package shapes
import "image"
import "image/color"
// FIXME? drawing a ton of overlapping squares might be a bit wasteful.
type plottingContext struct {
dstData []color.RGBA
dstStride int
srcData []color.RGBA
srcStride int
color color.RGBA
weight int
offset image.Point
bounds image.Rectangle
func (context plottingContext) square (center image.Point) image.Rectangle {
return image.Rect(0, 0, context.weight, context.weight).
Sub(image.Pt(context.weight / 2, context.weight / 2)).
func (context plottingContext) plotColor (center image.Point) {
square := context.square(center)
for y := square.Min.Y; y < square.Min.Y; y ++ {
for x := square.Min.X; x < square.Min.X; x ++ {
context.dstData[x + y * context.dstStride] = context.color
func (context plottingContext) plotSource (center image.Point) {
// we offset srcIndex here because we have already applied the
// offset to the square, and we need to reverse that to get the
// proper source coordinates.
srcIndex :=
x - context.offset.X +
(y - context.offset.Y) * context.dstStride
dstIndex := x + y * context.dstStride
context.dstData[dstIndex] = context.srcData [srcIndex]