郔镺 笀耔 澉 灊灅甗 郔镺"
renderer = MarkdownTextRenderer{text}
got = renderer.RenderSequence(0, -1, 4, 7)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 4, 7, normalized, 2) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED", 3, 8)
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[1], "YELLOW", 17, 20)
got = renderer.RenderSequence(6, 7, 0, 0)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 0, 0, "灅", 1) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED", 0, 1)
got = renderer.RenderSequence(7, 19, 0, 0)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 0, 0, "甗 郔镺 笀耔 澉 灊灅", 2) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED", 0, 1)
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[1], "YELLOW", 10, 12)
// Test inside
renderer = MarkdownTextRenderer{"foo [foobar](red) bar"}
got = renderer.RenderSequence(4, 10, 0, 0)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 0, 0, "foobar", 1) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED", 0, 6)
func TestMarkdownTextRenderer_Render(t *testing.T) {
renderer := MarkdownTextRenderer{"[foo](red,bold) [bar](blue)"}
got := renderer.Render(6, 8)
if assertRenderSequence(t, got, 6, 8, "foo bar", 2) {
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[0], "RED,BOLD", 0, 3)
assertColorSubsequence(t, got.Sequences[1], "blue", 4, 7)
func TestMarkdownTextRendererFactory(t *testing.T) {
factory := MarkdownTextRendererFactory{}
expected := MarkdownTextRenderer{"Hello world"}
assert.Equal(t, factory.TextRenderer("Hello world"), expected)
func TestColorSubsequencesToMap(t *testing.T) {
colorSubsequences := []ColorSubsequence{
{ColorRed, 1, 4},
{ColorBlue | AttrBold, 9, 10},
expected := make(map[int]Attribute)
expected[1] = ColorRed
expected[2] = ColorRed
expected[3] = ColorRed
expected[9] = ColorBlue | AttrBold
assert.Equal(t, expected, ColorSubsequencesToMap(colorSubsequences))
func getTestRenderedSequence() RenderedSequence {
cs := []ColorSubsequence{
{ColorRed, 3, 5},
{ColorBlue | AttrBold, 9, 10},
return RenderedSequence{"Hello world", ColorWhite, ColorBlack, cs, nil}
func newTestPoint(char rune, x, y int, colorA ...Attribute) Point {
var color Attribute
if colorA != nil && len(colorA) == 1 {
color = colorA[0]
} else {
color = ColorWhite
return Point{char, ColorBlack, color, x, y}
func TestRenderedSequence_Buffer(t *testing.T) {
sequence := getTestRenderedSequence()
expected := []Point{
newTestPoint('H', 5, 7),
newTestPoint('e', 6, 7),
newTestPoint('l', 7, 7),
newTestPoint('l', 7, 7, ColorRed),
newTestPoint('o', 8, 7, ColorRed),
newTestPoint(' ', 9, 7),
newTestPoint('w', 10, 7),
newTestPoint('o', 11, 7),
newTestPoint('r', 12, 7),
newTestPoint('l', 13, 7, ColorBlue|AttrBold),
newTestPoint('d', 14, 7),
buffer, lastColor := sequence.Buffer(5, 7)
assert.Equal(t, expected[:3], buffer[:3])
assert.Equal(t, ColorWhite, lastColor)
func AssertPoint(t *testing.T, got Point, char rune, x, y int, colorA ...Attribute) {
expected := newTestPoint(char, x, y, colorA...)
assert.Equal(t, expected, got)
func TestRenderedSequence_PointAt(t *testing.T) {
sequence := getTestRenderedSequence()
pointAt := func(n, x, y int) Point {
p, w := sequence.PointAt(n, x, y)
assert.Equal(t, w, 1)
return p
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(0, 3, 4), 'H', 3, 4)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(1, 2, 1), 'e', 2, 1)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(2, 6, 3), 'l', 6, 3)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(3, 8, 8), 'l', 8, 8, ColorRed)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(4, 1, 4), 'o', 1, 4, ColorRed)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(5, 3, 6), ' ', 3, 6)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(6, 4, 3), 'w', 4, 3)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(7, 5, 2), 'o', 5, 2)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(8, 0, 5), 'r', 0, 5)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(9, 9, 0), 'l', 9, 0, ColorBlue|AttrBold)
AssertPoint(t, pointAt(10, 7, 1), 'd', 7, 1)
func getTestNoopRenderer() NoopRenderer {
return NoopRenderer{"[Hello](red) \x1b[31mworld"}
func TestNoopRenderer_NormalizedText(t *testing.T) {
r := getTestNoopRenderer()
assert.Equal(t, "[Hello](red) \x1b[31mworld", r.NormalizedText())
assert.Equal(t, "[Hello](red) \x1b[31mworld", r.Text)
func TestNoopRenderer_Render(t *testing.T) {
renderer := getTestNoopRenderer()
got := renderer.Render(5, 7)
assertRenderSequence(t, got, 5, 7, "[Hello](red) \x1b[31mworld", 0)
func TestNoopRenderer_RenderSequence(t *testing.T) {
renderer := getTestNoopRenderer()
got := renderer.RenderSequence(3, 5, 9, 1)
assertRenderSequence(t, got, 9, 1, "ll", 0)
func TestNoopRendererFactory(t *testing.T) {
factory := NoopRendererFactory{}
expected := NoopRenderer{"Hello world"}
assert.Equal(t, factory.TextRenderer("Hello world"), expected)
func TestPosUnicode(t *testing.T) {
// Every characters takes 3 bytes
text := "你好世界"
require.Equal(t, "你好", text[:6])
assert.Equal(t, 2, posUnicode(text, 6))