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package textdraw
import "image"
import ""
import ""
// TypeSetter manages several lines of text, and can perform layout operations
// on them. It automatically avoids performing redundant work. It has no
// constructor and its zero value can be used safely.
type TypeSetter struct {
lines []LineLayout
text []rune
layoutClean bool
alignClean bool
align Align
face font.Face
maxWidth int
maxHeight int
layoutBounds image.Rectangle
layoutBoundsSpace image.Rectangle
func (setter *TypeSetter) needLayout () {
if setter.layoutClean { return }
setter.layoutClean = true
setter.alignClean = false
// we need to have a font and some text to do anything
setter.lines = nil
setter.layoutBounds = image.Rectangle { }
setter.layoutBoundsSpace = image.Rectangle { }
if len(setter.text) == 0 { return }
if setter.face == nil { return }
horizontalExtent := fixed.Int26_6(0)
horizontalExtentSpace := fixed.Int26_6(0)
2023-02-15 18:16:49 -07:00
metrics := setter.face.Metrics()
remaining := setter.text
y := fixed.Int26_6(0)
2023-03-11 16:27:16 -07:00
for len(remaining) > 0 {
// process one line
line, remainingFromLine := DoLine (
remaining, setter.face, fixed.I(setter.maxWidth))
remaining = remainingFromLine
// add the line
line.Y = y
y += metrics.Height
if line.Width > horizontalExtent {
horizontalExtent = line.Width
lineWidthSpace := line.Width + line.SpaceAfter
if lineWidthSpace > horizontalExtentSpace {
horizontalExtentSpace = lineWidthSpace
setter.lines = append(setter.lines, line)
// set all line widths to horizontalExtent if we don't have a specified
// maximum width
if setter.maxWidth == 0 {
for index := range setter.lines {
setter.lines[index].Width = horizontalExtent
setter.layoutBounds.Max.X = horizontalExtent.Round()
setter.layoutBoundsSpace.Max.X = horizontalExtentSpace.Round()
} else {
setter.layoutBounds.Max.X = setter.maxWidth
setter.layoutBoundsSpace.Max.X = setter.maxWidth
2023-02-15 18:16:49 -07:00
y -= metrics.Height
if setter.maxHeight == 0 {
setter.layoutBounds.Min.Y = -metrics.Ascent.Round()
setter.layoutBounds.Max.Y =
y.Round() +
} else {
setter.layoutBounds.Min.Y = -metrics.Ascent.Round()
setter.layoutBounds.Max.Y =
setter.maxHeight -
setter.layoutBoundsSpace.Min.Y = setter.layoutBounds.Min.Y
setter.layoutBoundsSpace.Max.Y = setter.layoutBounds.Max.Y
func (setter *TypeSetter) needAlignedLayout () {
if setter.alignClean && setter.layoutClean { return }
setter.alignClean = true
for index := range setter.lines {
// SetAlign sets the alignment method of the typesetter.
func (setter *TypeSetter) SetAlign (align Align) {
if setter.align == align { return }
setter.alignClean = false
setter.align = align
// SetText sets the text content of the typesetter.
func (setter *TypeSetter) SetText (text []rune) {
setter.layoutClean = false
setter.alignClean = false
setter.text = text
// SetFace sets the font face of the typesetter.
func (setter *TypeSetter) SetFace (face font.Face) {
if setter.face == face { return }
setter.layoutClean = false
setter.alignClean = false
setter.face = face
// SetMaxWidth sets the maximum width of the typesetter. If the maximum width
// is greater than zero, the text will wrap to that width. If the maximum width
// is zero, the text will not wrap and instead extend as far as it needs to.
func (setter *TypeSetter) SetMaxWidth (width int) {
if setter.maxWidth == width { return }
setter.layoutClean = false
setter.alignClean = false
setter.maxWidth = width
// SetMaxHeight sets the maximum height of the typesetter. If the maximum height
// is greater than zero, no lines will be laid out past that point. If the
// maximum height is zero, the text's maximum height will not be constrained.
func (setter *TypeSetter) SetMaxHeight (heignt int) {
if setter.maxHeight == heignt { return }
setter.layoutClean = false
setter.alignClean = false
setter.maxHeight = heignt
// Em returns the width of one emspace according to the typesetter's font, which
// is the width of the capital letter 'M'.
func (setter *TypeSetter) Em () (width fixed.Int26_6) {
if setter.face == nil { return 0 }
width, _ = setter.face.GlyphAdvance('M')
// LineHeight returns the height of one line according to the typesetter's font.
func (setter *TypeSetter) LineHeight () fixed.Int26_6 {
if setter.face == nil { return 0 }
return setter.face.Metrics().Height
// MaxWidth returns the maximum width of the typesetter as set by SetMaxWidth.
func (setter *TypeSetter) MaxWidth () int {
return setter.maxWidth
// MaxHeight returns the maximum height of the typesetter as set by
// SetMaxHeight.
func (setter *TypeSetter) MaxHeight () int {
return setter.maxHeight
// Face returns the TypeSetter's font face as set by SetFace.
func (setter *TypeSetter) Face () font.Face {
return setter.face
2023-02-15 16:45:58 -07:00
// Length returns the amount of runes in the typesetter.
func (setter *TypeSetter) Length () int {
return len(setter.text)
// RuneIterator is a function that can iterate accross a typesetter's runes.
type RuneIterator func (
index int,
char rune,
position fixed.Point26_6,
) (
keepGoing bool,
// For calls the specified iterator for every rune in the typesetter. If the
// iterator returns false, the loop will immediately stop.
func (setter *TypeSetter) For (iterator RuneIterator) {
index := 0
2023-02-16 12:43:36 -07:00
lastLineY := fixed.Int26_6(0)
lastCharRightBound := fixed.Int26_6(0)
for _, line := range setter.lines {
2023-02-16 12:43:36 -07:00
lastLineY = line.Y
for _, word := range line.Words {
for _, char := range word.Runes {
2023-02-16 12:39:51 -07:00
lastCharRightBound = word.X + char.X + char.Width
keepGoing := iterator (index, char.Rune, fixed.Point26_6 {
X: word.X + char.X,
Y: line.Y,
if !keepGoing { return }
index ++
2023-02-16 12:39:51 -07:00
if line.BreakAfter {
keepGoing := iterator (index, '\n', fixed.Point26_6 {
X: lastCharRightBound,
Y: line.Y,
if !keepGoing { return }
index ++
2023-02-16 12:43:36 -07:00
keepGoing := iterator (index, '\000', fixed.Point26_6 {
X: lastCharRightBound,
Y: lastLineY,
if !keepGoing { return }
index ++
// AtPosition returns the index of the rune at the specified position.
func (setter *TypeSetter) AtPosition (position fixed.Point26_6) (index int) {
if setter.lines == nil { return }
if setter.face == nil { return }
// find the first line who's bottom bound is greater than position.Y. if
// we haven't found it, then dont set the line variable (defaults to the
// last line)
2023-02-16 10:35:31 -07:00
metrics := setter.face.Metrics()
line := setter.lines[len(setter.lines) - 1]
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lineSize := 0
for _, curLine := range setter.lines {
for _, curWord := range curLine.Words {
2023-02-16 10:35:31 -07:00
lineSize += len(curWord.Runes)
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if curLine.BreakAfter { lineSize ++ }
index += lineSize
if curLine.Y + metrics.Descent > position.Y {
line = curLine
2023-02-16 10:35:31 -07:00
index -= lineSize
if line.Words == nil { return }
// find the first rune who's right bound is greater than position.X.
for _, curWord := range line.Words {
for _, curChar := range curWord.Runes {
2023-02-16 10:35:31 -07:00
x := curWord.X + curChar.X + curChar.Width
if x > position.X { goto foundRune }
index ++
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// PositionAt returns the position of the rune at the specified index.
func (setter *TypeSetter) PositionAt (index int) (position fixed.Point26_6) {
setter.For (func (i int, r rune, p fixed.Point26_6) bool {
position = p
return i < index
// LayoutBounds returns the semantic bounding box of the text. The origin point
// (0, 0) of the rectangle corresponds to the origin of the first line's
// baseline.
func (setter *TypeSetter) LayoutBounds () (image.Rectangle) {
return setter.layoutBounds
// LayoutBoundsSpace is like LayoutBounds, but it also takes into account the
// trailing whitespace at the end of each line (if it exists).
func (setter *TypeSetter) LayoutBoundsSpace () (image.Rectangle) {
return setter.layoutBoundsSpace
// ReccomendedHeightFor returns the reccomended max height if the text were to
// have its maximum width set to the given width. This does not alter the
// typesetter's state.
func (setter *TypeSetter) ReccomendedHeightFor (width int) (height int) {
if setter.lines == nil { return }
if setter.face == nil { return }
2023-02-15 23:55:00 -07:00
metrics := setter.face.Metrics()
dot := fixed.Point26_6 { 0, metrics.Height }
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firstWord := true
for _, line := range setter.lines {
for _, word := range line.Words {
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if word.Width + dot.X > fixed.I(width) && !firstWord {
dot.Y += metrics.Height
dot.X = 0
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firstWord = true
dot.X += word.Width + word.SpaceAfter
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firstWord = false
if line.BreakAfter {
dot.Y += metrics.Height
dot.X = 0
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firstWord = true
return dot.Y.Round()