2015-03-20 16:21:50 -04:00

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// Copyright 2015 Zack Guo <gizak@icloud.com>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
package termui
import "fmt"
type BarChart struct {
BarColor Attribute
TextColor Attribute
NumColor Attribute
Data []int
DataLabels []string
BarWidth int
BarGap int
labels [][]rune
dataNum [][]rune
numBar int
scale float64
max int
func NewBarChart() *BarChart {
bc := &BarChart{Block: *NewBlock()}
bc.BarColor = theme.BarChartBar
bc.NumColor = theme.BarChartNum
bc.TextColor = theme.BarChartText
bc.BarGap = 1
bc.BarWidth = 3
return bc
func (bc *BarChart) layout() {
bc.numBar = bc.innerWidth / (bc.BarGap + bc.BarWidth)
bc.labels = make([][]rune, bc.numBar)
bc.dataNum = make([][]rune, len(bc.Data))
for i := 0; i < bc.numBar && i < len(bc.DataLabels) && i < len(bc.Data); i++ {
bc.labels[i] = trimStr2Runes(bc.DataLabels[i], bc.BarWidth)
n := bc.Data[i]
s := fmt.Sprint(n)
bc.dataNum[i] = trimStr2Runes(s, bc.BarWidth)
bc.max = bc.Data[0] // what if Data is nil?
for i := 0; i < len(bc.Data); i++ {
if bc.max < bc.Data[i] {
bc.max = bc.Data[i]
bc.scale = float64(bc.max) / float64(bc.innerHeight-1)
func (bc *BarChart) Buffer() []Point {
ps := bc.Block.Buffer()
for i := 0; i < bc.numBar && i < len(bc.Data) && i < len(bc.DataLabels); i++ {
h := int(float64(bc.Data[i]) / bc.scale)
oftX := i * (bc.BarWidth + bc.BarGap)
// plot bar
for j := 0; j < bc.BarWidth; j++ {
for k := 0; k < h; k++ {
p := Point{}
p.Ch = ' '
p.Bg = bc.BarColor
if bc.BarColor == ColorDefault { // when color is default, space char treated as transparent!
p.Bg |= AttrReverse
p.X = bc.innerX + i*(bc.BarWidth+bc.BarGap) + j
p.Y = bc.innerY + bc.innerHeight - 2 - k
ps = append(ps, p)
// plot text
for j := 0; j < len(bc.labels[i]); j++ {
p := Point{}
p.Ch = bc.labels[i][j]
p.Bg = bc.BgColor
p.Fg = bc.TextColor
p.Y = bc.innerY + bc.innerHeight - 1
p.X = bc.innerX + oftX + j
ps = append(ps, p)
// plot num
for j := 0; j < len(bc.dataNum[i]); j++ {
p := Point{}
p.Ch = bc.dataNum[i][j]
p.Fg = bc.NumColor
p.Bg = bc.BarColor
if bc.BarColor == ColorDefault { // the same as above
p.Bg |= AttrReverse
if h == 0 {
p.Bg = bc.BgColor
p.X = bc.innerX + oftX + (bc.BarWidth-len(bc.dataNum[i]))/2 + j
p.Y = bc.innerY + bc.innerHeight - 2
ps = append(ps, p)
return ps