85 lines
2.2 KiB
85 lines
2.2 KiB
package ggfx
import "sort"
import "image"
func (this Image[T]) FillPolygon (fill []T, points ...image.Point) {
if len(points) < 2 { return }
// figure out the bounds of the polygon so we don't test empty space
var area image.Rectangle
area.Min = points[0]
area.Max = points[0]
for _, point := range points[1:] {
if point.X < area.Min.X { area.Min.X = point.X }
if point.Y < area.Min.Y { area.Min.Y = point.Y }
if point.X < area.Max.X { area.Max.X = point.X }
if point.Y < area.Max.Y { area.Max.Y = point.Y }
area = this.Bounds.Intersect(area)
// this algorithm is adapted from:
// https://www.alienryderflex.com/polygon_fill/
// (if you write C like that i will disassemble you)
boundaries := make([]int, len(points))
for y := area.Min.Y; y < area.Max.Y; y ++ {
// build boundary list
boundaryCount := 0
prevPoint := points[len(points) - 1]
for _, point := range points {
addboundary :=
point.Y < y && prevPoint.Y >= y ||
prevPoint.Y < y && point.Y >= y
if addboundary {
boundaries[boundaryCount] =
point.X +
(y - point.Y) /
(prevPoint.Y - point.Y) *
(prevPoint.X - point.X)
boundaryCount ++
prevPoint = point
// sort boundary list
boundaries = boundaries[:boundaryCount]
// fill pixels between boundary pairs
min := area.Min.X
max := area.Max.X
for index := 0; index < len(boundaries); index ++ {
left := boundaries[index]
right := boundaries[index + 1]
// stop if we have exited the polygon
if left >= max { break }
// begin filling if we are within the polygon
if right > min {
// constrain boundaries to image size
if left < min { left = min }
if right > max { right = max }
// fill for each pixel part
for offset, part := range fill {
for x := left; x < right; x ++ {
index :=
y * this.Stride + x *
this.Width + offset
this.Pix[index] = part
func (this Image[T]) StrokePolygon (stroke []T, weight int, points ...image.Point) {
prevPoint := points[len(points) - 1]
for _, point := range points {
this.Line(stroke, weight, prevPoint, point)
prevPoint = point